Population Characteristics. The population is the group of individuals or objects that possess a common characteristic and of which it is required to know. The sample is the population's subset and it should be representative of this. My project will be applied on a finite population from “Xxxx Xxxxxxx” Private School N° 1, Seventh Grade students of Basic Education, also teachers and staff of the institution.
Population Characteristics. In Figure 1, a flowchart is presented. Of the original research population in the cross-sectional study (N = 207), 145 (70.0%) were alive and indicated a willingness to be invited for a future study. Compared with the 62 patients of the previous study who were not invited, the eligible 145 patients of the current study were somewhat younger (age at time of stroke: 62.7 versus 66.2, P = .10), but were otherwise comparable. Of the 145 eligible patients, 78 (53.8%) returned the set of questionnaires and informed consent form. In Table 1, the baseline characteristics of responders (N = 78) and non-responders (N = 67) to the LUNS questionnaire and differences between groups are presented. Overall, there were no significant differences between the 2 groups, except for educational level, with the proportion of higher educated patients being higher among responders (38.7%) than among nonresponders (20.3%; P = .026). Among responders, the average age at questionnaire completion was 68.5 (SD 14.0). Sixteen (21.1%) respondents lived alone. Missing Items In total, 66 participants (84.6%) completed all of the items of the LUNS at its initial administration. Ten respondents had 1-5 missing items, and 2 respondents had 19 or more missing items. Of all 78 × 22 items, 57 (3.3%) were missing. The percentages of missing values per item ranged from 1.3% (“information on stroke” and “information on public transport”) to 7.7% (“having pain”). Prevalence of Unmet Needs Of all 78 respondents who had filled out 1 or more items of the LUNS, 53 (67.9%) indicated having 1 or more unmet needs. Of the LUNS completers, 44 respondents (66.6% of 66) reported having 1 or more unmet needs, and the median number of unmet needs in this group was 3.5 (IQR 2.0-5.0; min 1.0, max 14.0). The unmet need for information on stroke was indicated most frequently (N = 36; 46.2%). The unmet need for information on driving and need for aids or adaptations outside was reported least frequently, by 2 (2.6%) participants. Test-Retest Reliability Of all 78 participants, 54 (69.2%) completed the second questionnaire (T2). On average, the interval between completion of T1 and T2 was 15.4 days (SD 4.7). As presented in Table 2, the percentage agreement ranged from 69.8 (“information on stroke”) to 98.1 (“need for aids or adaptations outside”). In Figure 2, the percentage of respondents who indicated having an unmet need was presented for each item, for completers at T1 and T2. Concurrent Validity In Table 3, the...
Population Characteristics. In total, 1,179,325 residents out of 1,195,330 (98.6%) with a registered opioid prescription were linked to the total population cohort (Fig 1). For unplanned ICU admission, the percentage of linkage was 89.6% (35,090 individuals out of 39,160), and for comorbidities it was 96.5% (2,213,116 individuals out of 2,293,245). We excluded all unlinked individuals and those younger than 18 years (3,367,807) or those who died before January 1, 2018 (110 people). Residents with an ICU admission in 2018, n=39,160 Residents with a comorbidity at baseline, n=2,293,245 Residents with an opioid prescription record, n=1,195,330 Residents of the Netherlands in 2018, n=17,181,084 4 Analysed dataset (Jan 1-Dec 31, 2018): adult population of the Netherlands, n=13,813,173
Population Characteristics. Demographics
Population Characteristics. Sex, Age, Race Xxxxxxxx Spokane Washington State United States
Population Characteristics. As profit maximizing entities, retail clinics likely have a target population or demographic they are hoping to reach. While no for profit business directly communicates their target market, it is not difficult to draw inferences from their overall marketing and organization. In our framework, we hypothesize that the following characteristics are the most important in determining retail clinic location. Income & Insurance Areas with higher household income levels draw more primary care providers and specialists overall, as do areas with higher levels of insurance coverage.24 In general, individuals with higher income levels can afford more healthcare, particularly additional or elective services. Retail clinics will be attracted to areas with more financial resources for two reasons. First, individuals will have the ability to pay for the visit. Second, these individuals will have a high “time cost” and will be attracted to the convenience that retail clinics offer.
