Screening and Assessment Grantee shall: 1. Comply with all applicable rules in the TAC for SUD programs as stated in the SUD UM Guidelines Information, Rules, and Regulations regarding Screening and Assessment. 2. When documenting a CMBHS Substance Use Disorder screening, Grantee shall conduct the screening in a confidential, face-to-face interview unless there is documented justification for an interview by phone. 3. Document Financial Eligibility in CMBHS as required in the SUD UM Guidelines. 4. Conduct and document a CMBHS SUD Initial Assessment with the client to determine the appropriate levels of care for SUD treatment. The CMBHS assessment will identify the impact of substances on the physical, mental health, and other identified issues including Tuberculosis, Hepatitis C, sexually transmitted infection (STI), and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). i. If client indicates risk for these communicable diseases, Grantee shall refer the client to the appropriate community resources for further testing and counseling. ii. If the client is at risk for HIV, Grantee shall refer the client to pre and post- test counseling on HIV. 5. Grantee will also consider referring to the TRA Statewide HIV Intensive Residential Treatment facility to concurrently address medical needs and SUD. 6. If a client is living with HIV, Grantee will refer the client to the appropriate community resources to complete the necessary referrals and health related paperwork. 7. The assessment shall be signed by a Qualified Credential Counselor (QCC) and filed in the client record within three (3) service days of admission or a program may accept an evaluation from an outside entity if it meets the criteria for admission and was completed during the thirty (30) business days preceding admission.
Data Protection Impact Assessment If, pursuant to Data Protection Law, Customer (or its Controllers) are required to perform a data protection impact assessment or prior consultation with a regulator, at Customer’s request, SAP will provide such documents as are generally available for the Cloud Service (for example, this DPA, the Agreement, audit reports or certifications). Any additional assistance shall be mutually agreed between the Parties.