MINIMUM MANPOWER. (This paragraph applies only to Police Officers.) In the Implementation of Section 10.1 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Employer will normally schedule two (2) Police Officers to work on each shift. In the event that either of the normally scheduled employees is unable to work for any reason, the Employer shall not be required to call in any other employee to work for any reason, the Employer shall not be required to call in any other employee to work if such call in would require the payment of any form of premium compensation to the employee. In all cases the Employer will either have two (2) Police Officers on duty or will comply with the back-up requirements of Section 10.1. For purposes of determining compliance with the back-up requirements of Section 10.1, no certified Officer assigned to duty as a Dispatcher shall be counted. It is understood that while the department is on 12-hour shifts, FOR HOLIDAYS ONLY, there may not be two normally scheduled Police Officers as described above in this paragraph due to Holidays being picked based on University Seniority including sergeants and dispatchers. This in no way affects there being two normally scheduled Police Officers on non-holidays.
MINIMUM MANPOWER. (This paragraph applies only to Police Officers.) In the implementation of Section 10.1 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Employer will normally schedule two (2) Police Officers to work on each shift. In the event that either of the normally scheduled employees is unable to work for any reason, the Employer shall not be required to call in any other employee to work if such call in would require the payment of any form of premium compensation to the employee. In all cases the Employer will either have (2) Police Officers on duty or will comply with the back-up requirements of Section 10.1. For purposes of determining compliance with the back-up requirements of Section 10.1, no certified Officer assigned to duty as Dispatcher shall be counted. Staffing for the Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Center will not impact the minimum manpower requirements for main campus.
MINIMUM MANPOWER. The Clinton Township Police Station will be manned by at least one (1) full-time Police Officer at all times. The word "Officer" in this Article does not pertain exclusively to Command Officers.
MINIMUM MANPOWER. The Board shall endeavour to ensure that there will be a minimum Uniform strength of three (3) Police Officers on duty at all times of the day.
MINIMUM MANPOWER. In the interest of fire fighters' safety the minimum manpower of the Department for EMS and Suppression by platoon shall be as follows: (1) Captain, (on an Engine) (1) Lieutenant/Fire, (on an Engine or Ladder) (2) Privates/EMS, (on Rescue) (2) Captains or Lieutenants/EMS, (on Rescue)
MINIMUM MANPOWER. 37.1: The Department shall maintain no less than 45 sworn bargaining unit members assigned to operations division. Said numbers do not include civilian dispatchers. The City will fill all budgeted positions as soon as possible, without delay
MINIMUM MANPOWER. For purposes of safety, a minimum of two (2) men shall constitute a crew.
MINIMUM MANPOWER. Section 1( Arbitration Issue 2)
MINIMUM MANPOWER. Work schedules referred to herein shall not be deemed to be a minimum manpower clause for the duration of this Agreement.
MINIMUM MANPOWER. Section 1(Arbitration Issue 2) Section 2 In the event that the manpower shall for any reason fall below the minimum requirements provided for in Section 1 of this Article, such shortage shall be filled by working a Department member overtime as set forth in Article XXVII. Section 3 The Town and the Union may continue to negotiate concerning the increase in the minimum manpower provision as set forth in this contract. Section 4 It is the intent of the Town to never have any less than two (2) employees responding to an emergency on any vehicle. Section 5 For the purposes of this Article, assigned to be on duty shall mean those employees and positions that are listed on the normal daily duty roster. Section 6 If any employee fails to report for work under the provisions of the mandatory overtime procedure, the Town shall be exempt from having to maintain the manpower for that position on that shift.