Programme Description. The Department of Human settlements is currently embarking on a scheme to develop a number of catalytic housing projects. These projects are specifically aimed at addressing the housing backlog and to speed up the rate at which housing opportunities are delivered. With catalytic projects, the Department of Human Settlements (DHS) seeks to drastically reduce the number of projects by shifting their focus to large-scale developments. This will permit municipalities to address apartheid spatial planning and integrate development nodes within their municipal boundaries. Such projects will promote sustainable human settlements as opposed to the provision of housing. Catalytic housing projects differ from mega housing projects, as the focus is on creating sustainable human settlements, which has a variety of usages and are not only restricted to housing. Catalytic projects will consist of mixed usage spaces (commercial, residential and retail), which allow resident to work, participate in recreational activities and live in a single area. There are currently 48 catalytic projects in development, which will aim to provide 635 000 housing opportunities across the country by 2019. The construction sector is labour-intensive, currently accounts for about 2% of GDP, and is receptive to both local content requirements and the participation of SMMEs, women-owned enterprises and worker co-operatives. Consequently, social partners have agreed to a number of interventions to leverage growth of the construction sector so as to meet social and economic imperatives. • Government will contribute approximately R4bn to an Infrastructure Fund which will be used to stimulate economic growth and ensure improved household access to adequate housing in integrated human settlements; • The Infrastructure Fund will be leveraged to: Reduce the time required for housing project implementation; Reduce the risks for private-sector investment and thereby ‘crowd in’ private-sector commitments; • Government will seek investment partnerships with the private-sector to drive spatial transformation an improve socio-economic sustainability of these communities; and, • Government will investigate ways to strengthen local procurement and facilitate the emergence of SMMEs, women-owned enterprises and worker enterprises (including co-operatives) within these projects. • Government must release 7,400 hectares of well-located State-owned land and properties to encourage investment and partnership oppor...
Programme Description. The programme has been designed following bilateral contacts between Bulgaria and Greece, several consultations with EC Delegation in Bulgaria, and DG Enlargement recommendations reflecting the Commission Regulations No 2760/ 98 (as amended by Regulation No. 1596/2002), concerning the implementation of CBC programmes in the framework of the Phare programmes. The proposed projects selected for support in the Phare CBC Bulgaria- Greece 2004 Programme were discussed and agreed during several meetings.
Programme Description. The Partners share the following characteristics of the EMLE:
Programme Description. The 2004 programme has been designed following the set of projects jointly defined by the partner countries and approved at the Joint Cooperation Committee meeting in Sofia, on 28 June 2004. The border area between Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is homogeneous from natural, geographical and environmental point of view and similarities can be highlighted also from the economic and cultural points of view. The general level of environmental pollution within the cross-border programming region is rather low, partially due to the decrease in recent years of heavy industry and it is renowned both for its favourable, diverse and well-preserved nature and for relevant historical and cultural heritage. Furthermore, existing potentials and resources are not yet sufficiently exploited and in this context, activities addressed to the protection of the biodiversity and valorisation of cultural resources will have direct impact on the social and economic development level of the area. A significant challenge for the joint management of nature and culture endowments is the reconciling of stakeholder interests into a coherent, comprehensive management plans, integrating nature conservation objectives with sustainable local socio-economic development and environmental clean-up plans and programmes, and tangible benefits for the local people. Both Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are currently building up the experience for such integrated management, for the benefit of both the people and the nature. The aim of the Grant Scheme is to support those activities that are targeted at setting the basis for improvement of nature/culture management and future investment actions, by means of institutional building for the preparation of projects and adoption of participative approach in the decision making process The following activities will be eligible under the Grant Scheme (a detailed list of eligible activities will be developed in the “Guidelines for Applicants” that will precisely define all rules on the functioning of the GS):
