Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Sample Clauses
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. (a) The Union and the Employer recognize the right of employees to work in an environment free from sexual harassment.
(b) Sexual Harassment means engaging in a course of sexually provocative comments or conduct of a nature that is known or ought to be known to be unwelcome and shall include, but not be limited to:
(1) Sexual solicitation or advance or inappropriate touching and sexual assault.
(2) A reprisal or threat of reprisal which might reasonably be perceived as placing a condition or a sexual nature on employment.
(c) Any alleged complaint may be processed at Step 3 of the Grievance procedure.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace.
(a) Sexual harassment violates the fundamental rights, dignity and integrity of the individual. School District #81 Fort Xxxxxx in cooperation with the BCGEU is committed to providing a work environment free from sexual harassment for all employees.
(b) Sexual harassment is any unwelcome comment or conduct of a sexual nature that may detrimentally affect the work environment or lead to adverse job-related consequences for the victim of the harassment. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwanted physical contact, sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, suggestive or offensive comments or gestures emphasizing sexuality, sexual identity, or sexual orientation.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. 7-2.01 Sexual harassment in the workplace comprises sexual advances without the consent of the employee or imposed on her. The employee is entitled to a workplace free of sexual harassment. To that end, the Employer and the Union shall take reasonable steps to create a workplace free of sexual harassment and with a view to stop any sexual harassment brought to their attention.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace.
(a) The Union and the Employer recognize the right of employees to work in an environment free from sexual harassment, and the Employer shall take such actions as are necessary respecting an employee engaging in sexual harassment in the Workplace.
(b) Sexual harassment includes sexually oriented verbal or physical behaviour which an individual would reasonably find to be unwanted or unwelcome, giving consideration to all surrounding circumstances and which may detrimentally affect the work environment. Such behaviour could include, but is not limited to:
(1) touching, patting or other physical contact;
(2) leering; staring or the making of sexual gestures;
(3) demands for sexual favours;
(4) verbal abuse or threats;
(5) unwanted sexual invitations;
(6) physical assault of a sexual nature;
(7) distribution or display of sexual or offensive pictures or material;
(8) unwanted questions or comments of a sexual nature;
(9) practical jokes of a sexual nature.
(c) To constitute sexual harassment, behaviour may be repeated or persistent or may be a single serious incident.
(d) Sexual harassment will often, but need not be accompanied by an expressed or implied threat of reprisal or promise of reward.
(e) Sexual harassment refers to behaviour initiated by both males and females and directed toward members of either sex.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. The Union and the Employer recognize the right of employees to work in an environment free from sexual harassment, and shall take such actions as are necessary respecting an employee engaging in sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment shall be defined as any unwelcome sexual comment, look, suggestion or physical contact that creates an uncomfortable working or learning environment for the recipient, made by a person who knows or ought to know it is unwelcome. Sexual harassment may include a single sexual advance made by a person in authority over the recipient or implies a threat; and may include a reprisal made after a sexual advance is rejected.
(i) An employee who wishes to pursue a concern arising from an alleged sexual harassment may submit a complaint, in writing, within thirty (30) days of the latest alleged occurrence through the Union directly to the Secretary-Treasurer. Complaints of this nature shall be treated in strict confidence by both the Union and the Employer.
(ii) An alleged offender shall be given notice of the substance of such a complaint under this clause and shall be given notice of and be entitled to attend, participate in, and be represented at any hearing under this clause.
(iii) The Secretary-Treasurer's designate and a Union representative shall investigate the complaint and shall submit reports to the Secretary-Treasurer, in writing, within thirty (30) days of receipt of the complaint. The Secretary-Treasurer shall, within thirty (30) days of receipt of the reports, give such orders as may be necessary to resolve the issue.
(iv) Where the complaint is determined to be of a frivolous, vindictive or vexatious nature, the Employer may take appropriate action. Such action shall only be for just cause and may be grieved pursuant to Article 13.
(v) Pending determination of the complaint, the Secretary-Treasurer may take interim measures to separate the employees concerned if deemed necessary. Where either Party to the proceeding is not satisfied with the Secretary-Treasurer's response, the complaint will, within thirty (30) days, be put before a panel consisting of a Union Representative, an Employer representative, and a mutually agreed upon chairperson, and the majority decision will be final and binding. This panel shall have the right to:
(i) dismiss the complaint;
(ii) determine the appropriate level of discipline to be applied to the offender; and
(iii) make a further order as is necessary to provide a final and ...
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. (a) The Union and the Employer recognize the right of employees to work in an environment free from sexual harassment.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. (a) The Union and the Employer recognize the right of employees to work in an environment free from sexual harassment. The Union and the Employer shall take such actions as are necessary with respect to an employee engaging in sexual harassment in the workplace.
(b) Sexual harassment means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct of a sexual nature that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome and shall include, but not be limited to:
(1) sexual solicitation or advance or inappropriate touching or sexual assault;
(2) a reprisal, or threat of reprisal, which might reasonably be perceived as placing a condition of a sexual nature on employment by a person in authority after such sexual solicitation or advance or inappropriate touching is rejected.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. This matter shall be negotiated and agreed upon at the local or regional level in accordance with the Act respecting the process of negotiation of the collective agreements in the public and parapublic sectors (CQLR, chapter R-8.2). Since February 1, 2006, the text of this article as referred to in Appendix 18 of the agreement shall constitute the text agreed upon by the board and the union as long as it is not modified, repealed or replaced. CHAPTER 2-0.00 FIELD OF APPLICATION, RECOGNITION AND PRIORITY OF EMPLOYMENT FOR TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 2-1.00 FIELD OF APPLICATION The agreement applies to all the employees within the meaning of the Labour Code who are covered by the certificate of accreditation, subject to the following partial applications:
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. 1-4.01 Sexual harassment in the workplace is defined as imposed or unwanted sexual advances which infringe a right recognized by the agreement.
1-4.02 The bus driver has the right to work in an environment free from sexual harassment; to this end, the board shall take reasonable measures in order to promote a working environment free from sexual harassment and to stop any sexual harassment brought to its attention.
1-4.03 The bus driver who claims to have been sexually harassed may contact a board representative in order to try to find a solution to his or her problem; during any meeting with the employer within the context of this clause, a union representative may accompany the bus driver, if the latter so desires.
1-4.04 Any grievance dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace shall be submitted to the board by the plaintiff or the union, with the plaintiff's consent, according to the procedure prescribed in article 9-1.00; however, if the bus driver availed himself or herself of clause 1-4.05, the meeting prescribed in clause 9-1.
03 a) shall not take place.
1-4.05 At the plaintiff's written request, the board and the union shall set up an ad hoc committee comprised of one member designated by each party.
1-4.06 The committee's mandate shall be to study and discuss the grievance and to recommend, where applicable, the measures it deems appropriate.
1-4.07 The names of persons involved and the circumstances surrounding the grievance must be treated in a confidential manner, particularly by the board and the members of the committee, except if such information is required for the application of a measure taken by virtue of the agreement.
1-4.08 Should a recommendation be deemed unsatisfactory, the plaintiff or the union, with the consent of the plaintiff, may refer the grievance to arbitration in accordance with the procedure prescribed in article 9-2.00. If a committee was set up, the grievance shall be referred to arbitration within the forty-five (45) days of the committee's report.
1-4.09 A grievance dealing with sexual harassment shall be given hearing priority. 1-5.00 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 1-5.01 The board which undertakes to implement an equal opportunity program shall consult the union through the Labour Relations Committee.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. The parties recognize the right of all employees to work in an environment free from sexual harassment.