Hour Rule Sample Clauses

Hour Rule. If an issue occurs and a parent/guardian has a complaint to make or issue to be resolved, they are asked to wait 24 hours, then put the issue in writing and submit it to the appropriate party. Whether this issue is labelled as coaching error, teammate problem, parent conflict or any other of a number of possible situations, it is very important that all parties involved take the full 24 hours to remove or decrease the emotional element so that the actual issue can be resolved quickly, in a civilized manner, and to everyone's satisfaction. This policy will be strictly enforced. Failure to comply could ultimately result in the parent being asked not to attend games or the player being removed from the team. a) The Head Coach of each team will try to resolve any issues arising on your team. b) If unsuccessful, the Head Coach will refer the grievance to the Williston Boom Fastpitch Board (WBFB) for resolution. c) If unsuccessful, the WBFB will refer the grievance to Williston Parks and Recreation District for resolution. The decision of the WBFB/WPRD is final. d) If the President of the WBFB is the Head Coach of the team, and/or if the parent is uncomfortable speaking to the President, for any reason, the issue may be raised to any WBFB member for resolution. Our organization is funded in several different methods: 1. Each player is required to pay the registration fee set by the Williston Parks & Recreation District. 2. Provided team uniforms will include (1) uniform top. Pants, socks, bat bags, belts, fielding masks and helmets will be required for parent purchase. Please speak to your coach regarding specific colors, etc. of the aforementioned items. All new team uniforms will be purchased using funds derived from fundraising, donations, registration fees, & sponsors. 3. Each player will be required to participate in all fundraising events sponsored by the team. For example: car washes, BBQ, raffle tickets and/or the sale of fundraising products. 4. Each player will be encouraged to solicit businesses and individuals for sponsorships or donations. Monies can be applied to the overall organization or on an individual team depending on the sponsors’ request.
Hour Rule. An Officer must be off for a minimum of six (6) hours in between work assignment(s) of more than twelve (12) hours. It will be required that an Officer use contractual time to comply with the six (6) hour rule. SA time can be used to comply with the six (6) hour rule, when the Officer has SA time available within the said six (6) week period.
Hour Rule. If a Firefighter works 12 hours or more, the member will go to the bottom of the Extra Shift List.
Hour Rule. In order to ensure the safety of personnel and operations, Naperville Fire Department personnel may not work more than 48 consecutive hours of shift work. This includes, but is not limited to, scheduled shift time, trade time and shift overtime. A minimum 12-hour break is required after working 48 consecutive duty hours. This 48-hour restriction is not intended to prohibit an employee’s participation in non-shift activities including, but not limited to: • Attendance at, or instruction of, Department-approved training sessions • Stand-by at community / special eventsAttendance at meetingsFire Prevention / Public Education activities (i.e.: inspections, Safety Town, public education presentations, etc.) Notwithstanding the foregoing, under extenuating circumstances (e.g., emergency work in progress, community emergency or disaster), individuals may be required to work in excess of 48 hours by order of, or approval by, the Fire Chief or his/her designee.
Hour Rule. Hockey is an emotional sport. The physical battles that players fight for control of the puck can spill on to the bench and stands and create strong reactions from coaches. This intense emotional aspect of hockey is one of the reasons it makes exciting entertainment.
Hour Rule. If you select First Hour Rule and Day Trading Only, eASCTrendTS may not give buy/sell signals during the first trading hour if the position changed from yesterday’s last position.
Hour Rule. Parents are asked to refrain from contacting a Manager or coach regarding any game related situation for 24 hours. This policy will be strictly enforced. Failure to comply could ultimately result in the parent being asked not to attend tournaments and/or the player being removed from the team.
Hour Rule. If you are concerned about a volleyball related issue that requires you speak directly with a coach, we ask that you wait at least 24 hours after the triggering event. Cooler heads are more productive. While at a tournament or practice, never confront a coach or attempt to discuss your daughter’s playing time, role on the team, comparing her to other players, or other aspects of her participation. We have found these types of confrontations to be very emotional and rarely productive. There is usually too much going on at a tournament or even practice for a coach to immediately stop thinking about the team and concentrate on one parent’s issue with playing time, position or other individual issue.
Hour Rule. If no volunteers are available; the supervisor will schedule the junior employee in the classification to stay four (4) hours. The supervisor will then canvass employees on the next shift to come in four (4) hours early if required. 10.07 a) Hours of work for an eight (8) hour shift operation in a period of twenty-four (24) hours shall be: (1) First Shift 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (20 minute paid lunch) (2) Second Shift 3:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. (20 minute paid lunch) (3) Third Shift 11:30 p.m. - 7:30 a.m. (20 minute paid lunch) All employees shall receive a ten (10) minute rest period approximately two (2) hours after start of shift and a ten (10) minute rest period approximately two (2) hours before the end of shift.
Hour Rule. If a parent has a dispute over a coaching decision, they must wait 24 hours before speaking to the coach. If a parent approaches a coach about playtime decisions during a game or tournament, then that parent’s daughter WILL be benched immediately. Please ensure you follow proper procedures to make sure that the team does not suffer for your decision to break the 24 hour rule. This is to ensure that cooler heads prevail. If the problem concerns playtime or player discipline, the PLAYER must approach the coach first. If a parent does not follow this procedure, then playtime WILL be affected. This is a responsibility of the player. At no point will other players be discussed or compared. If the parent still has a concern or problem, after the player has talked to the coach and after the parent has waited 24 hours and has talked to the coach, they can ask for a meeting with the club director, that will include the coach, player, and parent. Even though the club director has a final say on all disputes, the team coach will be supported with all playtime decisions. We, at MOJA Volleyball, will help make sure that the player understands the coach’s thinking and communicates ways for them to improve and earn more playtime. Please email the coach and club director that you would like to meet and briefly list your concerns ahead of time so that our meeting can be productive.