Payment for Travel. 1. An Employee who is required to move from location-to-location in the course of performing his work assignments, shall be paid for all time spent in traveling between such locations.
2. An employee who is requested or required by the Employer to furnish his own vehicle to carry any equipment or supplies between locations shall be reimbursed. The mileage allowance shall be twenty cents (20 cents) per mile. Computation of such reimbursed mileage shall begin with the first location and shall include all distances traveled to each location thereafter.
3. All payments due to reimburse employees for the use of their own vehicles shall be paid at each pay period, either by separate check or together with the payroll check, the amount of such payment to be specified on the check stub.
4. The Employer shall carry non-ownership liability insurance on the vehicles in connection with their work. In the event the Employer fails to secure such insurance, he shall assume full responsibility for all legal fees, court costs, or damages incurred by the employee by the use of such vehicle during the course of his work.
Payment for Travel. In-between travel payments
Payment for Travel. Effective the date of ratification, the Employer agrees to pay a travel allowance of thirty-nine cents (39¢) per kilometer to Employees who, in one day, are required to travel more than one (1) kilometer between assignments (except assignments in one building or complex). It is understood that such travel allowance applies only to travel between Clients and will not be paid for travel from the Employee’s home to the Employee’s first Client of the day and from the last Client of the day to the Employee’s home. In the event an Employee is required to visit a single Client in one (1) day and is required to travel in excess of fifteen (15) kilometres, payment for mileage will commence and terminate at that fifteen (15) kilometre point. For Employees living outside of the Chatham-Kent Region, the counting of the fifteen (15) kilometres referred to above begins at the Regional boundary.
Payment for Travel. If travel is expected to perform contracted duties in multiple communities a district vehicle or a mileage stipend at the state adopted rate will be provided. If a District vehicle is not available employees are expected to car pool with prior administrative approval. Compensation for mileage expenses will be paid monthly as mileage forms are turned into the central office.
Payment for Travel. Reimburse the Contractor at the rate of $.24 per mile ------------------ for travel, when such travel is requested by the Department of Corrections (DOC) or approved by the State for the purpose of transporting offenders. The Contractor agrees that any and all travel to DOC correctional facilities shall be coordinated by DOC prior to the Contractor being reimbursed. The Contractor shall provide the Board and the State with travel reports setting forth the date of travel, mileage, destination and offenders transported.
Payment for Travel. A. An employee who is required to move from location-to-location in the course of performing his work assignments, shall be paid for all time spent in traveling between such locations.
B. An employee who is requested or required by the Employer to furnish his own vehicle between locations shall be reimbursed. The mileage allowance shall be thirty five cents ($0.35) per mile. Computation of such reimbursed mileage shall begin with the first location and shall include all distances traveled to each location thereafter.
C. The Employer shall carry non-ownership liability insurance on the vehicles in connection with their work. See Sections 8.13 and 8.14 in Appendix A for additional provisions applying to the Bay Area (pp. 27-28). See Section 8.17 in Appendix C for additional provisions applying to the Sacramento Area (p. 76).
Payment for Travel. Employees who attend authorized meetings, classes, and seminars, will be paid for travel time, after a total of one hour’s travel on any given day, provided that the actual time traveled is outside the employee’s regular work hours. (Added 7/1/88)
9.1 Both the City and IBEW encourage and support educational and training programs that provide full-time employees opportunity for personal career development in areas directly related to his/her work. The City will provide reimbursement for courses approved by the City Manager or his designee. The employee shall submit a request in writing stating the course outline and how the course will help on the employee’s job and benefit the City. This written request shall be submitted and approved in writing prior to the start of the course. The classes will be taken on the employee’s own time.
9.2 Students/employees who receive a “C” grade or better, or , where letter grades are not given, an employee who successfully passes the course, shall be reimbursed for tuition, fees and material costs directly related to the approved course, not to exceed $900.00 per school year.
9.3 If the student/employee leaves the employment of the City within one calendar year of having received such benefit, the employee will pay back to the City three-quarters (3/4) of said semester/quarter reimbursement. If the student/employee leaves the employment of the City within two calendar years of having received such benefit, the employee will payback to the City one-half (1/2) of said semester/quarter reimbursement. Such amount to be deducted from final paycheck.
9.4 At the time of enrollment, the employee shall sign an agreement to abide by the provisions of paragraphs 9.2 and 9.3. (Added 7/1/00)
Payment for Travel. an employee travelling between the depot and nominated work site outside of ordinary hours shall be paid at the appropriate overtime rates for the period of such travel. an employee travelling to and/or from home to start/finish overtime when reasonable means of transport are not available shall either be provided with transport to and/or from home or paid ordinary rates for the time taken for such travel.
Payment for Travel. Expenses Employees who perform official travel for the Employer will be reimbursed for all authorized expenses at the maximum standard rate allowed by law and Government-wide regulations.
Payment for Travel. The Employer agrees to pay a travel allowance of thirty cents (30¢) per kilometer to Employees who, in one day, are required to travel more than one (1) kilometer between assignments (except assignments in one building or complex). It is understood that such travel allowance applies only to travel between Clients and will not be paid for travel from the Employee’s home to the Employee’s first Client of the day and from the last Client of the day to the Employee’s home. In the event an Employee is required to visit a single Client in one (1) day and is required to travel in excess of twenty-five (25) kilometres, payment for mileage will commence and terminate at that twenty-five (25) kilometre point. For Employees living outside of the Sarnia-Lambton Region, the counting of the twenty-five (25) kilometres referred to above begins at the Regional boundary. Effective August 16, 2005, the travel allowance will be increased to thirty-one cents (31¢) per kilometre. Effective October 1, 2005, the travel allowance will be increased to thirty-two cents (32¢) per kilometre. Effective April 1, 2006, the travel allowance will be increased to thirty-three cents (33¢) per kilometre. Effective April 1, 2007, the travel allowance will be increased to thirty-four cents (34¢) per kilometre. Effective October 1, 2007, the travel allowance will be increased to thirty-five cents (35¢) per kilometre.