Order of Posting Sample Clauses

Order of Posting. To the extent that applicable law allows, we may pay checks, transfers and withdrawals in any order we choose (for example, we may pay the largest items first), even if the order we choose results in there being insufficient funds to pay other checks, transfers and withdrawals that might have otherwise been paid. You understand that such order may change from time to time based on regulatory requirements, technology and industry standards. This includes the order in which we decide to authorize, accept, decline, pay or return credits, debits and holds on your account. This may include different timing for categories of Transactions based on how the Transaction is presented and administered by us. The posting order of Transactions to your account may vary based on the types of Transactions presented, their source and the respective cutoff times applicable for the systems utilized. As a result, the posting order to your account may be different from the order in which your Transactions actually occur. All of this will affect when Overdrafts occur, the Overdraft fees assessed and which of your Transactions we pay or return.
Order of Posting. When a vacancy occurs within a Juvenile Institution Officer classifications within Juvenile Institutions or treatment programs, that vacancy (shift schedule) will be posted in all Juvenile Institutions and Treatment Programs. Selection procedures and criteria shall be as provided in subsection 20.1 (Voluntary Reassignment – Juvenile Institution Officers) paragraphs F (Interviews and Withdrawal) and G (Selection Criteria for Juvenile Institution Officer Vacancies) below.
Order of Posting. At the end of each Business Day, we process and post all transactions that we received that day. Each type of transaction is assigned its own category that determines the sequence in which the transaction will be processed and posted. We generally post all deposits and credits to your account before we deduct any payments, fees or other debits. Unless otherwise specified below, we post all payments, fees or other debits within an individual category in ascending dollar amount order and then proceed to process and post all such debits in the next category in the same manner. We generally process and post common debit transactions in the following order: 1) Transfers to another CNB account, including online banking transfers; 2) Overdraft fees, returned item fees, and automatic payments to a CNB loan; 3) Fees for certain requested services (such as fees for Coin Deposited Exceeding $100 and Wire Principal Protection Service); 4) Zelle® person-to-person payments;
Order of Posting. At the end of each Business Day, we will process and post Items to your Account in the following order, by category and within each category:
Order of Posting. You understand that when items are presented for payment, the law allows us to group items in separate categories, to post the categories in any order, and to post items in any order within each category. After determining the categories and the order of the posting of the categories, for now we have chosen to post items within categories from the lowest to the highest dollar amount. We may change any of these posting methods at any time without notice to you. EXAMINATION OF ITEMS. You do not require us to comply with any restrictive legend on any item, such as, ‘void if not cashed within 90 days,’ ‘payment in full,’ or any other marking that is not one of the following: drawee bank name and location, payee name, endorser name, drawer signature, and the magnetic ink characters across the bottom front of the item. You will not hold us responsible for any item’s late return caused by an endorsement stamp or other marking outside the area allowed for it by law. You will not claim that we failed to exercise ordinary care because our procedures do not require sight examination of each item with an amount below a figure we set periodically. SIGNATURES TO COME. If you have asked us to create the account for multiple owners or authorized signers, we can limit use of the account until all have signed. LAWS, REGULATIONS. We are subject to extremely detailed laws and regulations. You will not hold us liable for anything we do or decline to do based on a good faith belief that it is required by law or regulation. Some laws allow parties to ‘contract out’ of the law’s provisions and establish their own rules. You intend this agreement to do that whenever a term of this agreement conflicts with such a law. You will abide by the rules of any clearinghouse or automated clearinghouse that handles any part of a transaction. LIABILITY LIMIT. You will not hold us responsible for loss caused by an event beyond our control, such as war, terrorism, riot, labor trouble, natural disaster, computer problem, loss of electric power, communications, or transport. If we do not process a transaction in accordance with the terms of this agreement, our maximum liability shall be the amount of the transaction. In no circumstances will we be responsible for consequential damages for any action that we take or fail to take in regard to the account. DEPOSITED ITEMS. We can accept an item for deposit or collection only, refuse it, or return it. In receiving items, we are acting only as your ag...
Order of Posting. At the end of each Business Day, we process and post all transactions that we received that day. Each type of transaction is assigned its own category that determines the sequence in which the transaction will be processed and posted. We generally post all deposits and credits to your Account before we deduct any payments, fees or other debits. Unless otherwise specified below, we post all payments, fees or other debits within an individual category in ascending dollar amount order and then proceed to process and post all such debits in the next category in the same manner. We generally process and post common debit transactions in the following order: 1) Transfers to another Bank account, including online banking transfers; 2) Overdraft fees, returned item fees, and automatic payments to a Bank loan; 3) Fees for certain requested services (such as fees for Coins Deposited Exceeding $100 and Wire Principal Protection Service); 4) Zelle® person-to-person payments; 5) Wire transfers and any related fees; 6) Preauthorized or scheduled debits to a third party, such as ACH payments and online bill payments; 7) Checks and in-person withdrawals, which are combined and processed as one category and, within the category, in-person withdrawals and checks without serial numbers are posted in ascending dollar amount order, followed by checks with serial numbers, which are posted in serial number order; 8) ATM and debit card transactions and any related fees; and 9) Monthly account maintenance and activity fees. The law allows us to process your account transactions by any method and in any order that we consider reasonable. We may change the method or order at any time without notice to you. STOP PAYMENT ORDERS‌‌
Order of Posting. The order in which you make withdrawals or transfers from your Account may not be the same as the order in which we post that transaction to your Account. All items presented against your account are assigned to a “posting group” and are processed in the order of priority of the posting group to which they have been assigned. The current priority of these posting groups, the order in which we process items within each posting group and the specific items which have been assigned to these groups, are determined solely by the Bank. We have the right at any time, without prior notice to you, to change the order of priority for any transaction posted to your Account. If more than one Item is presented for payment on a day in which there are sufficient funds to pay one or more but not all of the items, the number of items paid and the overdraft and returned item fees assessed against your Account may be affected both by the order that we pay those items and the posting group to which they are assigned. In particular, the total amount of such fees may be greater than if the items were paid in the order we receive them or by check number. You are best able to determine whether your account contains sufficient funds to cover all withdrawals and debit transactions made by you in order to avoid any overdraft and returned item fees. We have provided tools, such as ExpressLine, ExpressNet, the Direct Banking Center, and optional lines of credit (subject to required credit approval), to help our customers avoid such fees.
Order of Posting. We have the right to post transactions to your Account in any order we decide. After the end of each business day, we assign each transaction received for that day to a “category.” We generally post all transactions within a category (using the posting order or orders that apply to that category) before we post any transactions assigned to the next category. The following is a summary of the order in which we generally post transactions to your Account:
Order of Posting. In the normal course of business, for consumer accounts, we generally pay electronic transactions first, by timestamp, and then checks by serial number. We reserve the right to change the order of payment without notice to you if we suspect fraud or possible illegal activity affecting youraccount.Also,pleasebe aware thattheorder in which wepay youritems maycreate multipleoverdraft items in asinglebanking day, and you will be charged our overdraft fee for each overdraft item paid up to the daily maximum as disclosed in the Fee Schedule.
Order of Posting. The order in which you authorize withdrawals from your Account will not necessarily be the same as the order in which we process and post transactions to your Account. You have no right to tell us the order to use when posting Items to your Account. Your Account may be debited on the day an Item is presented by any means, including,