per year Sample Clauses
per year. The Supplier is obliged to present a proposal in this regard during the project phase. • Oerlikon preference is to have sub-tier Supplier certified to ISO/IATF16949 or minimum ISO 9001. 9.1 Unterlieferantenmanagement Oerlikon verlangt von seinen Lieferanten Sorgfalt bei ihren Beschaffungsaktivitäten. Dies betrifft in besonderem Maße die folgenden Punkte: • Überprüfung der Beschaffungsdokumente hinsichtlich Eindeutigkeit und Vollständigkeit • Festlegung und Verfolgung der besonderen Produkt- & Prozess-Merkmale (siehe Kapitel 2.3) • Kennzeichnung und Rückverfolgbarkeit • Bemusterung von Zulieferungen • Auswahl der Bezugsquellen • Überwachung der Unterlieferanten • Unterstützung und Förderung der Unterlieferanten • Kontinuierliche Verbesserung bei Unterlieferanten • Nachweise, dass die beschafften Produkte die Anforderungen erfüllen • Mindestens jährliche Requalifikationsprüfungen gemäß IATF16949 8.6.2. Der Lieferant hat dazu einen Vorschlag während der Projektphase zu unterbreiten. • Oerlikon erwartet auch von den Unterlieferanten seiner Lieferanten ein Q- System entsprechend ISO/IATF16949, oder mindestens ISO 9001.
per year. The administrator shall have the right to assign a new mentor to a probationary teacher if requested by the probationary teacher or if the mentor is not fulfilling the duties of the position.
per year. 4 pants 2 pants 3 shirts (short sleeves) and/or polos 5 shirts and/or polos 3 shirts (long sleeves) 1 belt 2 Bermuda shorts 2 Bermuda shorts 1belt 1 raincoat 1 raincoat 1 baseball hat 1 toque
(1) every Two (2) Years Once (1) every Two (2)
per year. Failure of the Lessee to pay such sum to the Corporation within thirty (30) days following any due date shall immediately terminate this agreement and render it null and void.
3) The Lessee shall also pay all applicable realty and/or business taxes assessed against the leased premises. Failure to pay any such taxes within thirty (30) days of the due date shall immediately terminate this agreement and render it null and void.
4) Prior to the commencement of any construction on or use of the leased premises, the Lessee shall contact the Engineer for approval to ensure that all construction and works in conjunction with the said Plan shall be in accordance with the specifications of the Engineer.
5) The conditions hereby imposed and any works to be carried out on the leased premises are to be completed within ninety (90) days from the date of this agreement, weather permitting, or by such other date as may be specified by the Engineer, otherwise the agreement shall be null and void and immediately terminated.
6) The Lessee shall, at his own expense, maintain during the said term the leased premises in accordance with the said Plan and shall make no alteration or additions to the parking arrangement on the leased premises without the approval of the Corporation.
7) The Lessee covenants:
a) to use the leased premises solely for the purpose of parking motor vehicles and on the understanding that, in residential areas, parking must be in conjunction with a residential use of the adjoining property served by such parking;
b) not to permit nor to undertake the repair or servicing of a motor vehicle on the leased premises;
c) to keep the leased premises free from dust, paper, and rubbish of any kind;
d) to use the leased premises in a proper and or orderly manner;
e) not to permit anything to be done upon the leased premises which is in violation of any by-law of the Corporation in force during the said term or which may create a nuisance or be objectionable, provided, however, that the orderly parking of motor vehicles shall not be deemed to be a nuisance or to be objectionable;
f) not to use the leased premises to accommodate a vehicle with dimensions in excess of any of the following:
per year. An “l.e.h” is based on one lecture hour per week for a full semester (18 weeks). Unless excepted by this Agreement, each hour designated in the College Bulletin as lecture shall be given credit as (1) l.e.
per year. If the teacher does not wish to take the accumulated leave or carry the days over, may choose to be compensated at per diem rate of substitute teacher pay. Each shall consist of a and an afternoon. Notwithstanding a teacher may request partial or complete payment for once during the school year in a month other than June, Teachers employed by the Horizon School Division and who are assigned one of the following designations by the Director of Education shall be paid an allowance in accordance with the following: Coordinator of the of the teacher’s class Speech and Language Pathologist of the of the teacher’s class Educational of the of the teacher’s class of the of the teacher’s class Career Guidance Counsellor of the of the teacher’s class Educational of the of the teacher’s class Band Director of the of the teacher’s class StudentActivities Administrator of the of the teacher’s class
per year. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this note, Borrower acknowledges that in the event of 04-08-1997 default, the interest rate applied to this indebtedness will be increased to 18.00%. Borrower will be notified in writing, with a copy to all guarantors, that an event of default has occurred and that failure to cure the default will result in the application of the default interest rate as of a certain date. That date will be at least seven (7) calendar days from the date of notification to the Borrower.
per year. Read on for a step-by-xxxx xxxxx on how to cancel your membership Massage Forms. You can fil out that Missing: pdf To cancel your Massage Envy membership, contact your local Massage Envy and ask them for the process to cancel. Bring the letter to the nearest Massage Envy facility and hand it over to the front desk sta f Massage Envy is a popular massage and skincare service that o fers memberships for regular treatments. $ + $for the enro lment fee. Choose from massage intake forms, client assessment forms, health & medical history form, massage policy notification, informed consent, SOAP notes, chair massage signup, general liability waiver and release form, medical information release, physician When considering how to cancel your Massage Envy membership, the process is relatively simple and easy. You can contact Massage Envy customer service through their Contact Us form. Description How To Revoke Poa. The client did make and appoint his/her attorney for the purpose (s) stated within the document Cance ling a subscription service that you no longer need just became so much easier. As Massage Envy is a franchise, this can di fer between stores Sendung cance lation policy massage via mail, link, with faxes. Control: USAZ. To cancel your Massage Envy subscription, fo low these easy steps: To cancel your Massage Envy membership, contact your local Massage Envy and ask them for the process to cancel. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY BECAUSE IT AFFECTS YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS AS DETAILED IN THE BINDING
per year. No more than the amount of annual leave time earned by the employee during one (1) calendar year may be taken at one time without prior approval by the Police Chief. The City retains the right to approve, deny, schedule and cancel annual leave.
per year. The minimum Software License Fee payment shall be pro-rated to a quarterly payment of [...***...] and is due 30 days after the close of each fiscal quarter, to be pro-rated in the first and last fiscal quarters of the Term, if applicable. If actual Software License Fees in any given year of the Term reach or exceed [...***...], Licensor shall offer a [...***...] credit on Software License Fees payable to Licensor in the immediately-following year, such that in such following year, the discount shall be [...***...].