Student Assessment. 3.3.1 The Charter School shall be subject to and comply with all requirements related to the state assessment and accountability system for public schools.
3.3.2 Nothing in this section prohibits the Charter School or the Authority from assessing student learning outside of and in addition to the state’s testing program.
3.3.3 Educational program matters not specifically identified in this Charter Contract shall remain within the Charter School’s authority and discretion.
Student Assessment. Accountability criteria shall be based upon the School's assessment system and appropriate required statewide assessments.
Student Assessment. In accordance with 70 O.S. § 3-136 of the Act, the Charter School shall participate in the testing as required by the Oklahoma School Testing Program Act and the reporting of test results as is required of a traditional public school. The Charter School shall also provide any necessary data to the Oklahoma State Department of Education Office of Accountability. The Charter School shall comply with all assessment protocols and requirements as established by the State Department of Education, maintain test security, and administer the tests consistent with all relevant state requirements except where exempted.
Student Assessment. For the purposes of this section student assessment means all required activities for which a student will receive formal feedback and/or a grade. Assessment may be simple, standard or complex, as follows:
a) Assessment is complex when the marker is required to give detailed feedback to the students explaining how their work might have been improved, such that a student who understood and learned from this feedback would be able to improve their xxxx in any similar future assignment.
b) Assessment is simple when the marker is able to determine the correct answer by application of a marking template, and is required to do no more than record which answers are correct and determine the marks for each and the overall xxxx for the assessment.
c) Other assessment is standard marking.
Student Assessment. The School will participate in all testing programs required by OSPI and the State Board ofEducation. The School will comply with all assessment protocols and requirements established by OSPI and the State Board ofEducation, maintain test security, and administer the tests consistent with all tribal, state, and federal requirements. The School shall follow OSPI's test administration and security requirements. If the WIS identifies overlapping, conflicting, or duplicative requirements with federal requirements related to student assessments, WIS and the State will consult in order to address or eliminate such duplication or redundancy.
Student Assessment. The XXXXXXXX assessment will be used as pre and post assessment. A pre assessment will be given to each student, at the initial tutoring session, before actual service can begin. A post assessment will be given during the last tutoring session. The scores will be compared for program effectiveness and student growth and sent to the DISTRICT with final invoice.
Student Assessment a) CBKN agrees to the extent feasible, to require contracted agencies performing assessments of xxxxxx care students for CBKN to use instruments and procedures that are consistent with the SBCC requirements.
b) SBCC agrees to accept assessments of xxxxxx care students completed by CBKN contracted agencies when they are consistent with instruments, procedures and qualifications used by the SBCC.
Student Assessment. A. At the beginning of every school year and prior to administering any state assessment, SLCSE will review the State Ethics Policy with all teachers, who have a role in administering state assessments, if any. If applicable, school test proctors will be responsible to read and sign the Standard Test Administration and Testing Ethics Policy for Utah Educators brochure and document. The signed document must be kept on file at the School.
B. SLCSE will administer all District and state mandated tests in the grade levels required by law and USBE rule as a fundamental part of the overall assessment program for the School. Administration of each state assessment will follow all ethical testing procedures including a secure testing site as defined in Standard Test Administration and Testing Ethics Policy for Utah Educators.
X. XXXXX will administer all required assessments in a secure and standardized manner and have a process in place to administer tests via the computer as required. All test administrations will follow the protocol for submission of school files, ordering and administration of the test in the testing windows for each assessment. Science Research Skills Percent of students undertaking a month-long science research project at the end of each academic year 100% Senior Capstone Project Percent of seniors completing a senior project 75% or higher Reading Inventory Improvement Students will achieve minimally one-year growth on the administered RI. 85% or more Rigorous Writing Across the Curriculum Percent of students producing cross-curricular, argumentative or expository writing pieces. The pieces will require a revision component. 90% ACT Percent of students scoring a 21 or higher on the ACT test 30% or higher
Student Assessment. The use, accuracy and efficacy of the Subscription Service depend in large measure upon the accuracy and completeness of the data provided to PEARSON by CUSTOMER. CUSTOMER agrees that it will use the MATERIALS, and in particular the basic skill performance tests, protocols, reading passages, testing procedures, testing instructions and all similar documents and information in a manner consistent with this Agreement, and applicable guidelines and directions from PEARSON.
Student Assessment. The a Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ III- COG) and the Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Tests of Achievement (WJ III-ACH) assessment will be used as pre and post assessment. A pre assessment will be given to each student, at the initial tutoring session, before actual service can begin. A post assessment will be given during the last tutoring session. The scores will be compared for program effectiveness and student growth and sent to the DISTRICT with final invoice.