Parent Commitment Sample Clauses

Parent Commitment. The parent commits to advanced academics by supporting student learning in the advanced academic course; by supporting teacher efforts to provide rigorous, quality instruction; and by valuing the learning that occurs in the advanced academic course. As a parent of a student enrolled in an AP or KAP course: • I will encourage my child to be prepared for class each day. • I understand that advanced academic courses may seem challenging at first and initial grades may not reflect later grades in the course. • If my child encounters difficulties with the course content, I will expect my child to conference with the teacher and attend recommended tutorials. • Prior to initiating a petition for my child to exit the course, I will contact the teacher for his/her input. • I understand that schedule changes will be contingent on space availability, extenuating circumstances, and the teacher’s appraisal of my child’s potential for success in the course, and the timing of the request. Teacher Commitment The teacher commits to advanced academics by encouraging student participation and success, planning for student learning, providing rigorous, quality instruction, and offering assistance for struggling students. As a teacher of an AP or KAP course: • I will teach the course following the curriculum developed by Xxxx ISD and as authorized by College Board (AP Courses). • I will provide instruction that prepares students for the next level advanced academic course. • I will provide quality instruction at an advanced level and give ample opportunities for students to be successful. • I will assign work that is meaningful and relevant to the required learning goals. • I know that students are enrolled in many other courses and that workload for this course must not be unreasonably time consuming. • I will provide appropriate tutorial opportunities for students who have difficulty with course content.
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Parent Commitment. Lighthouse Christian Academy believes in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as verbally inspired by God and inerrant in the original writings, and that they are the supreme and final authority in faith and life. Lighthouse Christian Academy is in partnership with family and church in training up children to have a growing relationship with Xxxxx Xxxxxx. In making this application, I/we understand that Lighthouse Christian Academy is endeavoring to train my/our child/children from a Biblical perspective, and I/we are in agreement with the spiritual goals and objectives of the school.
Parent Commitment. I understand that my actions as parent are a model and reflection what my child will be I commit to assisting by child with their homework and monitoring their academic progress daily I commit to my child wearing uniform everyday unless notified by the school I commit to having my student attend school 100% of the time I commit to attending parent conferences and all other meetings involving my child I commit to supporting all Xxxxxxxx X-8’s policies I commit to respecting the rights of all children and parents to a quality education I commit to allowing my child to attend extra curricular activities such as fieldtrips I commit to the educational philosophy at Whittier K-8 I commit to working collaboratively and building consensus when making decisions I understand that failure to adhere to any of these commitments may lead to the parent/guardian or child’s loss of privileges and/or removal from Whittier K-8. Teacher’s Commitment I commit to reporting to school, and all school scheduled functions that pertain to my duties as a teacher I commit to consistently instructing students by using the following strategies and making sure they are in all in alignment: Spiral Curriculum, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx’x: Classroom Instruction that Works, Automaticity, Grade Level Standards, Direct Explicit Instruction and the Power Standards I commit to always using formal and informal Standards Based assessment to drive instruction I commit to being prepared to teach everyday I commit to communicate to parents constantly and consistently I commit to the entire Whittier K-8 Innovation Plan I commit to making myself available to students and parents, and addressing any concerns they may have I commit to being in contact with my students’ parents/guardian, at least once every two weeks to communicate positive and negative feedback I commit to working collaboratively and building consensus when making decisions I commit to being at Whittier K-8 on time and working throughout my entire schedule I commit to working collaboratively and building consensus when making decisions I commit to the entire Whittier K-8 Innovation Plan I commit to maintaining the highest level of professionalism I understand that Failure to these commitments can lead to removal from Whittier K-8 [All other Staff I commit to speaking with all members of the school community with respect and fairness I commit to making myself available to students, parents, and any concerns they may have I commit to maintaining the ...
