PMU Sample Clauses

PMU maintain throughout Project implementation the PMU under terms of reference and with resources and a staff composition that is acceptable to the Bank. The PMU or assigned staff members from DEAT, as the case may be, shall be responsible for the day to day management of the Project including financial management, monitoring and evaluation, preparation of progress reports and procurement. Without limitation to the generality of the foregoing, the composition of the PMU shall include a Project Manager, Disposal Coordinator and Prevention Coordinator. Financial and procurement services shall be provided directly by DEAT.
PMUThe State shall ensure that the PMU remains adequately staffed and functional for the duration of the Project. The PMU shall comprise at least one Project Director at a Chief Engineer level; one procurement specialist; one finance manager; one environmental specialist to assist with the implementation of the EARF, the IEE and the EMPs; and one social and resettlement specialist to assist with the implementation of the RF and the RPs. The Project Director shall report to the Chief Engineer of the PWD. The Secretary of PWD shall be responsible for interdepartmental coordination and overall supervision of the Investment Program and the Project.
PMU. The PMU shall be established within the IWUMD and shall be integrated with ID structures. It shall be responsible for Project implementation, fiduciary management (including financial management, procurement and contracting, and legal compliance), work planning and budgeting, monitoring and evaluation, and progress reporting. The PMU shall be headed by a Project Director from the IWUMD appointed by XxXXX. A Project Manager shall be recruited from the market through a competitive process, and shall coordinate daily operations. The PMU shall be staffed by: (i) relevant assigned officers from IWUMD, DRD, and other MoALI departments as required; and (ii) a set of competitively recruited consultants on annual contracts (agribusiness/value chains; rural finance; community development and gender; financial management; accounting; procurement; Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E)).
PMU. The EA shall ensure that (i) PMU is maintained properly with appropriate office accommodation; (ii) within six (6) months of the Effective Date, the counterpart staff from DRBFC is appointed as PMU staff; (iii) within three (3) months of the Effective Date, the national and international consultants are recruited as PMU staff to enhance the capacity of PMU for Project implementation; and (iv) at the completion of the Project, the national staff of PMU are offered to join the MOI as a regular staff of the MOI for integrating trained PMU staff into MOI's institutional setup.
PMU. UADD shall maintain the PMU, which shall be responsible for coordination and management of the Project and shall report to the Principal Secretary/Secretary, UADD. The PMU shall be led by a fulltime Project Director charged exclusively with the execution of the Project and who shall have no other duties within UADD. There shall be at least one deputy project director (DPD) responsible for management and implementation of the urban infrastructure and services, overseeing and guiding the urban governance and institutional development activities, and compliance with Loan covenants. UADD shall ensure that the PMU is staffed by qualified and experienced staff appointed as required throughout the period of Project implementation.
PMUThe Borrower shall cause MoEYS to ensure that within 30 days of the Effective Date (a) a PMU is established within MoEYS; (b) head of the PMU is appointed; and (c) the PMU is equipped with adequate resources and staff.
PMU. (a) The Borrower shall, within its Ministry in charge of Economy and Finance, maintain, in a form and with functions, staffing and resources satisfactory to the Association, the PMU. The functions of the PMU shall include: (i) coordination with SP/CNLS related to the carrying out of the Project; (ii) the monitoring and funding of activities under the Project; (iii) the management of the Special Accounts;
PMUUnless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties, the PMU shall report, through the General Director or other Officer as designated in applicable law and the Governance Regulations, directly to the Board and shall have the composition, roles and responsibilities described below and set forth more particularly in applicable law and the Governance Regulations.
PMU. The PMU established for the ADB financed Road Sector Improvement Project shall be the PMU for the Project and shall be staffed by recruiting individual national and international consultants. MOI shall assign counterpart staff for the PMU from DRBFC to participate in the Project implementation. PMU shall be responsible for (i) overall Project implementation; (ii) stakeholder consultation and coordination; (iii) procurement of Goods, Works, and consulting services for road rehabilitation and RMP components of the Project;
PMU. (a) The Recipient shall establish and maintain, until completion of the Project, the PMU established in the Regional Office of the National Road I (Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional I) of DG Highways of MPW in Medan, to coordinate and oversee implementation of the Project, including procurement practices, Environment and Social Safeguards Framework implementation, fiduciary management, monitoring of Project progress, and posting of monthly reports on the Project Website. (b) The PMU shall, except as the Association and the Recipient may otherwise agree, include a head of PMU and be staffed by qualified and experienced personnel, including financial management and procurement staff, in adequate numbers and with terms of reference satisfactory to the Association and the Recipient, and be provided at all times with adequate funds and other resources, as shall be necessary to carry out its responsibilities. (c) The PMU shall ensure that adequate project management and construction supervision experts are engaged in the Project at all times under terms of reference agreed in writing between the Recipient and the Association. The PMU shall be responsible for procurement and management of Project Management Consultants, Financial Management Consultants and the Supervision Consultants. The Recipient and the Association may also agree in writing that IREP Supervision Consultants may undertake construction supervision activities for the Project as needed over a time period agreed in writing between the Recipient and the Association. (d) The PMU shall undertake coordination with the Government of Aceh during Project implementation.