Obligations of the Producer Sample Clauses

Obligations of the Producer. 1.1. The Producer is obliged to the following: 1.1.1. submit the internet-based data management portal of PRO by the 20th (twentieth) date of every month a declaration on the quantities of electrical and electronic equipment (hereinafter as the EEE) and/or of batteries and accumulators for the previous calendar month (hereinafter jointly as the products of concern) according to the list of categories of EEE and batteries/ accumulators (Annex No 1) and to the declaration form (Annex No 2); 1.1.2. submit a declaration mentioned in article 1. 1.1 on longer periods, on written demand by PRO; 1.1.3. Allow an auditor assigned by PRO inspect the authenticity of data submitted to PRO, on written demand by PRO; 1.1.4. Pay PRO the fee for organizing the handling of waste resulting from the EEE (hereinafter WEEE) placed on the market before 13 August 2005 and collected in the PRO collection network according to the procedure established by PRO; 1.1.5. Pay PRO the fee for organizing the handling of the Producer’s WEEE placed on the market after 13 August 2005 and collected in the PRO collection network for equipment of respective category according to the procedure established by PRO; 1.1.6. Pay PRO the fee for organizing the handling of waste resulting from batteries and accumulators collected in the PRO collection network according to the procedure established by PRO; 1.1.7. Pay PRO on its demand fine for delay 0.1 % (zero point one per cent) from the due amount for every calendar day of delayed payment; 1.1.8. Examine the invoices submitted to the Producer by PRO and present its objections to the invoices in a format which can be reproduced in writing at the latest within three months after the receipt of an invoice. PRO may reject the objections which have been presented in breach of the specified term or formal requirement; 1.1.9. Pay PRO on its demand contractual penalty up to 650 euros in case of not submitting in due time the required data mentioned in article 1.1.1. and contractual penalty up to 3200 euros for intentional submission of false data in the declarations; 1.1.10. Assure PRO the compliance of products of concern declared in the framework of Article 1.1.1 with the requirements provided in legislation for ingredients according to the Confirmation letter which is Annex no 4 to this contract and submit PRO other information and confirmations related to the products of concern the obligation for the submission of which arises from current legislation. 1...
Obligations of the Producer. 4.1 Subject to the requirements of the EU law about the proper functioning of the internal market and the national and European legislation: α) about the designing of products, the P.D. 7/2011 included “Determination of ecodesign requirements for energy related products in compliance with Directive 2009/125/ΕΚ. Amendment of the P.D. 32/2010 (Α΄ 70)» (Α΄ 14) and b) about the restriction of use of certain hazardous substances in the manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment according to P.D. 114/2013, the EEE producers are required in the designing and production of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) : a) to cooperate with the WEEE treatment and recycling units in a joint action to facilitate reuse, dismantlement and recovery of WEEE, their components and sub assemblies parts and materials. b) to comply with the eco-design requirements facilitating re-use and treatment of WEEE established in the framework of P.D. 7/2011 c) do not prevent, through specific design features or manufacturing processes, the repair, the possible upgrading, the preparation for reuse, the re-use, the dismantling, the recovery and in particular the recycling of WEEE, unless applied manufacturing processes and specific design features that offer advantages of over-importance, for example in the protection of the environment and / or safety requirements. d) to integrate an increasing quantity of recycled material in new EEE products in order to develop the markets for recycled materials. 4.2 The Producer has the obligation to proceed to the necessary actions after signing the present in order to be attributed the Producer Registration Number, which is allocated by the Ministry of Environment and Energy within the prescribed procedure each time. Specifically the Producer shall submit to the
Obligations of the Producer. Výrobca je povinný: 3.1 The producer shall be obliged:
Obligations of the Producer. 1. The Producer shall: a) Pay fees to the Operator pursuant to Part III hereof for fulfilment of the obligations to take back, treat, recover and dispose of waste batteries, to raise awareness, inform end-users about take-back and to prepare the annual reports as per S. 51 of the Act, through the ECOBAT Collective System; b) Continuously, duly and conclusively keep a true and complete register of all batteries that the Producer places on the market, in compliance with the Act, the implementing regulations thereto and this Agreement. The register shall be evidentiary especially with regard to the Producer’s accounting and stock records and shall be archived by the Producer for at least seven years from termination hereof; c) Undergo auditing pursuant to the GTC, provide the auditor appointed by the Operator with all data pertaining to the batteries placed on the market by the Producer (with the exception of data that are not decisive for calculation of the POM fee or assessment of fulfilment of another obligation of the Producer) and provide necessary cooperation to the auditor; d) Provide necessary cooperation to the Operator for the performance hereunder, which can be reasonably required from the Producer for performance hereof and for fulfilment of the Producer’s obligations pursuant to the Act; e) to fill out the Sworn statement in Annex 4, and to do so in the event that he previously fulfilled his obligations in another collective or individual system and, by signing the collective performance agreement, now transfers the fulfilment of his obligations of take-back and use of waste batteries to the ECOBAT collective system; f) Inform the Operator in writing of any change in the details specified in the header (introductory part) hereof within 14 calendar days of such a change; if the Producer fails to fulfil this obligation, it shall compensate the Operator for any damage caused. 2. On a quarterly basis, the Producer shall provide the Operator with a battery report (hereinafter referred to as the “Report”) containing true and complete information on the quantity of all batteries, as per the individual groups and types, placed on the market in the Czech Republic in the given calendar quarter. The scope, structure and manner of providing this information (incl. the Report format) are specified in Annex 1 hereof. If it can be reasonably assumed that the Producer will not place more than 300 kg of all batteries on the market in a given calendar year, the Op...
