NAICS Codes. All NAICS Codes associated to this contract are grouped under the small business size standard of $16.5M Business Size and identified in Section H.4.2.
NAICS Codes. All NAICS Codes associated to this contract are grouped under the small business size standard of 1,500 Employee Business Size and identified in Section H.4.2.
NAICS Codes. The MRCC agrees to certify all firms in compliance with 49 CFR Part 26, including designating specific work types. The Partners agree to use the NAICS codes for those designations. All firms will be informed of the specific codes and a short narrative description of that designation. Citizens of the United States (or lawfully admitted permanent residents) who are women, Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian-Pacific Americans, Subcontinent Asian Americans, or other minorities found disadvantaged by the Small Business Administration will maintain the rebuttable presumption by the MRCC of being a socially disadvantaged individual. The definitions of those groups are set out in Appendix A, attached and incorporated by reference. Pursuant to 49 CFR 26.63, if the MRCC has reason to question whether an individual is a member of a group presumed to be socially disadvantaged, the MRCC will require the individual to demonstrate, by a preponderance of the evidence, that he/she is a member of such group. In making that determination, the MRCC will consider whether or not the person has held himself/herself out to be a member of the group over a long period of time prior to application for certification and whether the relevant community regards the person as a member of the group. The MRCC may require the applicant to produce appropriate documentation of group membership. If the MRCC determines an individual claiming to be a member of a group presumed disadvantaged is not a member of such group, the individual must demonstrate social and economic disadvantage on an individual basis. The MRCC's decision concerning membership in a designated group will be subject to the certification appeal procedures.
NAICS Codes. All NAICS Codes associated to Pool 4 are grouped under the small business size standard of 1,000 Employees and identified in Section H.4.2.
NAICS Codes. 541990; 518210; 523920; 541611; 541618; 541511; 541512; 541612;
NAICS Codes. All NAICS Codes associated to Pool 2 are grouped under the small business size standard of $20.5 Million and identified in Section H.4.2.
NAICS Codes. 541350; 541690; 541330; 926130; 924110 Expiration Date/ Certification #: 09/30/2024 / DL01093
NAICS Codes. All NAICS Codes associated to Pool 3 are grouped under the small business size standard of $38.5 Million and identified in Section H.4.2.
NAICS Codes. 238160 - Roofing Contractors 238170 - Siding Contractors 238390 - Other Building Finishing Contractors
NAICS Codes. As stated in the TRI questions and answers, “a facility may be made up of several establishments each of which may have a different primary NAICS code.” According to TRI, “A primary NAICS code generally represents those goods produced or services performed by an establishment that have the highest value added.” In the case of the TRI program, more information is provided on how to determine primary NAICS because it is relevant to whether a facility is required to report to the TRI program or not. The Facility Widget, used by both the CEDRI and TRI systems, provides users a way to provide multiple NAICS codes that are relevant to their facility. Users can set the Primary NAICS code using the Facility Widget as well. Other programs, such as the NEI via EIS, allow a single NAICS code for each facility. Ideally, if a facility has emissions reported to the EIS and either or both of CEDRI and TRI, one of the NAICS codes used for CEDRI or TRI would be used for the emissions reported to the EIS. However, this depends on the specifics of the overlapping facilities and whether the parts of a facility generating air toxics (reported to TRI) are included as part of the facility reported to a state, local, or tribal program for the NEI. For a specific reporting programs, the valid NAICS codes may not be the latest set of NAICS codes published by the Census Bureau. The Census Bureau updates NAICS codes every five years but reporting regulations for a given reporting period may not have been updated to use a newer version of the codes. The latest codes are available at the Census Bureau NAICS website. Users submitting NAICS data to EPA for a given reporting program should refer to the guidance for that program to ensure valid codes are reported. 3 Units Units are parts of a facility that perform some function important to the operation of the facility. Usually units are pieces of equipment that have some input (such as fuel or raw materials) and some output (such as heat, power, a transformed material, or a chemical). In the environmental context, a unit is something that performs a function but also generates emissions or other environmentally impactful output. As such, a unit can be a collection of materials, such as a pile of coal or a holding pond, that is relevant for environmental accounting purposes because it can generate fugitive emissions 2 In EIS, nonpoint sources refer to data that is summed across multiple sources or origins and reported as a county total...