Parent Commitment. Parental support is the foundation of the Lightning program. Parents established the LZBSA and serve as its coaches, board members, officers and financial supporters, as well as its most loyal fans. Lightning parents must also make some fundamental commitments to support their daughters in their softball efforts. Parents agree to abide by the LZBSA Full Time Travel Team Policy, as well as all other applicable LZBSA policies, rules, and procedures. Lightning parents must reinforce the importance of the commitments their daughters make. This is crucial to rounding out the overall learning process for our players - without it, players may get "mixed signals" about the overall importance of commitment and responsibility. Lightning parents must help with the on-going encouragement of all members of the teams, not just for their own daughters. The coaches will maintain a positive, encouraging environment for the players, but Lightning parents must also act as "cheerleaders" both on and off the field. Coaches coach, parents support – Parents will not coach their daughter from behind the fence during the game. Lightning coaches are volunteers. If you would like to coach, please volunteer and be ready to make the necessary commitment of time & energy. Player Safety Coaches will consider player safety as an overriding priority. While injuries are a risk in any athletic activity, the Lightning safety record has been excellent over the years, with injuries to players being very few and generally very minor. The LZBSA will provide appropriate protective gear as required by the Amateur Softball Association. Each parent is required to sign a separate Waiver and Release prior to a player's activity in the LZBSA program. The release portion of this form authorizes emergency medical treatment for a player if a parent is not on hand.
Parent Commitment. We, as the parents (or legal guardians) of a member of this team understand and agree that: • We will adhere to the Xxxx Xxxxxx Athletic Association’s Code of Conduct; • We will be sure our player arrives and departs from his team practices and games in a timely fashion because we understand it is not fair to our player, the team, or the coach to be late; • We agree to meet our financial obligations to the team and to PSAA in a timely manner; • We agree to work our full volunteer time to PSAA as described in this Agreement; • We understand that by violating any of these agreements, our child(ren) may not be invited to try- out for future Select and/or be invited to play on All-Star teams. We acknowledge that I have read and agreed to comply to the terms stated above. Parents also acknowledge that by signing this Agreement and agreeing to abide by the requirements that they are setting an example for their child(ren) to follow. We agree to adhere to all of the responsibilities and duties stated herein. Date: League: ❏ MP ❏ Minors ❏ Majors Print Player Name: Print Parent Name: Player Signature: Parent Signature: For players to play on the Select Team, signed agreements must be returned no later than Sunday, September 11th to your player’s Select Coach or Team Parent.
Parent Commitment. As the parent, I want my child to achieve. Therefore, I will encourage him/her by doing the following: • • See that my child attends school daily and Saturday morning tutoring sessions. • • Have contact with teachers concerning my child's progress. • • Follow up on homework and assignments on al daily basis as well as daily study of the T AKS review guide. • • Encourage my son/daughter's efforts. • • Enroll my son/daughter in the Fall of 2011 if my child is still deficient on requirements.
Parent Commitment. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Parent agrees to make loans to the Subsidiary on a revolving basis (herein collectively called “Subsidiary Loans” and individually each called a “Subsidiary Loan”) from time to time before the Termination Date (as hereinafter defined) in such amounts as the Subsidiary may from time to time request, but not exceeding in the aggregate the amount of Three Hundred Million Dollars ($300,000,000) outstanding at any one time. Parent Loans and Subsidiary Loans are sometimes collectively referred to herein as “Loans.”
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Parent Commitment. (a) If this Agreement is terminated solely as a result of the failure of the condition set forth in Section 6.2(g) hereof, for a two-year period beginning on the date of such termination, Parent and its affiliates agree that they shall not enter into any agreement with ABN AMRO Bank, N.V. or any of its affiliates (collectively, "ABN AMRO") for the purpose of conducting the Business (as defined below).
Parent Commitment. The Client understands that their commitment to this process is absolutely necessary in order to see the results they are hoping for in regard to their child’s sleep. The Client agrees to follow current recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics on safe sleep practices. The Client understands that ESDLLC encourages and enjoys updates from them and that it is their responsibility to correspond with ESDLLC. The Client promises to
Parent Commitment. I, , agree to the following conditions for our son/daughter to participate in the Southminster Presbyterian Church Youth Ministry Program: • I will discuss the above terms with my child. • I understand that transportation to and from church activities is my/our responsibility. • I will support the efforts of the Youth Ministry Leaders and will volunteer as I am able. • I will pick my child up if called to do so immediately due to disciplinary action and agree to meet with the youth director to discuss my child’s future participation. • If my child must leave early, I will write a note stating the time for pick up and come to the door of the meeting place to meet him/her. • I acknowledge the Safe Church Policy is available to view at and I recognize the importance of reading it and reviewing it with my child. • I will ensure that my child attends at least 50% of Church School/Confirmation and/or Youth Group (Sojo, Hub) sessions in order to be eligible to attend retreats and mission trips. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:
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