Physical Assault a. Any case of assault upon a teacher which has its inception in a school-centered program will be promptly reported to the principal in writing, who in turn will report it to the Board or its designated representative. The alleged assault will be promptly investigated by the principal, a representative from the Association and the Superintendent or his/her designated representative. These three persons shall determine whether an assault has occurred, and a proven assault will be administered in accordance with disciplinary mandates.
b. The teacher may request the Superintendent to provide legal counsel to advise the teacher of rights and obligations with respect to such assault.
c. Whenever a teacher is absent from school as a result of personal injury caused by an accident or an assault arising out of and in the course of employment, the Bargaining Unit Member will be paid the full salary (less the amount of any Worker's Compensation paid for temporary or permanent disability due to said injury) for a period not to exceed two (2) full calendar years from the date of injury. No part of such absence will be charged to the Bargaining Unit Members annual or accumulated sick leave. The Board may, at its option, request a confirming statement from the attending medical doctor relative to the duration of such absence from the teaching assignment. As soon as such teacher is physically able to return to work, the Bargaining Unit Member shall be restored to his/her previous position or an equivalent one.
d. Loss or damage of personal clothing that results from a confirmed battery committed upon a teacher while engaging in his/her teaching duties will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $100.00.
Physical Assault. The Employer agrees to develop in consultation with the Union, a policy against sexual harassment and make all management personnel and employees aware that violations of the policy shall be subject to disciplinary action. The Employer also agrees to include the subject of sexual harassment in staff or management training sessions.
Physical Assault. An employee physically assaulted, including incidents when a weapon is used while in the employ of the City will be, upon request, relieved of their duty for that day to seek medical care/treatment. The employee will not suffer a loss of wages as a result thereof. Management retains the right to remove the employee if Management has a good faith belief the employee can not operate the vehicle in a safe manner. The employee’s wage shall be guaranteed for the period management has removed the employee from the work schedule.
Physical Assault a. An employee who suffers injury from a physical assault as a result of an employment-related activity for which workers compensation benefits are received shall be paid one hundred (100%) percent of his/her full wages by the District for the period that the employee is absent from work, up to a maximum of forty-five (45) work days.
b. After the initial forty-five (45) work day period referred to in (1)(a) above, accrued sick leave, vacation time or personal leave may be utilized to maintain the difference between the workers' compensation payment and the employee's regular salary or wage, until such compensable leave is exhausted.
c. When an employee receives the workers' compensation benefits he/she will reimburse the Board so that the employee's compensation shall not exceed his/her regular weekly pay, as long as payments are received from the District pursuant to (1)(a) and (b) above.
Physical Assault i. An employee who suffers injury from a physical assault as a result of an employment-related activity shall be paid one hundred (100%) percent of his/her full wages by the District for the period that the employee is absent from work, up to a maximum of forty-five (45) work days.
ii. After the initial forty-five (45) work day period referred to in (A)(i) above, accrued sick leave, vacation leave or personal leave may be utilized to maintain the difference between the workers' compensation payment and the employee's regular salary or wage, until such sick leave is exhausted.
iii. When an employee receives the workers' compensation benefits he/she will reimburse the Board so that the employee's compensation shall not exceed his/her regular weekly pay, as long as payments are received from the District pursuant to (A)(i) and (ii) above.
Physical Assault. Any case of physical assault upon a teacher shall be promptly reported to the Board or its designated representative. The Board will provide legal counsel to the teacher if it is determined that the teacher was acting in accordance with and within the scope of teacher's duties and authority and Board policy. The Board will render all reasonable assistance to the teacher in connection with handling of the incident by law enforcement and judicial authorities. A teacher’s missed work time in connection with legal matters or injury resulting from any incident mentioned in this section shall not be charged against the teacher.
Physical Assault. 1. Any case of assault upon a secretary which has its inception in a school centered program will be promptly reported to the principal in writing, who in turn will report it to the Board or its designated representative. The alleged assault will be promptly investigated by the principal, a representative from the Association and the Superintendent or his designated representative. These three persons shall determine whether an assault has occurred, and a proven assault will be administered in accordance with disciplinary mandates.
2. The secretary may request the Superintendent to provide legal counsel to advise the secretary of rights and obligations with respect to such assault.
3. Whenever a secretary is absent from school as a result of personal injury caused by an accident or an assault arising out of and in the course of his/her employment, he/she will be paid his/her full salary (less the amount of any Worker's Compensation paid for temporary or permanent disability due to said injury) for a period not to exceed two (2) full calendar years from the date of injury. No part of such absence will be charged to his/her annual or accumulated sick leave. The Board may, at its option, request a confirming statement from the attending medical doctor relative to the duration of such absence from the work assignment.
4. Loss or damage of personal clothing that results from a confirmed battery committed upon a secretary while engaging in their clerical duties will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $100.00.
Physical Assault. Any Teacher who is physically assaulted by a student has the right to file a police report or pursue other legal alternatives.
Physical Assault. Canadian Union Promotions Inc. agrees to develop, jointly with the Union, a policy against sexual harassment and make all management personnel and employees aware that violations of the policy shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Physical Assault. The Union and Maybank are committed to prevent the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace and eradicate it. As such, all form of sexual harassment in the workplace will not be tolerated.