Instructional Assignments. Article 8: The annual workload for a full time equivalent faculty position in the School of Craft and Design will consist of 720 hours of instruction. All contact hours, whether delivered as “core” or “studio” courses, will be considered equivalent for the purpose of workload calculations. This instruction will normally be delivered over two terms, but could be configured differently to meet the needs of a program.
Instructional Assignments. It is the professional responsibility of a Faculty Member to prepare and deliver courses and to evaluate students. Assignments defined in this article are calculated based on Schedule I: Workload Calculations.
Instructional Assignments. Instructional assignments are those where an employee teaches a course that is assigned equivalent semester hours (ESH) and a course reference number (CRN). Instructional assignments shall be made for a period of a semester, a part of an academic year, or for an entire academic year, in Management’s discretion.
Instructional Assignments. Employees in the bargaining unit who are required to perform instructional duties* shall be assigned not more than six and hours and forty minutes of instruction daily, including preparation time. Instruction for elementary art, music, and physical education for each elementary building shall be provided by teachers certificated or licensed in these subject areas and who are employed to teach only those areas so long as funds are available. Employees who function as regular classroom teachers on the secondary level shall not be assigned instructional duties in more than four (4) subject preparations daily. This requirement may be waived if this limitation prevents courses from being offered or a teacher from having a full schedule. Employees who function as regular classroom teachers on the secondary level shall not be required to change subject area teaching stations any more than is necessary. A teacher may be assigned to teach an Early Bird Class 45 minutes prior to the normal start of school/Night Owl Class 45 minutes after the end of the school day if both the teacher and administration mutually agree. Compensation shall be either ending their school day by a time equal to the length of the early bird/night owl class or paying them an amount equal to 1/7th of their current salary.
Instructional Assignments. Article 8: The annual workload for a full time equivalent faculty position in the Kootenay Studio Arts will consist of 720 hours of instruction. All contact hours, whether delivered as “core” or “studio” courses, will be considered equivalent for the purpose of workload calculations. This instruction will normally be delivered over two terms, but could be configured differently to meet the needs of a program.
Instructional Assignments. A. A spirit of cooperation and collaboration should prevail between supervising administrators and bargaining unit members in determining course schedules and faculty assignments. At all times, the needs of the student population and academic programs shall be the paramount consideration in determining course schedules. Prior to determining course schedules for future semesters, each immediate supervisor shall request each bargaining unit member's availability for assignments and should make reasonable attempts to accommodate bargaining unit member’s requests with regard to his/her required load for that semester. Reasonable attempts should be made to resolve conflicts with assignments.
B. Teaching assignments will be made in a fair and equitable manner among qualified and credentialed faculty based on criteria including, but not limited to, credentials, expertise, performance, experience with the same or similar courses and seniority. When these criteria are essentially comparable, full time faculty will be given first preference of teaching assignments before adjunct assignments unless it is in the best interests of the students and the academic program.
Instructional Assignments. A. As long as traditional modes of delivery are available, participation by members of the bargaining unit in distance learning courses, whether as part of a regular teaching load or as overloads, will be strictly voluntary. The decision by a member of the bargaining unit not to participate will not be used in any evaluative manner.
B. No faculty shall be assigned to teach a distance learning course that involves learning new technologies without training in those technologies. Faculty members who are new to online teaching must complete ten (10) hours of training, including pedagogical and technical best practices. These faculty members may also have the benefit of an experienced mentor during their first semester of teaching online.
C. Full-time faculty who have a demonstrated record of student success and retention may request to teach more than one online course as part of their standard loads. Department heads will consider each request in good faith; however, all scheduling decisions and faculty assignments will be at the sole discretion of the College.
Instructional Assignments. The Director of the School of Nursing or their designate, shall meet at least once annually with the members of the Faculty of the School for the purpose of providing an opportunity to discuss the assignment of areas of responsibility or changes in the areas of responsibility.
Instructional Assignments. 4.1.1. Teachers may express in writing to the principal, their preference of grade level, subject, department and assignment by April 1st of that current academic year. Programming preferences will be given full consideration in preparing the organizational chart for the following year.
4.1.2. The administration will make every effort to notify teachers with regards to the following information concerning their programs prior to August 1st for the next school year:
a. Subjects to be taught
b. Grades of the subjects to be taught
c. Number of periods
d. Room assignments
e. Any other pertinent information
4.1.3. The number of different teaching locations in which assignments occur for a teacher shall be held to a minimum.
4.1.4. Except when unusual circumstances prevail, High School teachers will be assigned by the Principal, or his/her agent, a maximum of two (2) supervisory assignments per day.