Institutional Strengthening. Provision of services to strengthen the capacity of municipal governments, community associations and organizations to perform social analysis, project identification and monitoring and evaluation under the Project.
Institutional Strengthening. (a) (i) preparation of a five (5)-year business plan and a strategic development plan for the Project Implementing Entity for purposes of definition of future orientation, physical development of assets, and territorial management, including a traffic analysis and forecast, strategies favoring or disfavoring particular traffic types, a qualitative and quantitative human resource assessment for purposes of development of a targeted training program, a review of the operational and institutional framework of the Project Implementing Entity, definition of the type and modus of land use under its custody and zoning of such land, identification of opportunities for modification of the legal and regulatory framework of the Project Implementing Entity for purposes of its transition to a regulatory role, and strengthening and institutionalization of dialogue with port users and the broader port community; and
Institutional Strengthening. (a) Designing and implementation of improvements in the legal and institutional framework of ANCPI in order to improve service delivery for ANCPI as well as the private sector.
(b) Streamlining the procedure and training for OCPIs in order to strengthen OCPIs’ institutional capacity.
(c) Upgrading some OCPIs offices with small civil works, IT and other equipment and furniture.
(d) Preparation and implementation of the public awareness campaign that will precede and accompany the field work.
1. Capacity Building for Providers of Socio-Economic Guidance Services
Institutional Strengthening. (a) Carrying out of studies, training, study tours and workshops to support water sector policy and institutional reforms, including: (i) introduction of performance benchmarking and economic regulation methods in the water sector; (ii) use of water demand management as a means to increase efficiency in the use of water resources; and (iii) improvement of the security of water supply.
(b) Carrying out of studies, training, study tours, and workshops to support the institutional development of SCC and its subsidiary companies, including:
(i) improvement of capability in project management of urban infrastructure investments; (ii) reviewing the feasibility of adopting an asset management system; and (iii) optimization of the operation and management of water and wastewater systems by SCC’s water sector subsidiaries.
Institutional Strengthening. Strengthening agencies and civil society organizations to support the implementation of the NSP, by providing training and technical assistance, that cannot be funded under the NSP, on monitoring and evaluation, management, surveillance, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care of HIV/AIDS and other STIs.
Institutional Strengthening. Carrying out a program of institutional reform and capacity building to strengthen the Borrower’s ability to prepare, implement and manage the development, operation and maintenance of hydropower projects in accordance with international best practices focusing, inter alia, on: (a) planning and management of environment and social issues; (b) contract management skills; (c) safety and health aspects; and (d) financial accountability and corporate governance.
Institutional Strengthening. This comprises construction of 25 RRNMU buildings - 6 in Assam, 4 in Chhattisgarh, 6 in Madhya Pradesh, 5 in Odisha, and 4 in West Bengal. This component also includes training and certification of at least 4,000 PIU staff and 700 Panchayati Raj Institutions, design consultant and contractor staff by RCTRCs in the States.
Institutional Strengthening. 1. Carrying out of a program to strengthen the capacity of HPCD in expressway construction and management through, inter alia:
(a) carrying out training on expressway construction and management, including design, safety, maintenance, finance and the environment;
(b) preparation of guides to improve environmental monitoring and management;
Institutional Strengthening. Strengthening the Project Implementing Entity’s and its subsidiaries’ technical and fiduciary capacity through: assistance in the establishment of an internal audit unit; development of internal audit procedures; and provision of training on the generation of internal audit reports in compliance with International Internal Audit Standards; acquisition of the Global Information System software; software for transmission network system design, planning, financial and economic analysis; technical study tour(s) to familiarize the Project Implementing Entity’s staff with the international good practices in these fields; assistance in the adoption of the International Electrotechnical Commission technical standards for transmission lines and switchyard/substation equipment and training; technical assistance to the Project Implementing Entity for the further development of the renewable energy program, including assessment of wind power potential and design of the institutional framework for development of wind power program; and technical assistance for the mitigation of avian risk during Project implementation, including post-construction bird mortality monitoring and provision of training on the development of standardized approach for collision and electrocution monitoring of transmission lines and towers. Strengthening the Project Implementing Entity’s capacity for Project management, monitoring, reporting and evaluation, including procurement, financial management and disbursement activities and carrying out the Project and the Project Implementing Entity audit.
Institutional Strengthening. Technical assistance and support to the Project Implementing Entity to:
(a) facilitate the full operationalization of the RDC, with requisite capacity for its responsibilities in managing the Core Road Network; and (b) assist in the implementation, coordination and monitoring of the Project, including the asset management program, GAAP, and ISAP.