OPERATION OF EXHIBITS. Exhibits must be designed and operated in a manner that respects the rights of other exhibitors and visitors. The following are prohibited without prior consent of CTA: preparation of food, promotional contests that require physical skill, promotion of other industry expositions and unauthorized taking of photographs. Personnel must be dressed appropriately and confine their activities to the exhibit space of Exhibitor. Exhibitor is responsible for licensing and the payment of fees, royalties or fines for use of work that is protected by copyright, patent or trademark. CTA reserves the right to prohibit promotions found objectionable. Booths must be staffed at all times during scheduled exhibit hours, unless CTA gives prior written permission. Booth personnel must be 18 years of age or older.
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OPERATION OF EXHIBITS. Show Management has the right, without exceptions or qualifications, to enter the exhibit space occupied by Exhibitor and to inspect any material distributed or made available in the exhibit space. Show Management reserves the right to restrict the operation of, or remove completely, any exhibit, exhibit personnel or promotional activities, which in its opinion, detracts from the general character of the Show as a whole. Exhibitors may not use live or recorded music unless prior written consent of Show Management has been obtained. Such Exhibitors will be responsible for all applicable licenses, fees and costs of such music. Exhibits must cease operation, demonstration or distribution of samples of any kind whenever such action blocks the Show aisles or in any way handicaps nearby Exhibitors. All promotional activities as defined by Show Management must be confined to the limits of the Exhibitor’s assigned space. No advertising material on any medium or promotion of any kind is permitted outside the confines of the Exhibitor’s assigned space. Any advertising, promotion or other scheme that might be construed as a lottery is prohibited. It may be necessary for the conduct of other exhibits or Show operations to access utility connections in Exhibitor’s booth. Exhibitor expressly agrees to permit such access, which may include placing of piping, cable, conduit, ramping, etc. within the Exhibitor’s booth. Exhibitor must have a booth representative present in the exhibit booth, and exhibit must be fully operational, at all times the Show is open. Exhibitor shall construct and operate its exhibit at the Show in compliance with all applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, its regulations and guidelines (collectively the ADA). Exhibitor grants its full permission to Show Management for Show Management’s use, reproduction and display of Exhibitor’s name and trade name(s), and the name(s) of Exhibitor’s products and services, in any directory or other listing of Show exhibitors in any and all media. Show Management will not be liable for any errors or omission of Exhibitor from any directory or other listing. Exhibitor grants permission to Show Management to photograph or video record Exhibitor’s exhibit space and workers, before and during the Show, and to use the same for the Show’s promotional or archival purposes.
OPERATION OF EXHIBITS. Show Management reserves the right to restrict the operation of, orevict completely, any exhibit, which, in its sole opinion, detracts from the general character of the exposition as a whole. This includes, but is not limited to, an exhibit which, because of noise, flashing lights, method of operation, display of unsuitable material, is determined by Show Management to be objectionable to the successful conduct of the exposition as a whole. Use of so called “barkers” or “pitchmen” is strictly prohibited. All demonstrations or other promotional activities must be confined to the limits of the exhibit space. Sufficient space must be provided within the exhibit space for the comfort and safety of persons watching demonstrations and other promotional activities. Each exhibitor is responsible for keeping the aisles near its exhibit space free of congestion caused by demonstrations or other promotions. No Food or Beverages may be served from your booth space without written permission from show management and all items MUST be ordered thru Caesars Palace CSM.
OPERATION OF EXHIBITS a. Booths must be open to all registrants and manned during all Expo hours. Exhibitors may not limit admission to any special group or class.
OPERATION OF EXHIBITS. NCLGISA reserves the right to restrict the operation of, or evict completely, any exhibit, which in its sole opinion, detracts from the general character of the conference as a whole. This includes, but is not limited to, an exhibit, which because of noise, size, flashing lights, method of operation, display of unsuitable material, is determined by NCLGISA to be objectionable to the successful conduct of the conference as a whole. All demonstrations or other promotional activities must be confined to the limits of the contracted booth space. Sufficient space must be provided within the booth space for the comfort and safety of attendees watching demonstrations and other promotional activities. Each Sponsor/Exhibitor is responsible for keeping the aisles near its booth space free of congestion caused by demonstrations or other promotions.
OPERATION OF EXHIBITS. Show Management reserves the right to restrict the operation of, or evict completely, any exhibit which, in its sole opinion, detracts from the general character of the Show as a whole. This includes, but is not limited to, an exhibit which, because of noise, flashing lights, method of operation, or display of unsuitable material, is determined by Show Management to be objectionable to the successful conduct of the Show as a whole. Show Management also reserves the right to refuse to admit or to eject and ban from the Exhibition area any person who engages in inappropriate, unprofessional or objectional behavior as determined in the sole judgment of Show Management. All demonstrations or other promotional activities must be confined to the limits of the exhibit space. Sufficient space must be provided within the exhibit space for the comfort and safety of persons watching demonstrations and other promotional activities. Each exhibitor is responsible for keeping the aisles near its exhibit space free of congestion caused by demonstrations or other promotions.
OPERATION OF EXHIBITS. MEGA reserves the right to restrict the operation of, or evict completely, any exhibit which, in its sole opinion, detracts from the general character of the Mega Conference as a whole. This includes, but is not limited to, an exhibit which, because of noise, flashing lights, method of operation, display of unsuitable material, is determined by MEGA to be objectionable to the successful conduct of the Mega Conference as a whole. Use of so called “barkers” or “pitchmen” is strictly prohibited. All demonstrations or other promotional activities must be confined to the limits of the purchased exhibit booth space. Sufficient space must be provided within the exhibit space for the comfort and safety of persons watching demonstrations and other promotional activities. Exhibitor is responsible for keeping the aisles near its exhibit space free of congestion caused by demonstrations or other promotions. Alcoholic Beverages. Exhibitor may not serve alcoholic beverages in the exhibit hall. Food and Non-alcoholic Beverages. Exhibitor must purchase all food and non-alcoholic beverages to be consumed in their booth through the hotel or convention center. Direct Sales. No retail sales are permitted within the exhibit area at any time, but orders may be taken for future delivery. Contests, Drawings, Raffles, Lotteries and the Like. All promotional activities with prizes or awards exceeding $100 value must be approved in writing by MEGA. Requests must be submitted 75 days prior to the opening of the exhibition and notice of approval or rejection will be given no later than 60 days prior to the opening of the exhibition.
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OPERATION OF EXHIBITS. Exhibits must be designed and operated in a manner that respects the rights of other exhibitors and visitors.The following are prohibited without prior consent of CEA: preparation of food, promotional contests that require physical skill, promotion of other industry expositions and unauthorized taking of photographs. Personnel must be dressed appropriately and confine their activities to the exhibit space of Exhibitor. Exhibitor is responsible for licensing and the payment of fees, royalties or fines for use of work that is protected by copyright, patent or trademark. CEA reserves the right to prohibit promotions found objectionable. Booths must be staffed at all times during scheduled exhibit hours, unless CEA gives prior written permission. Booth personnel must be 18 years of age or older.


