Level One - School Principal Sample Clauses
Level One - School Principal a. If an aggrieved teacher is not satisfied with the outcome of the informal procedures, he may pursue the formal grievance procedure. In doing so, he must present his claim as a formal grievance to the principal and must cite the statement in the Professional Agreement which he alleges has been violated.
b. The principal shall, within five (5) days after the receipt of the formal grievance, render his decision and the reasons in writing to the aggrieved teacher with a copy to the Association.
Level One - School Principal. (a) If a teacher feels that he/she may have a grievance, he/she may first discuss the matter with his/her principal or other appropriate administrator in an effort to resolve the problem informally.
(b) Any teacher attending a meeting in which a grievance is discussed shall have the right to representation as described under Section E. of this Article.
(c) If the teacher is not satisfied with the disposition of the matter, he/she shall reduce the grievance to writing and submit it to the principal. The principal shall, within two (2) days of the receipt of the grievance in writing, give a written answer, with a copy to the Association.
Level One - School Principal. If a teacher is not satisfied with the outcome of the informal procedure, he or she must submit a written statement of his or her grievance to the principal or immediate superior within the time limit set forth in Paragraph C.2 above. The principal or immediate superior shall, within five (5) days after receipt of the written grievance, render his or her decision and the reasons therefor in writing to the teacher with a copy to the Association.
Level One - School Principal a) If not satisfied with the disposition of the problem through informal procedures, the aggrieved person may submit the claim as a formal grievance in writing to that person's principal, within the time limit set forth in Section C.3.
b) The principal shall within ten (10) days render his/her decision and the reasons therefore in writing to the aggrieved person with a copy to the Association.
Level One - School Principal. If the teacher is not satisfied with the outcome of the informal procedure, he/she may present her/his claim to the principal as a written grievance within fifteen (15) calendar days after he/she first knew of the act or conditions upon which the grievance is based. The grievance shall be in writing and such writing shall specifically set forth the act or condition on which the grievance is based, the section of the contract alleged to be involved, and the remedy requested. Forms to be used in the grievance procedure are available in the principal's office. The principal shall meet with the teacher and an Association representative within five
Level One - School Principal a. If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at the informal level, or if no decision at the informal level is rendered within five (5) days after the institution of the informal procedure, he/she may submit his/her grievance in writing as a formal grievance to the proper school principal or other such administrator as the situation shall dictate within ten (10) days after the grievance was first presented at the informal procedure level.
b. The school principal (or other administrator) shall render a written decision within five (5) days after the initiation of the Level One proceedings to the aggrieved party, and a copy shall be sent to the Chairperson of the Association's Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee.
Level One - School Principal a. If an aggrieved person is not satisfied with the outcome of the informal procedure, he/she may file a written grievance within the ten (10) working days following the administrator’s informal decision. The written grievance shall be submitted to the principal or appropriate administrator. Information copies are to be sent by the aggrieved party to the grievance representative of the Association and to the Executive Director of Human Resources. If the same grievance reoccurs, the grievance shall proceed to Level Two automatically.
b. The aggrieved person or the principal may request a conference prior to the rendering of the decision. The teacher may (a) discuss the grievance personally, (b) request that an Association grievance representative accompany him/her or (c) request that an Association grievance representative act on his/her behalf. Any request that an Association grievance representative act on the teacher’s behalf without the teacher’s presence must be made in writing and presented to the principal at the time of the conference.
c. The principal or other appropriate administrator within ten (10) working days after receipt of the grievance or within five (5) working days after the personal conference (whichever is later), shall render a written decision to the aggrieved person with a copy to the grievance representative of the Association and the Executive Director of Human Resources.
Level One - School Principal a) If an aggrieved person and/or Association is not satisfied with the outcome of informal procedures, or it was not appropriate for him/her to use them, he/she may present his/her claim as a formal grievance in writing to the principal or other appropriate administrator. A formal grievance must be filed within twenty-five (25) days of the treatment, act, or condition that is the basis of the grievance complaint, or it will be deemed waived.
b) The principal or other administrator shall, within seven (7) days after receipt of the written grievance, render a decision and the reason therefore in writing to the aggrieved person, with a copy to the Association’s President(s) or designated representative.
Level One - School Principal a. If an aggrieved party is not satisfied with the outcome of the informal procedure, he/she may present his/her claim as a formal grievance in writing on a mutually agreed upon form to his/her principal or other designated administrator with jurisdiction there under. A grievance will be deemed waived unless submitted in writing twenty-five (25) days after the aggrieved party knew or should have known of the events or conditions constituting the alleged grievance.
b. The principal or other designated administrator shall, within five (5) days after receipt of the written grievance, have rendered his/her decision and the reasons therefore in writing to the aggrieved party.
c. Level One of the formal grievance procedure may be bypassed when the Superintendent is the "designated administrator" as described in subsection "a" above. In such instances the formal grievance procedure shall commence at Level Two.
Level One - School Principal. A grievant shall first discuss his/her grievance with his/her Principal, either alone or with a representative of the ASSOCIATION, with the objective of resolving the matter informally. If the grievant is not directly responsible to an individual Principal, she/he shall discuss the grievance with his/her immediate supervisor. A grievance submitted in accordance with paragraph E-4 of this article shall also be discussed, if submitted at Level One, by the grievant and the appropriate Principal or supervisor.