Holidays Falling on Weekend. When any of the above-noted holidays, other than those covered under Appendix "C" attached, fall on a Saturday or Sunday and are not proclaimed as being observed on some other day, the following Monday and/or Tuesday shall be deemed to be holidays for the purpose of this Agreement. See Appendix "D" re: vacation use and accumulation.
Holidays Falling on Weekend. In the event that a holiday, other than those covered under Appendix "B" attached, occurs on a Saturday or Sunday, the following working day(s) shall be considered the holiday.
Holidays Falling on Weekend. The above named holidays will be celebrated on the day on which they fall regardless of any Federal, Provincial or Municipal proclamation or legislation to the contrary.
Holidays Falling on Weekend. (a) When any of the above-noted holidays fall on a Saturday or Sunday and are not proclaimed as being observed on some other day, the following Monday and/or Tuesday shall be deemed to be holidays for the purpose of this Agreement.
(b) For the purpose of clarification, the Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve holidays shall not be granted when December 24th and December 31st fall on a Saturday or Sunday, nor shall time off in lieu thereof be allowed. (Letter of Understanding – Vacation Use and Accumulation, see Appendix ”D”.)
Holidays Falling on Weekend. Whenever one of the above listed holidays falls on Saturday, the Friday before or the Monday following said holiday shall be considered as a holiday and paid for as such. The Employer shall have the option to schedule employees off for that holiday on either of such days in accordance with operational needs. As to any employee who is not given either the preceding Friday or the following Monday off as a holiday, the preceding Friday shall be deemed the holiday. Notwithstanding the foregoing, those jobs which operate seven (7) days per week and/or twenty-four (24) hours per day will observe Christmas on December 25, New Year's on January 1, and Independence Day on July 4th. Whenever a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday shall be deemed a holiday and paid for as such.
Holidays Falling on Weekend. If any of the above holidays fall on Sunday, the following Monday shall be considered the legal holiday. When any of the above holidays fall on Saturday, the Friday immediately preceding the holiday shall be considered to be the holiday.
Holidays Falling on Weekend. Whenever any of the above Recognized Holidays falls on Saturday and/or Sunday, it shall be observed on the alternate day established by the Government or Local Order. If no alternative day is established, the Recognized Holiday(s) shall be observed on the next succeeding work day(s), or a day mutually agreed upon by the parties.
Holidays Falling on Weekend. When any of the above noted holidays fall on a Saturday or Sunday and are not proclaimed as being observed on some other day, the employees shall be entitled to that day off on a Monday or a Friday to be set by the Employer within the following thirty (30) day period.
Holidays Falling on Weekend. When any of the above noted holidays fall on an employee's days of rest and are not proclaimed as being observed on some other day, the holiday shall be moved to the employee's first working day following his days of rest.
Holidays Falling on Weekend. Full-Time Employees