  • Incorporation of Exhibits The Exhibits attached to this Agreement are incorporated herein and shall be considered a part of this Agreement for all purposes.

  • Character of Exhibits The Exhibitor agrees to display only products or services sold in the regular course of business and as described in this contract. Each exhibit must comply with all applicable laws, codes and ordinances. Exhibits shall be dignified in character and, in the judgment of Show Management, not offensive to the general public. The Show Management reserves the right in its sole discretion to reject and/or remove any exhibit or portion of exhibit not in keeping with this rule or purpose of the show.

  • Incorporation of Schedules and Exhibits The schedules, attachments and exhibits referenced in and attached to this Agreement shall be deemed an integral part hereof to the same extent as if written in whole herein. In the event that any inconsistency or conflict exists between the provisions of this Agreement and any schedules, attachments or exhibits attached hereto, the provisions of this Agreement shall supersede the provisions of any such schedules, attachments or exhibits.

  • LIST OF EXHIBITS List below all exhibits filed as part of this Statement of Eligibility and Qualification.

  • Incorporation of Recitals and Exhibits The Recitals and each exhibit attached hereto are hereby incorporated herein by reference.

  • Incorporation of Schedules The Schedules identified in this Agreement are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof.

  • ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS (a) All attachments to this Agreement are incorporated as if set out fully.

  • Definitions and Exhibits The following terms when used in this Agreement shall be defined as follows:

  • Exhibits and Attachments The following exhibits and attachments are included hereto and incorporated by reference herein: Exhibit A—Services Exhibit B—Payments and rates Attachment I—§504 Compliance

  • Incorporation of Recitals The recitals hereto are incorporated herein as part of this Agreement.

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