Review and Assessment Sample Clauses
Review and Assessment. Review previous survey results and conduct an inspection of the facilities in order to collect the required number of samples of suspect material. Determine the extent, condition, and approximate quantities of lead and asbestos containing materials.
Review and Assessment. The Program and possible changes and / or variations of this Agreement will be assessed annually.
Review and Assessment. 1. Following the receipt of each progress report submitted to them by the Air Quality Committee in accordance with Article VIII and the views presented to the International Joint Commission on that report in accordance with Article IX, the Parties shall consult on the contents of the progress report, including any recommendations therein.
2. The Parties shall conduct a comprehensive review and assessment of this Agreement, and its implementation, during the fifth year after its entry into force and every five years thereafter, unless otherwise agreed.
3. Following the consultations referred to in paragraph 1, as well as the review and assessment referred to in paragraph 2, the Parties shall consider such action as may be appropriate, including: o the modification of this Agreement; o the modification of existing policies, programs or measures.
Review and Assessment. The City and TransLink will work jointly and cooperatively to review and assess over time the structure of the Monitoring Committee and the overall monitoring process set out in this SPA. Any changes to be made to the Monitoring Committee or the overall monitoring process herein stated must have the agreement of both the representatives of TransLink and the City on the Monitoring Committee. For clarity, the opportunity for review set out in the preceding paragraph is based on the recognition of expected changes over time related to data availability, organizational structures, project planning and implementation, and other factors not necessarily known to the Parties at the outset of this SPA. In addition, it may be appropriate to reduce over time the frequency of the meetings of the Monitoring Committee or delivery of Performance Reports.
Review and Assessment. By June 27, 2014, the District will complete a review and assessment of access to and enrollment in its AP, Honors, Running Start, and SNHU Dual Credit courses (collectively identified hereinafter as “higher level learning opportunities”) as part of its ongoing efforts to provide all students with equal access to and equal opportunity to participate in the District’s higher level learning opportunities. This review will carefully assess the underrepresentation of black, Hispanic and ELL students (collectively identified hereinafter as “underrepresented groups”) in higher level learning opportunities. The information gathered in this review will be used to identify the root cause(s) of the disparity in enrollment of underrepresented groups in higher level learning opportunities. Information gathered in the review will form the basis for a plan described in Item 3 below, to implement strategies described in Item 2 below, that will increase student participation in its higher level learning opportunities with a particular focus on students from the underrepresented groups. The District may form a committee or hire a consultant or engage another assessor(s) to conduct the review and assessment and make recommendations. The District will provide any committee, consultant, or other assessor(s) with all information identified by the assessor(s) as necessary to engage in the review and assessment. The District will additionally ensure that the committee or consultant or other assessor(s) have expertise in addressing the underrepresentation of students from the underrepresented groups in higher level learning opportunities. At a minimum, the District and/or the committee or consultant or other assessor(s) will: review the District’s enrollment data relating to higher level learning opportunities at the high school beginning in 2008-2009, to the present, including trend data, specifically considering: rates of participation among students in underrepresented groups in higher level learning opportunities, by race, national origin, and ELL status, compared to their representation in the student body as a whole; and the relationship, if any, between elementary and middle school performance and enrollment in higher level learning opportunities in high school, including the correlation, if any, between the levels assigned to students upon entrance to high school and their prior academic preparation and performance . review and assess the efficacy of publicity and outreac...
Review and Assessment. 4.1 The ITO shall have final review and assessment of all plans. If the ITO cannot approve a plan after regional coordination, then the ITO will return the plan to LG&E/KU for further development as appropriate. The process for final approval
4.2 The ITO will post LG&E/KU’s finalized Annual Plan on OASIS.
Review and Assessment a. By January 15, 2017, the District, in consultation with the NEP and the Equity Consultant, will complete a review and assessment (“Review and Assessment”) of its advanced coursework and programming options, including current referral and eligibility criteria for these programs. The District may use existing systems, initiatives, and analyses to satisfy the requirements of this section. At a minimum, the Review and Assessment will:
i. review the District’s enrollment data in its advanced coursework and programming options, to determine the extent to which African-American and Hispanic students continue to be identified and selected at lower rates compared to their representation in the enrollment of their respective schools;
ii. review the District’s enrollment data in its advanced coursework and programming options, including trend data, specifically considering the relationship between foundation course1 enrollments and advanced coursework and programming options;
iii. review whether foundational courses, including but not limited to Algebra I, are consistent across schools;
iv. review the District’s enrollment data and recruitment practices for the Advancement via Individual Determination Program (AVID), including trend data, specifically considering the relationship between participation in AVID and enrollment in advanced coursework and programming options at the high school level, including honors and AP courses;
v. review consistency among schools in documenting advanced coursework and programming referrals, selection, and interventions, including through data systems such as OASYS as well as digitized “jot forms” and other selection tools provided to teachers;
vi. review the efficacy of data collection systems, such as OASYS, in addressing racial disparities in advanced coursework and programming selection, referrals, and participation;
vii. review student participation in Teens of Promise (TOPS), and the effect that out- of-school programming, including career exploration, mentoring, and internships, has on participation and success in advanced coursework and programming options at the middle-and high-school levels;
viii. review and assess referral, eligibility and selection criteria for enrollment in the District’s advanced coursework and programming options; 1 For the purposes of this Agreement, foundation courses shall include, but not be limited to, any elective class at the middle or high school that assists students in succeeding in courses...
Review and Assessment. Professional firms will be evaluated on the following criteria. These criteria will be the basis for review and assessment of the written proposals and optional interview session. At the discretion of the City, interviews of the top rated firms may be conducted. The rating scale shall be from 1 to 5, with 1 being a poor rating, 3 being an average rating, and 5 being an outstanding rating.
Review and Assessment. By August 15, 2024, the District will complete a review and assessment of its AP course offerings at the High School for the 2023-2024 school year and develop recommendations for increasing the participation of students with disabilities. As part of its review and assessment, the District will consider the following factors:
a. Enrollment data, including trend data (i.e., student enrollment data for each AP course, by disability status and grade);
b. The AP course offerings at the High School;
c. Parent and student input;
d. The impact of:
i. The role of prerequisite courses, and teacher recommendations in student enrollment in AP courses;
ii. Placement level in the freshman year of High School on student participation in AP course offerings;
iii. Any District enrollment, registration, or other policies and procedures related to enrollment in AP courses;
iv. Communication and outreach to students and parents/guardians about AP courses;
v. Advertisement of AP courses to students and parents/guardians;
vi. The role of teachers in making recommendations for student enrollment in AP courses;
vii. The role of guidance counselors in making recommendations for student enrollment in AP courses;
viii. The role of the multidisciplinary team members in Individual Education Plan (IEP) and/or Section 504 meetings in making recommendations for student enrollment in AP courses; and
ix. Support services for students enrolled in AP courses or preparing to enroll in them.
e. Whether adjustments to its AP course enrollment practices would increase enrollment of students with disabilities, including the automatic enrollment of any student with a C grade or higher in the relevant subject matter AP course, to be discussed and finalized with the counselor during course selection meetings.
Review and Assessment. The relevant personnel of FTLife will closely review, monitor and assess the number of subscribers for Administrative Services and implement pre-approval procedures for Clinical Services provided under the Agreement to ensure the approved cases fall within the relevant insurance policy of FTLife Members and/or Family Members, and are consistent with the principles and provisions set out in the Agreement.