Municipal. An entity operating in the ERCOT Region that owns or controls transmission or distribution facilities, owns or controls dispatchable generating facilities, or provides retail electric service and is either: A municipally owned utility as defined in PURA §11.003 or A River Authority as defined in Tex. Water Code §30.003.
Municipal. The University endorses full participation at this level, and the Employee’s University responsibilities should be rearranged to facilitate this participation; unless, however, the Employee’s municipal responsibility becomes so large, i.e. a mayor, then the principles established for the provincial and federal levels should be applied.
Municipal. (i) The City of Winnipeg Neighbourhood Liveability By-law No. 1/2008;
(ii) The City of Winnipeg By-law No. 1573/77 and all amendments up to and including 7670/2000;
Municipal. In addition, upon annexation to Pine Level or inclusion in the Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ), the Special Flood Hazard Areas identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and/or produced under the Cooperating Technical State agreement between the State of North Carolina and FEMA as stated above for the Unincorporated Areas of Xxxxxxxx County, with accompanying maps and other supporting data, and any revision thereto, are adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this ordinance.
Municipal. Manager Means the MM of the organisation or his/her duly authorised representative
Municipal. It shall be the duty of the city to provide for a court for the trial of misdemeanor offenses known as the “municipal court,” with such powers and duties as are defined and prescribed by state law.
Municipal. For a single municipality project, one letter is required, and must be signed by a member of the governing body. Municipal letters of commitment must include:
a. A commitment to forming a project task force to guide the project for the municipality or multi-municipal group that includes at least one (1) member of the governing body and at least one (1) member of the planning commission, with information on who other potential members of the task force may be (such as municipal staff, representatives from other municipal commissions or committees, business owners, residents, etc.);
b. A commitment to the funding details of the project, to include identification of the forty (40) percent municipal share of the cost and notation of the understanding that the municipality is required to pay their portion into the County across the course of the project’s contract; and
c. Identification of the individual officially designated to submit the application (see Section 7.3.C).
Municipal. Corporation or any other authority and wages of watchmen, sweepers, mali, and other expenses of common benefit. After the Purchaser takes the possession of the Apartment, he shall be liable to contribute proportionate share for common expenses as aforementioned, as decided by the Association of the Apartment Owners from time to time.
Municipal. CBRM provides the following municipal services to the communities in the study: ⮚ maintenance, construction and operation of streets and rights of ways; ⮚ integrated solid waste management; ⮚ potable water treatment; ⮚ supply and distribution of water; ⮚ sanitary sewer collection and distribution; and ⮚ storm water management and control. Not all of these services are available to residents and businesses due to the extensive land area of the municipality. At the Project site, for example, the Proponent will be responsible for the installation and maintenance of all the site services required to support the exploration program. CBRM is also responsible for municipal planning and the issuance of development permits pursuant to the Municipal Government Act. No development permit will be required from CBRM to execute the Project.
Municipal. 1. All four (4) parties will lobby the City of London independently for their respective concerns, but should speak with one voice on matters affecting Western as a whole.
2. The USC will continue to support a separate seat for an HBK delegate on the City of London’s Town and Gown Committee