Holiday Leave Holiday leave provisions shall be as noted below: 9.9.1 Employees in the bargaining unit shall be entitled to the following holidays with pay providing the employee is in a paid status the immediate work day before or the immediate work day following such holiday: New Year’s Day Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx’x Birthday Xxxxxxx’s Birthday Washington’s Birthday Native American Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Day before Christmas Christmas Day December 31 9.9.2 Regular employees of the District who are not normally assigned to duty during the school holidays during Christmas recess shall be paid for those holidays received by regular classified employees provided they were in a paid status during any portion of the working day of their normal assignment immediately preceding or succeeding the holiday period. 9.9.3 It is agreed by the parties that there shall be five (5) additional Board granted local classified holidays each fiscal year of this contract that will be granted during the holiday recess period for all classified employees. 9.9.4 It is agreed that certain positions or classes within the Police, Payroll and Information Technology Services may be required, due to business necessity, to perform services on Board holidays during the Christmas recess period. The District shall notify the Union by November 1, concerning the positions, classes and individuals affected. Any employee required to work on such holidays shall be compensated at the overtime rate of time and one-half (1.5) in addition to his/her regular salary. 9.9.5 When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the succeeding workday not a holiday shall be deemed to be a holiday in lieu of the day observed. When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding workday not a holiday shall be deemed to be the holiday in lieu of the day observed. 9.9.6 Should a holiday as enumerated above or any other day designated by the Governing Board as a public holiday occur while an employee is absent from work because of sick leave, vacation, or any other paid leave of absence, the holiday shall be considered as time worked and shall not be deducted from his/her other paid leave of absence. 9.9.7 Employees shall be entitled to the same number of holidays, regardless of whether they work Monday through Friday or some other shift. 9.9.8 An employee required by his/her supervisor to work on a holiday shall receive time and a half in addition to his/her regular day’s pay for work on the holiday. If the employee does work and is paid overtime for working on a holiday, he/she shall not receive an additional day off. 9.9.9 Where a holiday falls on a non-work day for an employee in the classification of Police Services Officer, that employee will be paid time and one-half in addition to regular salary for the first non-holiday workday following the holiday. That day will be designated as the alternate holiday on the employee’s monthly absence report, and he/she shall not receive an additional day off. 9.9.10 Where a holiday falls on a non-work day for a classified employee, the employee will be given time off in-lieu of the holiday at the same ratio as their work schedule bears to full-time employees, within the same pay period (currently calendar month). The in-lieu time off may be before or after the actual holiday. If, due to business reasons, it is not possible to schedule the in-lieu time off within the same pay period, the in-lieu time off may be taken no later than the next pay period (currently calendar month). Such arrangement must be with the concurrence of the employee and the supervisor. The amount of in-lieu time the employee is to be given will be the ratio of the employee’s total work schedule to the hours given a full-time employee. The actual shift hours and/or days the employee works is irrelevant for calculating in-lieu time off. Example 1 An employee works 50% time (20 hours per week), with shifts of Monday – Thursday 5 hours each day. The employee will be granted 4 hours of holiday in-lieu time for each holiday that falls on a Friday. This is calculated by multiplying the percent of time worked (or FTE) by 8 hours for the holiday. 50% X 8 hours = 4 hours Example 2 – An employee works 60% time (24 hours per week), with shifts of Monday and Friday 8 hours each day, and Tuesday and Wednesday 4 hours each day. The employee will be granted 4.8 hours of holiday in-lieu time for each holiday that falls on a Thursday. This is calculated by multiplying the percent of time worked (or FTE) by 8 hours for the holiday. 60% X 8 hours = 4.8 hours Holiday in-lieu time off may be combined with accrued vacation time to allow for entire shifts off. All holiday in-lieu hours are to be noted on the absence report in the month taken by using the “HL” notation in the appropriate box. 9.9.11 Pay warrants for December will be distributed between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the locations’ business offices on any regular payday which falls on a day designated for close down, or, which falls on a day other than a legal holiday as specified within the Education Code. 9.9.12 Employees in the classification of Police Services Officer will be required to work on any holiday that falls on a regularly scheduled workday. They will be paid time and one-half in addition to regular salary for all holiday work. If two or more officers regularly work the same day and hours (double coverage), one may elect to observe the holiday. The officer with the highest seniority date electing to observe the holiday will be granted holiday leave. Officers will be permitted to arrange for voluntary substitutes for their holiday shifts from the employees employed as Police Services Officers.
