Sabbatical Leave Committee. Shall consist of the following:
12.5. 10.1 A non-voting representative of the District administration shall act as the presiding officer.
12.5. 10.2 Presidents of the colleges.
12.5. 10.3 Deans of instruction or equivalents at the colleges.
Sabbatical Leave Committee. The Sabbatical Leave Committee comprised of an equal number of representatives selected by the Association, and the administration selected by Superintendent or his designee, will review the written proposal for a sabbatical leave and present their recommendation to the Superintendent. (Refer to Article X)
Sabbatical Leave Committee. The District will establish a Sabbatical Leave Committee composed of six (6) members, including three (3) Faculty Members appointed by the Federation, and will establish rules for tenure on the committee in order to provide for continuing of membership. The Committee will set and announce deadlines, receive applications, evaluate the plans submitted, recommend to the Vice President - Academic Affairs, prior to the close of the calendar year, those who may be granted leaves, establish a list of alternates, and receive written sabbatical reports, all as specified herein. The Committee may rely on the advice of consultants.
Sabbatical Leave Committee. At each college, there shall be a Sabbatical Leave Committee elected by the members of the bargaining unit(s). Only tenured employees or employees on tenure track appointment at the college may serve as members of a Sabbatical Leave Committee. The size and composition of the committee shall be determined by mutual agreement. At merged campuses, subcommittees of the Sabbatical Leave Committee will be established consisting of representatives of each bargaining unit. Each subcommittee shall make the recommendation with respect to its own bargaining unit members. AFSCME members shall apply directly to the President for sabbaticals, unless they opt to apply to the committee. The Sabbatical Leave Committee shall have the responsibility to review all applications for sabbatical leave and shall make recommendations to the President listing in priority order applicants recommended for sabbatical leave at full pay, and separately, applicants recommended for sabbatical leave at half pay. The operation of the Sabbatical Leave Committee shall be subject to the supervision of the President or his/her designee. The committee shall review the President of the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities’ guidelines for its work and shall keep a written record of the dates of all meetings, attendance at the meetings and materials considered. These records and materials shall be in the custody of the President or his/her designee. The committee shall not disclose its records or recommendations except as provided herein.
Sabbatical Leave Committee. All applicants for sabbatical leave shall be reviewed by a committee composed of six (6) members. Three (3) of these shall be appointed by the Association and three (3) by the Superintendent. The committee shall consider the following criteria:
1. Merit of the applicant’s proposed program
2. Applicant’s length of service to the district
3. Distribution from the areas of elementary, intermediate and secondary.
Sabbatical Leave Committee. The committee shall consist of six (6) members as follows:
1. The College President shall act as chairperson and ex officio member.
2. Three members will be selected by the Association and should represent diverse disciplines.
3. Two academic administrators will also serve on the committee.
4. No member on the Sabbatical Leave Committee may serve while at the same time applying for sabbatical leave.
5. A recommendation of faculty to receive sabbatical leave must be by majority vote of the Sabbatical Leave Committee.
Sabbatical Leave Committee. Reviews post sabbatical reports and makes recommendations to the President.
Sabbatical Leave Committee a. Evaluates applications, reviews applicants' eligibility and previous sabbatical leaves (if any), assists as needed, with revisions, etc., and recommends which applications shall be forwarded to the Professional Standards Committee.
Sabbatical Leave Committee. The Committee consists of the Vice President for Instruction, administrators appointed by the President, and tenured faculty members appointed by the Association. The majority of Committee representation will be faculty. The Chair of the Committee is the Vice President for Instruction.
Sabbatical Leave Committee. A Sabbatical Leave Committee will be established at each college by the Yosemite Faculty Association. The committee shall review sabbatical leave applications then rank and recommend eligible candidates for sabbatical leave. Faculty members currently serving on the Sabbatical Leave Committee are not eligible to apply for a sabbatical leave during their term of service.