GPS. All vehicles must be equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking technology.
GPS. The GPS shall be a commercially available web-based telematics application designed specifically for electronic fleet management and approved by COUNTY Project Coordinator. The system must be capable of recording and reporting the following at all times without exception:
i. Real time shuttle status including shuttle driver name, shuttle speed, and shuttle mileage.
ii. In/out of lot times, i.e., time entering Main/T-Lot, time exiting Main/T-Lot and Identify shuttle dispatch times
iii. Arrival/departure time on route
iv. Shuttle location on area map
v. Hours in service route /time
vi. Shuttle out of service times
vii. Staging/dwell time in the GTC/Main/T-Lot and terminal shuttle stops viii. Passenger wait times between shuttles at the GTC/Main/T-Lot and terminal shuttle stops
i. Shuttle off-route alerts (gas, maintenance and/or washing), geofencing System shall transmit data wirelessly from shuttles to a central database. Project Coordinator shall have unrestricted and direct access to the GPS system from the Terminal Administration offices. Should any shuttle’s GPS fail to operate in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications, CONTRACTOR shall notify COUNTY Project Coordinator, within one-hour of discovery, the problem, applicable shuttle, and the estimated timeframe for repair. Failure to notify COUNTY Project Coordinator as required or operating a shuttle with a malfunctioning GPS may result in assessment of penalties as described in Attachment C – Schedule of Deductions. COUNTY Project Coordinator shall retain the right to require the applicable shuttle be placed out of service until the GPS has been repaired.
GPS. Should the City decide to implement GPS units in fleet vehicles, any data collected will not be used for disciplinary purposes, and information obtained via GPS that raises a question as to whether a bargaining unit member has violated any personnel policy will only be utilized to show such violation if the fact of the violation is verified and corroborated by other independent and credible sources of information.
GPS. In regards to the installation and utilization ofGPS tracking technology on Employer vehicles, the following tenus and conditions shall apply:
1. The intended purpose of such equipment is to enhance the operational efficiency of the department, improve services to the public, to improve the safety of employees and to ensure compliance with the CBA.
2. This technology may be made available to third patties only as provided for under state, federal, or local laws.
3. Any Employer vehicle may be equipped with this technology.
4. It is understood that disciplinary actions against and excessive monitoring of employees is neither a primary purpose nor an intended result of utilization of GPS equipment. The Parties agree that GPS equipment may be used to verify the guilt or innocence of an employee that the employer had a bona-fide reason to suspect the employee of misconduct. Such equipment will not be utilized to harass employees, but will be used to monitor employee's work progress and work locations. The Company agrees that it shall not troll the database to randomly review information available through the system or utilize such information for disciplinary purposes unless a review has been prompted by a bona-fide reason to suspect the employee of misconduct.
5. In the event that data retrieved from the GPS system is used to support the employer's decision to discipline an employee, the Union shall be provided with copies of all data pertinent to the contemplated discipline.
6. In the event the employer elects to upgrade or enhance the GPS system, beyond regular software upgrades, the Union shall be given advance notice and the right to bargain over the impact of such changes where appropriate.
7. The Parties may meet, at either Parties request, to discuss ongoing impacts as well as, fair and non-discriminatory implementation of the program.
GPS. The City has the right to install and utilize GPS units in City vehicles. Data collected cannot be used for disciplinary purposes without corroborating evidence of a violation of City personnel policies.
GPS. All buses assigned to this Contract(s), including spares, shall be equipped with GPS location services, equivalent service, or the ability to track the vehicles whereabouts via driver communication.
GPS. GPS/AVL with telematics shall be installed and operational with each vehicle. All required equipment and wiring shall be fully furnished and installed prior to delivery. Mapping, and data services shall be able to work in conjunction with the Department's current system (Web Tech Wireless). GPS/AVL data functioning shall include advanced reporting, telematics and real-time mapping with a minimum of 10 second update intervals. Each truck shall be tested, identified by vin#, added to the States GPS map, and added to the States report prior to delivery. COMPLY Chassis mounted ¾” pintle plate with a 25-ton swivel hook, Two “D” rings, electrical socket, and pintle. Hook height and electrical socket type per RIDOT direction. Full trailer package with air and light lines. PLASTIC XXXXX SOCKET #82-2145 ACCEPTS PLASTIC XXXXX PLUG #82-2140 Minimum Twenty Four (24) months, 100% parts and labor on components (No Exceptions) and installation. No deductible. Body hoist cylinder to have manufacturer’s warranty of two (2) years. For warranty considerations and future availability of parts and service, the body company shall be an authorized primary distributor for all major components they propose to furnish. Shall furnish written proof from such said vendor upon request. All equipment shall be installed by a single body company, by their employees and at their regular location. Installation of components is not to be subcontracted by body company to another installer. No welding whatsoever is to be done on chassis frame between front of most forward spring hanger and rear of rearmost spring hanger. No drilling whatsoever is to be done in frame rail flanges. Body company to furnish operator’s parts and service manuals for all components manufacturer's i.e., combination body, hoist, snow plow, central hydraulic system, strobe lights, and pintle hook. All shall be supplied in a binder with outside cover stating RIDOT’s name, job #, serial numbers of dump body, plow, plow hitch, and snow plow. Inside shall include all hard copies of such manuals and flash drive copy. Pictures of all major components at the time of delivery, including hydraulic system, shall be included. Completed vehicle shall be certified by the body company as meeting all federal motor vehicle safety standard in effect at time of chassis production. Approved NHTSA/FMVSS certification label shall be furnished and located inside cab on driver's side. Completed unit to comply with current OSHA regulations. Bo...
GPS. The Lessee hereby agrees that the Equipment may be equipped with a global positioning system (GPS) in order to monitor location of the Equipment. Should the Equipment be equipped with a GPS then the Lessee undertakes not to remove, tamper or in any way interfere with such unit or its antenna, and hereby authorizes the Lessor to obtain and use at its discretion the relevant GPS data.
GPS. Лізингоодержувач цим надає згоду Лізингодавцеві на комплектування Обладнання системою глобального позиціонування (GPS) для відстеження місцезнаходження Обладнання. Якщо Обладнання передається обладнаним GPS, то Лізингоодержувач зобов’язується не видаляти, не відключати або іншим чином не перешкоджати роботі цієї системи або її антени, та надає згоду на отримання та використання Лізингодавцем на свій розсуд відповідних даних, одержаних за
GPS. The Global Positioning System (GPS), is a satellite-based radio navigation system that provides geolocation and time information to a GPS receiver. The GPS is owned and operated by the U.S. Department of Defense but is available for general use around the world. GPS has now become sufficiently low-cost so that it is introduced in many devices as smart phones. 24 GPS satellites in orbit at 10,600 miles above the Earth are spaced ensuring that four or more are above the horizon. Each satellite contains a computer, an atomic clock, and a radio. Knowing its own orbit, the satellite broadcasts its changing position and time. Any GPS receiver calculates its own position by trilateration of four satellites, see Figure