Network Use. As an alternative to installing and using the Adobe Output Designer software on the Computer of each licensed Authorized User, Licensee may install and use the Adobe Output Designer software on a file server for the purpose of (a) permitting Authorized Users to download the software for installation and use on no more than the licensed number of Computers connected to Licensee's Internal Network, or (b) permitting Authorized Users to use the software using commands, data or instructions from a Computer connected to Licensee's Internal Network provided that the total number (not the concurrent number) of Authorized Users that use the software does not exceed one user for each of the licensed number of Computers. No other network use is permitted.
Network Use. All high school students have access to a district assigned and managed Google account which will provide a variety of services including Internet based data storage and a limited email account that is accessible through the student’s individual district Google login. This provides students with a safe and secure place to save their work. Should the Chromebook experience problems or be out for repair, students will be able to access their files in the appropriate application using a loaner Chromebook. Students are encouraged to save all important work to Google Drive on a regular basis. User information is always password protected and access to the account should be guarded by the
Network Use. All staff will have access to personal and shared network storage space. Since network space is the property of the District, staff should not store personal files on the District’s file servers. • Users will not gain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to the files of others, or vandalize the data or files of another user. • Users will not attempt to gain access to, harm, modify, or gain unauthorized access to District systems or data. • Users will not interfere with system security. Any employee found tampering and/or disabling any of the District’s security devices will be subject to revocation of privileges and potential disciplinary and/or appropriate legal action. • Users will not possess any data, which may be considered a violation of these regulations, in paper, magnetic (disk), or any other form. • Personal devices may not be connected to the District wireless or wired network and may only be connected to the guest wireless network. In no case may staff use devices with the intent to circumvent the District security and filtering systems.
Network Use. All students have access to a district assigned and managed Google account which will provide a variety of services including Internet based data storage and a limited email account that is accessible through the student’s individual district Google login. This provides students with a safe and secure place to save their work. Should the Chromebook experience problems or be out for repair, students will be able to access their files in the appropriate application using a loaner Chromebook. Students are encouraged to save all important work to Google Drive on a regular basis. User information is always password protected and access to the account should be guarded by the student. All students will be provided with a secure login and their content will be filtered regardless of their location. Privacy should not be an expectation when utilizing a district owned device, a district managed account, or when accessing the LTSD network. Students should not loan their Chromebook to any other student, nor should they borrow a Chromebook from another student. Under no circumstance, should a student allow another student to log into his/her data, nor should any student share his/her login (usernames and passwords) with any other individual. The safe and responsible use of the Internet is of the utmost importance to the district. While at school, students are protected from potentially dangerous and inappropriate content through the District’s network filter.
Network Use. You are responsible for the security and appropriate use of Xxxxx Tax Services, LLC network resources under your control. Using Xxxxx Tax Services, LLC resources for the following is strictly prohibited:
3.4.1 Causing a security breach to either Xxxxx Tax Services, LLC or other network resources, including, but not limited to, accessing data, servers, or accounts to which you are not authorized; circumventing user authentication on any device; or sniffing network traffic.
3.4.2 Causing a disruption of service to either Xxxxx Tax Services, LLC or other network resources, including, but not limited to, ICMP floods, packet spoofing, denial of service, heap or buffer overflows, and forged routing information for malicious purposes. Xxxxx Tax Services, LLC. Technology Acceptable Use Policy
3.4.3 Introducing honeypots, honeynets, or similar technology on the Xxxxx Tax Services, LLC network.
3.4.4 Violating copyright law, including, but not limited to, illegally duplicating or transmitting copyrighted pictures, music, video, and software.
3.4.5 Exporting or importing software, technical information, encryption software, or technology in violation of international or regional export control laws.
3.4.6 Use of the Internet or Xxxxx Tax Services, LLC network that violates the Acceptable Use Policy, Xxxxx Tax Services, LLC policies, or local laws.
3.4.7 Intentionally introducing malicious code, including, but not limited to, viruses, worms, Trojan horses, e-mail bombs, spyware, adware, and keyloggers.
3.4.8 Port scanning or security scanning on a production network unless authorized in advance by Information Security.
Network Use. The district electronic "network" as used in these guidelines includes wired and wireless computers, software, and peripheral equipment, including, but not limited to handhelds, files, storage, email, and Internet. Users will be held strictly responsible for all activity that takes place on their accounts. System logins, passwords and accounts are to be used only by the authorized user of the account for the authorized purpose. Users may not share passwords or leave an open file or session unattended or unsupervised. Users shall not seek information on, obtain copies of, or modify files, data, or passwords belonging to other users; misrepresent other users on the network; or attempt to gain unauthorized access to any part of the network. The district reserves the right to examine all data created on, posted or stored on, or transmitted by the network. Inappropriate content and activities on the network, such as cyberbullying, impersonating another, hate mail, defamation, harassment, or intimidation of any kind, are prohibited. Creating, posting, sending, or storing information on the network that could endanger others, such as bomb construction and drug manufacturing, is prohibited. Accessing, uploading, downloading, viewing, storage and distribution of obscene, pornographic, or sexually explicit or suggestive material is prohibited. Users must not do anything that will damage technology equipment or systems. Users must not do anything that will disrupt the network or its operation. Users may not connect any personal devices from home to the district network without permission. Webpage content must be school-related. The network constitutes public facilities and may not be used to support or oppose political candidates or ballot measures. Use of the network for commercial solicitation is prohibited. Staff should not reveal personal information, such as complete names, addresses and telephone numbers, about themselves or others on any electronic medium without permission No staff member may disclose, use, or disseminate personally identifiable information about students, including photographs, for other than legitimate educational purposes. No student pictures or names can be published on any class, school, or district website unless the appropriate permission has been obtained according to district policy. (Policy 2192, 2314, 8400 and Procedure 2192) Filtering software is used to block or filter access to visual depictions that are obscene and child pornog...
Network Use. At log-in, all users will be required to acknowledge understanding the Acceptable Use Agreement before being allowed access. Parents or guardians of minors will provide confirmation of their understanding of the Acceptable Use Agreement and give permission for use on the annual registration card.
Network Use. If you have a Concurrent User Version License of the Software, you may install the Software on the temporary memory, hard disk drive, or other storage device of a single computer which is accessible by multiple computers, such as a network server.
Network Use. Licensee may also store or install a copy of the Software ------------------- on a storage device, such as a network server, used only to install or run the Software on Licensee's other COMPUTERS over an internal network; however, Licensee must acquire and dedicate a license for each separate COMPUTER on or from which the Software is installed, used, accessed, displayed or run. A license for the Software may not be shared or used concurrently on different COMPUTERS. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any number of COMPUTERS may access or otherwise utilize the file and print services and peer web services of the Software. In addition, Licensee may use the "Multiple Display" feature of the Software to expand Licensee's desktop as described in the on-line Help file, without obtaining a license for each display.
Network Use. You are granted the use of one copy of this Software Product on a storage device, such as a network server, which is used solely to install or run the Software Product on other computers over an internal network; however, an additional license must be acquired and dedicated for each separate computer on which the Software Product is installed or for each computer run from the storage device.