Union Leave of Absence An employee on an unpaid Union leave of absence shall have her wages, benefits and seniority continued by the Employer, and the Union agrees to reimburse the Employer for the costs of such wages and benefits. Employees requesting leave under this article will provide the Employer with as much advance notice as possible of the dates of the leave. Where there are less than fifteen (15) regular employees at a workstation at the time the leave request is submitted, and subject to operational requirements, unpaid Union leave of absence will be granted to one employee for the purpose of conducting Union business. This would be an additional person on Union leave at worksites where the position of the Union President or Council member has been backfilled for the duration of their term of office. A leave of absence without pay shall be granted to an employee who is a member of the Union and who is: A) a Union Council/Board member. Such leave shall be granted for the purpose of attending regular or special meetings of the Council/Board and shall include reasonable travel time. B) either elected or appointed to represent the Union and/or a region at annual or special conventions of the Union. C) a member of the Union’s bargaining committee. Such leave (including travelling time) shall be granted to attend preparatory negotiating meetings, to conduct negotiations, and to participate in mediation, industrial inquiry commissioner hearings and arbitrations. D) selected by the Union or its members as a delegate to attend the Provincial Bargaining Conference. E) selected by the Union or its members as a delegate to attend regional Bargaining Conference.
BEREAVEMENT/TANGIHANGA LEAVE 15.1 The employer shall approve special bereavement leave on pay for an employee to discharge any obligation and/or to pay respects to a deceased person with whom the employee has had a close association. Such obligations may exist because of blood or family ties or because of particular cultural requirements such as attendance at all or part of a Tangihanga (or its equivalent). The length of time off shall be at the discretion of the employer. 15.2 If bereavement occurs while an employee is absent on annual leave, sick leave on pay, or other special leave on pay, such leave may be interrupted and bereavement leave granted in terms of 15.1 above. This provision will not apply if the employee is on leave without pay. 15.3 In granting time off therefore, and for how long, the employer must administer these provisions in a culturally sensitive manner.
Garden Leave Following the provision of a Notice of Termination either by the Company or by the Executive, the Company may direct, in its sole and exclusive discretion, that the Executive perform no duties, exercise no powers and resign from any office held in connection with his employment with the Company or its Affiliates; provided, however, that, following any such direction, the Executive will continue to be required to comply with his other obligations under this Agreement (and will continue to have a duty of loyalty to the Company as an employee) through the end of the Employment Period.
Federation Leave A leave of absence for the president and a second position of the Federation shall be granted to any employee covered by this Agreement upon application by the Federation for the purpose of the employee serving as an officer of the Federation. The District shall continue to pay such employee(s) and provide benefits, with the exception of leave benefits, but will be reimbursed by the Federation for the cost of salary and fringe benefits. Upon return from such leaves, an employee shall proceed on the salary schedule as if s/he had been employed with the District each year of the leave. The Federation agrees to consider carefully each request for release time for Federation members. Although leaves for short terms without loss of pay may be granted upon approval by the Office of the Superintendent, the Federation shall reimburse the District for the cost of salaries and fringe benefits.
FMLA Leave The Board agrees to comply with the Family and Medical Leave Act and agrees that any policy adopted to implement the FMLA shall in no way reduce or adversely impact any other provision of this Agreement.
Educational Leave of Absence Leaves of absence may be granted up to six (6) months under the above provisions only if the course would be beneficial to both the University and the employee.