Population Characteristics. The Alborada Technical High School of Milagro city, County of Guayas is located in the northeast sector of the city, in the Urban Parish Xxxxxx Xxxxxx in the streets Maranon and the sidewalk river and is offered the professional figures of: Electromechanical for Automobiles, Electronic of Consumption, Electrical installations, Equipment and Electrical and automatic machinery and Metallic constructions. It has 63 teachers between regular and hired who work in the two levels: Basic (Junior High) starting from 8th year (18 parallels) and diversified (Senior High, 14 parallels), with a total of 1328 students. The Institution is supported by the state (morning and evening sections); it was created in 1978 according to the ministerial agreement Nº 9723 The students that go to our institution belongs to the half and low social level, prevailing the second, since most of family parents work in the informal trade, micro companies or they work in the Xxxxxx Sugarcane Company during the period of harvest. Our project will be applied on a finite population from the First Grade students at Alborada Technical Senior High School (50), also English teachers (3) and teachers from the Technical Area (3)22.
Population Characteristics. The population considered for this project is integrated by the students legally registered in the school year 2011 - 2012 and are usually attending classes at ―El Triunfo‖ High School and English teachers of the area.
Population Characteristics. The population at Gorky Elizalde High School is 560 students distributed in 14 parallels. They are boys and girls who go to study in this public institution that is located very close to the University.
Population Characteristics. The ABSORB Cohort B trial included 102 lesions in 101 patients. A total of 48 lesions in 47 patients were imaged with both GS-IVUS 20 MHz and OCT imme- diately after the BVS implantation. Two cases were excluded due to lack of complete recording of the BVS length by OCT. Therefore, 46 lesions and 45 patients were included in the present study. A total of 892 and 888 cross-sections and 6,313 and 6,452 struts were an- alyzed with GS-IVUS 20 MHz and OCT, respectively. The baseline clinical and angiographic characteristics are shown in Table I. In general, patients were pre- dominantly males (71%), had hypercholesterolemia (87%), and were treated due to stable angina (87%). OCT and GS-IVUS Agreement of Qualitative Measurements Agreement of qualitative measurements between GS- IVUS and OCT at lesion level analysis are shown in Table II. The agreement between GS-IVUS and OCT to assess scaffolds with at least one cross-section with ISA, tissue protrusion, and dissections were slight. Assess- ment of at least one cross-section with SB struts showed fair agreement between both techniques. Sensitivity and global efficiency of GS-IVUS analysis were extremely low in all parameters compared with OCT (as reference), but GS-IVUS specificity was moderate to high. Qualitative agreement of both GS-IVUS and OCT at frame and strut level analysis are shown in Table III. By OCT, a higher number of cross-sections with ISA, SB-struts, tissue protrusions, and dissections were detected compared with GS-IVUS. Moreover, the agreement of both techniques to assess these parame- ters at a frame level analysis was poor. At a strut level analysis, the agreement of GS-IVUS and OCT was also poor in detecting ISA and SB-struts. GS-IVUS Reproducibility of Qualitative Measurements The inter- and intraobserver reproducibility of GS- IVUS 20 MHz to assess qualitative findings at a lesion level analysis is shown in Table IV. Interobserver reproducibility to assess tissue protrusion and dissec- tions within the scaffold length was poor to slight. Dis- tal dissections demonstrated a fair reproducibility and ISA and SB-struts had moderate agreement. Intraob- server reproducibility was fair for tissue protrusion and dissections within the scaffold length. Detection of scaffolds with ISA or SB-struts had moderate and good agreement. Intraobserver reproducibility of distal edge dissections was excellent. Inter- and intraobserver reproducibility of GS-IVUS 20 MHz at frame and strut level analysis are sh...