Field Employees. Notwithstanding Article
11.01 a) Standard Hours of Work, Full-time Employees, any Employee designated by agreement between the parties as a field Employee shall have unregulated hours of work provided that they not exceed two hundred and twenty four (224) hours in a six (6) week period. Effective sixty (60) days following the signing of the Collective Agreement the Employer shall forward a list, in writing, of current Field positions to the Union.
Field Employees. The parties recognize the historical flexibility of working hours performed by the field employee using their own discretion as to the most effective application of those hours to meet operational requirements. The parties agree to the continuation of this practice.
(a) Except for recording vacation, sick leave, overtime and/or compensatory time off, and approved absences with or without pay, and unless specific job requirements necessitate it, the field employee will not generally be required to record their time.
(b) Time spent in travel in excess of the time spent in travel from the employee's residence to their central work location and return shall be considered as time worked.
Field Employees. A) The following special provisions may be implemented by mutual agreement between the manager/designate and the employee: 1. notwithstanding the above, scheduled EDOs shall be worked and accumulated at straight time rates;
Field Employees. 11.5.1 On a Regular Work Day A) All field employees shall receive pay at one and one-half (1½) times their regular rate for all hours worked in excess of the hours to be worked at straight time within the averaging period and after eleven (11) hours in a day. The parties may waive this provision as appropriate. B) Where the hours worked in excess of eleven (11) are continuous and cross over midnight, overtime rates in A) will apply.
Field Employees. The District defines Field Employees as those employees assigned to the Operations Division.
Field Employees. A) The following special provisions may be implemented by mutual agreement between the manager/designate and the employee:
1. notwithstanding the above, scheduled EDOs shall be worked and accumulated at straight time rates;
2. the duration of the period during which EDOs are to be worked and accumulated will be established by mutual agreement provided that the period shall not exceed six (6) months;
3. any scheduled XXXx worked for the purpose of accumulation shall not be included as actual hours worked in the averaging period for the calculation of overtime entitlement;
4. accumulated XXXx shall be taken by mutual agreement between the manager/designate and the employee provided that they fall within the three (3) month period immediately following the expiration of the accumulation period as set out in 2. above;
5. in the event mutual agreement is not reached as set out in 4. above, management shall direct when the days are to be taken in accordance with the three (3) month provision;
6. in the event that mutual agreement is not reached between the manager/designate and the employee as provided for in 4. above, and management does not direct when the accumulated earned days are to be taken as provided for in 5. above, the accumulated EDOs not taken will be paid out at the rate of time and one-half for each EDO, based on the employee’s rate of pay in effect at the time of the expiration of the accumulation period as set out in 2. above; and
7. the duration of the averaging period shall be considered expired if an employee is dismissed, resigns, promotes, demotes, transfers or is on an approved leave of absence without pay or lay-off for a period of three (3) calendar weeks or more. The EDOs accumulated in that period in time shall be paid out at one and one-half (1½) times the employee’s regular hourly rate of pay for each EDO based upon the rate of pay in effect at the time of the expiration of the averaging period, as set out in this provision.
Field Employees a) All field employees shall receive pay at one and one-half (1½) times their regular rate for all authorized hours worked in excess of the hours as stated in Article 12.3 (b) and subject to the provisions of Article 12.3.4.
b) Notwithstanding Article 10.8.4 (a) above, Management may, on request by the employee, grant time off at the appropriate premium rate at a mutually acceptable time in lieu of payment for overtime worked. If such time off in lieu cannot be taken by the end of the contract year or third month next following in which the overtime was earned, whichever is longer, the employee shall be paid in accordance with Article 10.8.
4.1. Payment will be at the employee's rate of pay in effect at the time of payout.
c) Any overtime above four (4) hours per week, shall be voluntary.
d) Working on a Holiday
i. In addition to his regular pay, an employee who is required to work on a designated holiday shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times the regular rate of pay or time in lieu to be mutually agreed between the employee and the out-of-scope Supervisor.
ii. An employee who is authorized to perform overtime work on a designated holiday shall be paid at a rate of two and one-half (2½) times his regular pay for each hour in excess of normal hours which he works.
iii. When a designated holiday falls on an employee's assigned day of rest and he is required to work on such holiday, he shall be paid in addition to his regular pay, at the rate of time and one-half (1½) for all hours worked and shall also be granted a day off in lieu of the assigned day of rest. The day off shall be mutually arranged between the employee and the official in charge, but must be granted within the three (3) month period following the originally assigned day.
iv. Employees who work less than full-time shall be entitled to benefits of this Section on the basis of five (5) percent of an employee's regular wage earnings on each pay cheque, in lieu of designated holidays in Article 17.
1. Earnings for this purpose shall not include vacation leave pay.
v. Part-time and casual employees shall be paid for each pay period five (5) percent of an employee's gross earnings for that pay period.
vi. Part-time and casual employees who are required to work on a designated holiday shall be paid in addition to the five (5) percent a rate of one and one-half (1½) times his regular rate of pay for time worked up to the normal number of hours in a full day and two and one-half (2½) ...
Field Employees. All field employees shall receive pay at one and one- half (1½) times their regular rate for all hours worked in excess of the hours to be worked at straight time within the averaging period and after twelve
Field Employees. The City shall provide uniforms for field employees in accordance with City policy and specific departmental and safety needs and shall pay for its upkeep and replacement. Shirts, pants, jackets, and hats are provided, with City identification seal for on-duty wear only. The employee is required to wear the uniform while at work or responding to a call back to work or standby duty call. Uniforms damaged in the course of duty will be repaired or replaced at no cost to the employee upon approval by the Department Head or designee.
Field Employees. Buyer shall have the right, at any time, to solicit and make an offer of employment (as an employee, contractor or consultant) to the employees (including contractors and consultants) that are identified on Schedule 7.08, providing for a salary and benefits determined in Buyer’s sole discretion (each, a “Field Employee,” and each such offer, an “Employment Offer”). No such Employment Offer shall become effective unless and until the Closing occurs.