Obligations of the Producer. 4.1 Subject to the requirements of the EU law about the proper functioning of the internal market and the national and European legislation: α) about the designing of products, the P.D. 7/2011 included “Determination of ecodesign requirements for energy related products in compliance with Directive 2009/125/ΕΚ. Amendment of the P.D. 32/2010 (Α΄70)» (Α΄ 14) and b) about the restriction of use of certain hazardous substances in the manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment according to P.D. 114/2013, the EEE producers are required in the designing and production of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) : a) to cooperate with the WEEE treatment and recycling units in a joint action to facilitate reuse, dismantlement and recovery of WEEE, their components and sub assemblies parts and materials. b) to comply with the eco-design requirements facilitating re-use and treatment of WEEE established in the framework of P.D. 7/2011 c) do not prevent, through specific design features or manufacturing processes, the repair, the possible upgrading, the preparation for reuse, the re-use, the dismantling, the recovery and in particular the recycling of WEEE, unless applied manufacturing processes and specific design features that offer advantages of over-importance, for example in the protection of the environment and / or safety requirements. d) to integrate an increasing quantity of recycled material in new EEE products in order to develop the markets for recycled materials. For the implementation of the extended producer responsibility, all technically feasible and economically viable ways are taken into account, as well as all the effects on the environment, human health and society and the proper functioning of the internal market is ensured (article 8 par. 3 law 4819 / 2021).
Obligations of the Producer. 3.1 Filing Procedure At least three (3) weeks prior to recording, the Producer will provide to the Union; detailed and certified production budget; full disclosure of all sources of financing; and a Production Information Sheet (Appendix B) 3.2 Security Bond The Union is entitled to require a Producer to post with the Union, prior to the commencement of work by Performers, a performance bond in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), (unless another amount is agreed to by the Parties) or such amount to cover: a) two (2) weeks Performer payroll (to be based on the production schedule provided by the Producer); and b) the insurance and retirement payments.
Obligations of the Producer. 3.1. The Producer undertakes: a) within 14 days after concluding this Agreement to inform LaIPA about produced phonograms, by filling in a form provided by LaIPA; b) regularly, within 14 days after producing each phonogram to inform LaIPA about the produced phonogram, by filling in a form provided by LaIPA;
Obligations of the Producer. 6.1 For the duration of this Agreement, the Producer shall: (a) comply with the Producer's obligations under the Regulations (consistent with a producer who has appointed a Scheme Administrator) and pursuant to this Agreement (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the Policy Papers (and in particular the requirement to pay producer fees and deposits)); (b) provide the Company with such assistance as the Company may reasonably request in order to enable the Company to act as the Producer's Scheme Administrator (including, without limitation, the provision of such information and assistance as is required to enable the Company to satisfy the obligations set out in Regulations 10(1) and 11(1)); and (c) without prejudice to the generality of clauses 6.1(a) and (b): (i) provide all information reasonably requested by the Company to enable the Company to make an application for registration of the Producer with the Regulator in accordance with Regulation 7(3), including but not limited to the information set out in Policy Paper 2 (Registration Producers & Products), with such information being received by the Company no later than 10 Business Days before the deadline for submission to the Regulator (save for any operational plan of the Company, which the Company will provide); (ii) pay the Registration Fee, as updated from time to time, with such fee being received by the Company before the deadline for submission to the Regulator of the application for registration of the Producer; and (iii) at the Producer's cost, comply with the Producer's obligations under Regulation 12(2) (maintaining a record of the number and type of scheme articles first made available by that Producer to be marketed, offered for sale or sold for the purposes of its retail sale in Scotland; and supplying any information reasonably requested by the Company for the purposes of the Company's compliance with its obligations under Regulations 16(1)(a) to (c)). 6.2 For the duration of this Agreement, the Producer authorises the Company to represent the interests of the Producer as the Producer's appointed Xxxxxx Administrator, for the purposes of Regulation 12 of the Regulations. 6.3 The undertakings given by the Producer in clauses 6.1 and 6.2 are given by it both for itself and on behalf of such of its Associates (if any) as are relevant for the purposes of the Regulations and the Company's appointment as the Producer's Scheme Administrator. The Producer agrees to procure that such Associat...
Obligations of the Producer. 4.1 Subject to the requirements of the EU law about the proper functioning of the internal market and the national and European legislation: α) about the designing of products, the P.D. 7/2011 included “Determination of ecodesign requirements for energy related products in compliance with Directive 2009/125/ΕΚ. Amendment of the P.D. 32/2010 (Α΄ 70)» (Α΄ 14) and b) about the restriction of use of certain hazardous substances in the manufacture of electrical and electronic a) to cooperate with the WEEE treatment and recycling units in a joint action to facilitate reuse, dismantlement and recovery of WEEE, their components and sub assemblies parts and materials. b) to comply with the eco-design requirements facilitating re-use and treatment of WEEE established in the framework of P.D. 7/2011 c) do not prevent, through specific design features or manufacturing processes, the repair, the possible upgrading, the preparation for reuse, the re-use, the dismantling, the recovery and in particular the recycling of WEEE, unless applied manufacturing processes and specific design features that offer advantages of over-importance, for example in the protection of the environment and / or safety requirements. d) to integrate an increasing quantity of recycled material in new EEE products in order to develop the markets for recycled materials. 4.2 The Producer has the obligation to proceed to the necessary actions after signing the present in order to be attributed the Producer Registration Number, which is allocated by the Ministry of Environment and Energy within the prescribed procedure each time. Specifically the Producer shall submit to the H.R.A. an Application for granting the Producer Registration Number fully completed and signed electronically. The subscription of the Producer in the Registry is a condition necessary for the legitimacy of the activity of the Producer and his participation in public renders.
Obligations of the Producer. RESPONSIBIL- ITY ORGANISATION