Inspection and Testing of Materials. All materials and equipment used in the Work shall be subject to adequate inspection and testing in accordance with the accepted standards. The laboratory or inspection agency shall be selected by the OWNER. The OWNER will pay for all laboratory inspection service direct and not as part of this Contract. Materials of construction, particularly those upon which the strength and durability of the structure may depend, shall be subject to inspection and testing to establish conformance with specifications and suitability for uses intended.
Inspection and Testing of Materials. 1. The Contractor shall have performed and documented all inspections and tests required by the Contract Documents, including those required by the City’s building officials.
2. The Contractor shall leave uncovered all areas of Work that are called out in the Contract Documents to be left uncovered, or the A/E requests to be left uncovered prior to being inspected. The Contractor shall give adequate notice to the A/E of the time requested for an inspection of these areas.
Inspection and Testing of Materials. Contractor shall notify City a sufficient time in advance of the manufacture or production of materials, to be supplied under this contract, in order that the City may arrange for mill or factory inspection and testing of same, if City requests such notice from Contractor.
Inspection and Testing of Materials. All materials and equipment used in construction of the project shall be subject to adequate inspection and testing in accordance with accepted standards.
Inspection and Testing of Materials. All Materials and Equipment used in the construction of the Project shall be subject to adequate inspection and testing in accordance with accepted standards and the requirements of the Contract Documents. The laboratory and inspection agency shall be provided as outlined in Section 01400 Quality Requirements. Additional tests performed after rejection of Materials or Equipment shall be charged to the Contractor. Materials of construction, particularly those upon which the strength and durability of the structure may depend, shall be subject to inspection and testing to establish conformance with Specifications and suitability for uses intended, but failure to inspect Materials will in no way waive the Owner's right to reject defective Materials or to condemn Work in which they are used. Contractor will provide for travel expenses, factory performed testing and set up costs for the factory inspection and testing of all major architectural elements, mechanical, electrical or process equipment. A factory visit for both Architect-Engineers' representative and Owner representative may be required. No funds for stored materials or fabrication items will be released until the factory inspection is completed and a certified Payment Application is submitted. All tests performed by Contractor shall be witnessed by the Owner unless the requirement therefor is waived in writing. Contractor shall give the Owner reasonable advance notice of all such tests. The Owner may perform additional tests on materials tested by Contractor, and Contractor shall furnish samples for this purpose as requested. In the event that the Owner directs additional testing or inspection of the Work and the testing or inspection reveals that the Work is not in accordance with the Contract Documents, Contractor shall pay for all costs of correction of the Work and will be charged for all costs of testing and inspection. In the event that any portion of Contractor's Work depends upon the Work of the Owner or any of its separate contractors, the Contractor agrees that the Owner's Work or that of its separate contractor is adequate and installed such that it is ready and sufficient in all respects to accept Contractor's Work, unless written notice of any defect or deficiency is provided by the Contractor to the Owner prior to the Contractor beginning performance of the Work.
Inspection and Testing of Materials. 5.1 All materials and equipment used in the construction of the project shall be subject to adequate inspection and testing in accordance with accepted standards. The laboratory or inspection agency shall be selected by the County. The County will pay for all laboratory inspection service direct, and not as a part of the Contract.
Inspection and Testing of Materials. 3.19.1 The Contractor shall leave uncovered all areas of work that will be covered that are called out in the construction documents to be left uncovered, or the Agency or A/E requests to be left uncovered prior to being inspected. The Contractor shall give adequate notice to the Agency and A/E of the time requested for an inspection of areas to be covered.
3.19.2 If the Contractor covers areas that were to be left uncovered, the Contractor shall cause the area to be uncovered for inspection. After being inspected, the Contractor shall repair the area with craftsmen skilled in the appropriate trades needed for the repair at no additional cost to the Agency.
Inspection and Testing of Materials. 9.1 All materials before being allowed to be brought into the store will be preliminary / visually inspected at the entry gate of the project site before the security personnel. All materials shall be inspected by the Engineer-In-charge / Owner before receiving. This inspection will be conducted with the help of the quality approval format as prepared by the Clients.
9.2 Contractor shall be required, if requested, to produce manufacturers Test Certificate for the particular batch of materials supplied to him. The tests carried out shall be as per the relevant Indian Standards.
9.3 For examination and testing of materials and works at the site Contractor shall provide all Testing and Gauging Equipment necessary but not limited to the followings:-
a) Theodolite
b) Dumpy level
c) Steel tapes
d) Weighing machine
e) Plumb bobs, Spirit levels, Hammers
f) Micrometers
g) Thermometers, Stoves
h) Hydraulic test machine
i) Smoke test machine
9.4 All such equipment shall be tested for calibration at any approved laboratory, and the test and calibration certificate shall be submitted to the Engineer-In- Charge / Owner.
9.5 All Testing Equipment shall be preferably located in special room meant for the purpose.
Inspection and Testing of Materials. Unless otherwise specifically provided for in the Specifications, the inspection and testing of material and finished articles to be incorporated in the Work at the Project site shall be made by bureaus, laboratories, or agencies arranged for by the Contractor and as approved by the Owner. The Contractor shall furnish all such extra quantities of materials and items as may be required for testing, and shall deliver it to the laboratory. The cost of furnishing and delivering samples to the laboratory shall be paid for by the Contractor. Where the Detailed Specifications calls for certified copies of mill or shop tests to establish conformance of certain materials with the Specifications, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to assure the delivery of such certifications to the Owner. No materials or finished articles shall be incorporated in the Work until such materials and finished articles have passed the required tests. The Contractor shall promptly segregate and remove rejected material and finished articles from the site of the work. The testing and approval of materials by the laboratory or laboratories approved by the Owner shall not relieve the Contractor of any of its obligations to fulfill its Contract and warranty of workmanship and materials. The Contractor may, at its option, and at its expense, cause such other tests to be conducted, as it may deem necessary to assure suitability, strength, and durability of any material or finished articles.
Inspection and Testing of Materials. Supplier will use material inspection plans and testing procedures approved by Company in its discretion. Upon receipt, all containers of materials will be inspected by Supplier for external condition, intact authentic seals and compliance of the type and number of containers/labeling with the delivery documents. Materials must be inspected and/or tested on a batch-by-batch (lot-by-lot) basis unless otherwise specified by Company. If specified in the Master Product Specification Sheets (“MPSS”), some starting materials may be accepted and released by Supplier utilizing the Certificate of Analysis (“CofA”) with abbreviated or no additional testing. Company shall have the right to inspect finished Beverages and designate the facility to test the Beverages. If Supplier performs some or all the inspection and testing, Supplier will provide to Company a CofA and any other associated inspection and testing documentation for each batch (lot) of Beverages manufactured. Company shall have fourteen (14) days from the date of receipt to inspect the finished Beverages and to provide written notice to Supplier in the event of a serious defect, which shall include the shipment of the wrong Beverages, rancidity, failure to comply with the Quality Agreement or a similar defect. Company shall not be obligated to pay Supplier for defective Beverages.