Part-Time Teacher. A Part-Time Teacher shall mean a Teacher who is employed by the Board on a regular basis for other than full-time duty. Salary and Employee Benefits shall be pro-rated for part-time Teachers.
Part-Time Teacher. For the purpose of this Agreement, a part-time teacher is defined as one who works less than eight hours per day.
Part-Time Teacher. A Teacher under contract to The Hastings & Xxxxxx Xxxxxx District School Board for less than full time employment.
Part-Time Teacher. Part-time teachers who teach fifty percent (50%) or more of a regular full-time teaching load shall be granted Items a through f under “Full-Time Teacher.” Part-time teachers who teach less than fifty percent (50%) of a regular full-time teaching position are not entitled to any benefits.
Part-Time Teacher. A part-time teacher shall have the supervision/on-calls prorated to that of a full- time teacher.
Part-Time Teacher. Teachers working less than full-time will be evaluated at least once each year for the first four years of employment and at least once every two years thereafter.
Part-Time Teacher. The teacher whose contract of engagement in Appendix 3-b determines that he or she is employed for an incomplete school day, for an incomplete school week or for an incomplete school year.
Part-Time Teacher a teacher who is employed to teach less than the contracted calendar days or less than the regular school day.
Part-Time Teacher. 2.3.1 The percentage full-time equivalent (FTE) for part-time teachers shall be calculated on an individual basis by the District in the following manner: The actual amount of the part-time teacher’s weekly student contact time will be divided by the average amount of weekly teacher-student contact time of those full-time teachers in comparable disciplines (e.g., secondary academic subjects or special subject areas) or grade levels (for elementary classes). Part-time teachers shall receive non-instructional assignments ■ (e.g., preparation time and student supervision time) in the same proportion as their FTE.
2.3.2 All part-time teachers serve at the will and pleasure of the Board of Education of the District, and their employment m ay be term inated at any time. All references in this contract to part-time teachers serves only to set forth the terms and the conditions applicable during the period that they are employed by the District.
Part-Time Teacher.
.1 Part-time contracts shall be approved by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation of the Superintendent based on input from the site Principal. Approval shall be determined by meeting the needs of the school involved as well as those of the employee.
a. Superintendent shall provide in writing reasons for denial.
.2 It is understood that pay and benefits are prorated at the employee's position on the salary schedule. Part-time teachers will continue their step increases at their pro- rated rate providing they have met the requirement of teaching 75% of the days.
.3 In order to facilitate coordination with other teachers, support staff, and the community, part-time teachers will attend Back-to-School Night and Open House. In addition, the following expectations apply to part-time teachers contracted at 60% or higher.
a. Attendance of Learning Wednesdays at a percentage equal to their FTE will be required to help maintain a consistent, professional learning environment. Dates of Learning Wednesdays will be set by mutual agreement of the site principal and teacher.
b. Non-student workdays may be attended at a percentage equal to their contract.
c. Conference days may be attended at a percentage equal to their contract as long as timely and appropriate communication is maintained with the site principal and parents.
d. In-service days must be attended in order for individuals to be paid.
e. Part-time teachers will assume their percentage of the additional 15 hours for after Learning Wednesday and professional and adjunct duties. Revised 1/10/23
.4 If requesting part-time employment, there is no guarantee that a teacher will get the same schedule each year due to enrollment and site needs that may vary from year to year.
.5 Permanent certificated teachers working part-time may request full-time status for the following year. They must notify their intent to the Principal and Superintendent by February 15 prior to the school year they wish to obtain full-time status.