Programme Description. The 2004 programme has been designed following the set of projects jointly defined by the partner countries and approved at the Joint Cooperation Committee meeting in Sofia, on 14 July 2004. To concretely face the two challenges of fragmented economy and of the depopulation trends one of the main goals of this project is the building of a local institutional capacity in the region, both at regional and local levels. The rationale behind the present project is to intervene on the local actors’ attitude for cross-border co-operation and in promoting joint actions towards the socio-economic cohesion throughout the whole border area. The strengthening of local capacities in project generation, management and administration is a prerequisite for the success of the NP, thus equalising capacities in institutions and administrations from both sides of the borders as well as in creating a common methodological framework for further joint cross border actions (designing of a common development strategies, acquiring skills for management of common projects, establishing joint communication strategies towards actors outside the border area, etc). The project will be implemented in the form of a grant scheme, while the support granted will be focused on areas/spheres of co-operation in which regions, municipalities, local development organisations and other social-economic partners should have expertise and experience. In particular this will include the eligible spheres of co-operation as set out below:
1) Support for strengthening border cooperation networks
Programme Description. The 2005 programme has been designed following the set of projects jointly defined by the partner countries and approved at the 2005 Joint Steering Committee meeting. Summary descriptions2 of the individual projects grouped under the sectoral objectives are as follows:
Programme Description. The 2006 programme has been designed following the set of projects jointly defined by the partner countries and approved at the Joint Cooperation Committee meeting in Sofia, in April 2006. Summary descriptions2 of the individual projects grouped under the objectives per sector are as follows: 2 Descriptions are indicative; some details may be changed
Programme Description. CFGdegree
Programme Description. 1. Programme Area The Programme Area shall be concentrated on the heartland of the semi-arid livestock producing areas in five States, namely Blue Nile (Al-Damazin and Al-Tadamon), North Kordafan (Shaikan, Bara, Al-Rahad and Um-Rawaba), Sennar: (Xxx Xxxxx, Xx-Xxxx & Al-Mazmoum and Al-Suki), and West Kordofan (En-Nuhood, Al- Khewei, Xxx Xxxxx, Al-Salam and Al-Sunut) and White Nile (Al-Gabalein and Al- Salaam). The portability and flexibility of the Programme approach and activities will permit a broadened mandate to other Localities and/or States if additional resources become available to the Programme.
2. Target Population The primary target group shall be composed of smallholder pastoral and agro-pastoral communities and households, women, including women headed households, rural youth, particularly unemployed youth, and young women, Small traders/agro-dealers/entrepreneurs as well as private sector for value chain and pro-poor public private partnership activities
Programme Description. 5.1. The EPWP is one of the government’s short-to-medium term programmes aimed at alleviating and reducing unemployment through the provision of work opportunities, coupled with training. The EPWP is a nation-wide programme which will draw a significant number of the unemployed into productive work, so that workers gain skills while they work, and increase their capacity to earn an income. Infrastructure projects at provincial and local government level will be identified, planned and implemented through this programme to give effect to the aims of the EPWP.
5.2. Projects will be identified at Provincial and Local Municipal level and submitted to a National Department of Public Works for approval.
5.3. Potential Learners will be identified in the various provinces and municipal areas. Once successful Learner applicants have been selected for the EPWP learnership programmes, they will enter into a learnership agreement with the Learner Contracting Company / the relevant province or municipal area, and thereafter commence with the training programme. The Learnership Agreement will provide that the Learners, acting as the Learner Contracting Company, will enter into further separate and independent on-site training-project agreements, which will ensure that the Learners, acting under the auspices of the Learner Contracting Company, commences with an on-site training-project after receiving some basic training. Two further separate and independent on-site training-project agreements will be concluded during the learnership period.
5.4. Learner Contracting Companies will have support in the form of mentors, and will further receive indirect support in the form of Accredited Training Providers.
5.5. Funding for individual projects will come from National Treasury or provincial / local municipality and be deposited into either a provincial or municipal account.
5.6. Once approved by the selection panel, Learner Contracting Companies will have access to funding from Absa and based on the contract award from the employer (provincial or municipality), the bank will consider the funding and magnitude of the lending, subject to the approved credit criteria as per Annexure A hereto.