Polygraph. No employee shall be required to take a polygraph examination as a condition of obtaining or retaining employment.
Polygraph. Polygraphs or other truth detecting devices or mechanisms shall only be administered for cause. The scope of the polygraph shall be limited to the facts relating to the nature of the matter being investigated. Discipline shall not be based solely on the basis of a polygraph exam. The employee will have the discretion to place on the polygraph authorization form that the examination is being taken as the result of a direct order.
Polygraph. No employee shall be required to take a polygraph examination as a condition of retaining employment with the Employer nor shall be subject to discipline for the refusal to take such. An AFSCME representative may accompany a bargaining unit employee to a polygraph examination. The representative may review the polygraph questions but may not be present during the administration of the polygraph examination.
Polygraph. No employee shall be required to take any form of lie detector test as a condition of employment.
Polygraph. The Company will not ask any employee to submit to polygraph testing. Moreover, no employee will be disciplined for not submitting to the polygraph test.
Polygraph. In the course of an internal investigation of an officer(s), the Chief may require a polygraph examination be conducted, specific to the details of the alleged misconduct of the officer(s) who is the focus of the investigation. The police officer is allowed union representation during pre and post test periods of the examination.
Polygraph. A Member may be ordered to submit to a polygraph examination if the Member is a primary focus of an investigation, a witness to an incident or with the consent of the Member. Polygraph examinations shall be administered by an outside person or agency. No polygraph examination shall be given, unless the incident could amount to a violation of law which may be chargeable as a felony, unless the Member consents. In addition, a Member may also be ordered to take a polygraph examination if the complainant against the Member takes a polygraph examination and the results for the complainant’s polygraph examination support the complaint against the accused Member. A Member who is so ordered to submit to a polygraph shall be provided advanced notice of at least seventy-two (72) hours of the date, time and place of such examination. The examiner’s interpretive results of the Member’s examination shall only be used to support or rebut other evidence and it shall not be used as the sole basis for disciplinary action.
Polygraph. I agree to submit to any interview and polygraph examination requested by the government at any time pre or post-trial for a period of five (5) years from the signing of this plea agreement by the convening authority. If an interview or polygraph examination under this provision is conducted pretrial, I understand that any statements elicited are inadmissible at any trial pursuant to M.R.E.
Polygraph. The Employer agrees that he will not request or require an employee to take a lie-detector test. An employee may choose to make a voluntary offer to submit to a lie-detector test; however, such voluntary offer must have prior approval of the local Union involved.
Polygraph. No employee covered by this Agreement shall be required to take or be subjected to any polygraph or similar tests as a condition of continued employment.