Employee Training The Provider shall provide periodic security training to those of its employees who operate or have access to the system. Further, Provider shall provide LEA with contact information of an employee who LEA may contact if there are any security concerns or questions.
First Aid Training In the interests of the occupational safety and health of employees, the Employer will undertake an in-service program of first aid training aimed at providing a first aid officer for each department.
Orientation and Training A transferring employee will be orientated separately to both or their new home in accordance with Article 20 the collective agreement of the designated employer.
Job Training The Employer and the Union shall establish a Joint Committee on Training and Skill Upgrading for the following purposes: (1) for planning training programs for those employees affected by technological change; (2) for planning training programs to enable employees to qualify for new positions being planned through future expansion or renovation; (3) for planning training programs for those employees affected by new methods of operation; (4) for planning training programs in the area of general skill upgrading. Whenever necessary, this Committee shall seek the assistance of external training resources such as the Federal Human Resources Development Canada and Provincial Ministry of Labour, or other recognized training institutions.
Staff Training The CONTRACTOR shall provide regular and ongoing comprehensive training for CONTRACTOR staff to ensure that they understand the goals of Centennial Care 2.0, including the integration of physical, Long-Term Care and Behavioral Health, the provisions and limitations of the ABP and the requirements of this Agreement. As issues are identified by the CONTRACTOR and/or HSD, the CONTRACTOR shall provide timely and targeted training to staff. The CONTRACTOR shall provide an initial orientation and training as well as ongoing training, including training targeted to different types of staff, to ensure compliance with this Agreement. Including targeted training regarding: Care Coordination; Nursing Facility Level of Care Determinations; Setting of Care Submissions; Community Benefit Services and Supplemental Questionnaire; and
Sick Leave Use An employee shall be granted sick leave with pay to the extent of the employee's accumulation for absences necessitated by the following conditions:
Required Training For training that is required by the Agency, manager or supervisor, the Agency shall reimburse one hundred percent (100%) of all related necessary and legitimate expenses, including but not limited to tuition, books, travel expenses, travel time, and attendance time. When practical, the Agency will attempt to adjust the employee’s hours if the approved training activity is scheduled during the employee’s normal work hours.
Industrial Relations Training Leave Union Delegate/Employee Representative shall have access to industrial relations training in accordance with Appendix E hereof.
Overtime Meals When employees are required to work more than two (2) hours beyond their regular work days, the Employer will provide hot meals at no cost to the employees, up to a maximum of sixteen dollars ($16.00) (receipts to be submitted) plus paid meal periods of one-half (1/2) hour at the prevailing rate and thereafter at four (4) hour intervals. Any early morning start before regular starting time is entitled to a paid meal. The breakfast limit is thirteen dollars ($13.00) (receipts to be submitted). Employees called out on overtime shall be paid for meals as above, after four (4) hours work.
Safety Training Pursuant to Missouri Revised Statute Section 292.675, Contractors and subcontractors who sign a contract to work on public works projects must provide a 10-hour OSHA construction safety program, or similar program approved by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, to be completed by their on-site employees within sixty (60) days of beginning work on the construction project. Contractors and subcontractors in violation of this provision will forfeit to the public body $2,500 plus $100 a day for each employee who is employed without training. Public bodies and contractors may withhold/assess these penalties from the payment due to those contractors and subcontractors if found to be in non-compliance.