Union Leave Leave of absence for Union business shall be given without pay up to a maximum of (as per the local provisions under L19) days per calendar year provided such leave does not interfere with the continuance of efficient operation of the Hospital. Such leave shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) not more than (as per the local provisions under L19) employees of the Hospital are absent on any such leave at the same time, and not more than (as per the local provisions under L19) employee from a department; (b) a request must be made in writing at least twenty-one days prior to the commencement of the function for which leave is requested, unless it is not reasonably possible to give such notice; (c) such request shall state the general nature of the function to be attended; (d) employees on a Union Leave which is approved by the Hospital in accordance with the above conditions shall be paid for such leave by the Hospital. The Hospital shall then forward a statement of such wages paid to the employee affected to the union for reimbursement of the amount stated; (e) an employee who is elected or appointed to office with the CAW, shall upon application by the Union in writing, be granted a leave of absence without loss of seniority and benefits for up to three (3) years. An extension shall be granted upon written application by the employee to the administration of the Hospital. During such leaves of absence, salary and benefits shall be kept whole by the Hospital and the Union agrees to reimburse the Hospital for such salary and the Hospital's contribution to said benefits. The employee agrees to notify the Hospital of the employee's intention to return to work within two (2) weeks following the termination of office for which the leave was granted. The union agrees to notify the Hospital five (5) months in advance of the Local Union election. The union further agrees that the requirement to meet under Article 14 will be waived. At the end of such leave, any employee hired or placed as a substitute for the employee on such absence, may be terminated or laid off by the Hospital as required, or may be transferred to the employee's previous position if the substitution was a transfer. An employee on leave of absence under this provision shall continue to accumulate all rights and privileges under this Agreement. It is understood that the intent of this article is that it shall normally apply to only one employee at a time per circumstance as noted above, and that the Union shall provide adequate notice prior to an employee commencing Union Leave of Absence. Further applications may be granted consistent with the Hospital’s staffing requirements. In addition, it is understood that any employee so elected or appointed is required to maintain their competence in the event that they are to return to the workplace.
Parental Leave of Absence A. Female unit members may use any or all accumulated leave during pre and post-natal care for that period of time she is temporarily disabled, as determined by the unit member and her physician. B. Unit members desiring to use any or all accumulated leave during a period of pregnancy or post-natal care should state this in writing to the Office of Human Resources and Employee Relations using the FMLA paperwork. C. Unit members who use any or all accumulated leave as a temporary disability during pre- and post- natal care must return to active service as soon as her physical health permits according to her physician; unless she requests a leave of absence without pay or she resigns. D. Any non-probationary female unit member who does not wish to use any or all accumulated [sick] leave during pre- and/or post-natal care shall be granted a leave of absence without pay provided that a reasonable notice in writing to the Office of Human Resources and Employee Relations is made in advance. E. Unit members using a leave of absence without pay for pre-natal care, adoption, post-natal care and/or child rearing (not to exceed a period of one (1) year in duration and taken within the first year after birth or adoption) shall have the opportunity to continue benefit programs provided to unit members. Unit members with at least one (1) year of experience with the Xxxxxxx County Board of Education will be required after the first twelve (12) weeks to assume the Board’s share of the premium in addition to any premiums he/she theretofore paid for dependent coverage. Provided that a written, advanced request is made to the Office of Human Resources and Employee Relations the employee on such leave will be offered employment upon expiration of the leave in the first available position in their classification for which they are qualified. The request should be made at least thirty (30) days prior to the return and should include the anticipated date of return. If the return is within ninety (90) duty days and such return is stipulated at the beginning of the leave, the same position shall be offered. F. Adoptive parents may use up to twelve (12) weeks in compliance with Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of any or all accumulated leave for the purpose of adoption and/or bonding. G. If using combined sick leave and leave without pay teachers who have at least one (1) year experience with the Xxxxxxx County Board of Education will have premiums paid for a total of twelve (12) weeks per year in accordance with the terms of the FMLA, and have their position held prior to such leave.
Annual Leave Employees (other than casuals) will be entitled to four (4) weeks paid annual leave per annum, provided that Continuous Shiftworkers shall be entitled to one additional week’s paid annual leave.