Project Responsibilities Sample Clauses
Project Responsibilities. With regard to project responsibilities under this Agreement, the parties agree to contribute as follows:
(A) The Commission will be responsible for the preparation of detailed right-of-way and construction plans and project specifications. This includes design, letting of project, and inspection of project. The plans shall be prepared in accordance with and conform to Commission requirements.
(B) The Commission will acquire right-of-way as needed for the project in accordance with Commission requirements.
(C) The Commission will be responsible for letting the work for the herein improvement, which includes advertising the project for bids and awarding the construction contract. The Commission will solicit bids for the herein improvement in accordance with plans developed by the Commission, or as the plans may from time to time be modified in order to carry out the work as contemplated.
(D) The Commission will be responsible for construction of the herein improvements, which includes administration of the construction contract and inspection of the project work. The project shall be constructed in accordance with and conform to Commission requirements.
Project Responsibilities. The County is responsible for all aspects of the work constituting this Project or projects appearing on the list provided by the County unless otherwise indicated in this agreement. In order to obtain reimbursement for eligible expenses from the State, the County shall certify to the State in accordance with procedures defined by the State that it has complied with all program requirements and applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
Project Responsibilities. D.
2.01 Consultant shall prepare a schedule of its activities through all phases of the Project. Consultant shall schedule and prepare agendas for all meetings which involve Consultant's Services. Consultant shall chair such meetings and shall record and distribute minutes, in a format and level of detail acceptable to Owner, of decisions and actions to attendees.
Project Responsibilities. Management of funding requests -
Project Responsibilities. (a) The University must, and must ensure that its Personnel:
(i) perform the Project:
A. with due care and skill in a professional manner;
B. using the Key Personnel; and
C. in accordance with all applicable laws;
(ii) obtain and maintain all regulatory and ethical licences, consents and approvals necessary to carry out the Project, including as relevant for a Personnel's role;
(iii) use reasonable efforts to perform the Project so as to:
A. complete the tasks set out in the Project Plan;
B. achieve the Milestones (if any); and
C. provide the Results, by the applicable dates set out in the Project Plan and where no applicable dates are specified, promptly and without delay.
(b) The Collaborator must, and must ensure its Personnel:
(i) undertake its role in the Project (if any) in accordance with the Project Plan;
(ii) provide any Collaborator Materials in accordance with clause 5; and
(iii) cooperate with the University and provide all information reasonably requested by the University, so as to enable the University to carry out the Project in accordance with this Agreement.
(c) Both parties acknowledge that research can be unpredictable and that it may not be reasonable (or possible) for some aspects of the Project (including Milestones) to be performed as set out in this Agreement (including in the Project Plan). The parties agree to work together collaboratively and in good faith to ensure they are aware of any likely delays, or other circumstances occurring that may result in a party proposing to review the Project (in accordance with clause 8) or vary the Project Plan or other aspects of this Agreement. Any variation to this Agreement (including the Project Plan) must be in accordance with clause 24.6.
Project Responsibilities. Under the IAA, CDOT will be primarily responsible for administering the Project Agreement with the Developer during the construction period (reviewing work, providing approvals, completing NEPA, ensuring compliance with the Project Agreement / applicable law, providing all right-of-way, enforcing railroad agreements and utility relocation agreements, and working with the City and County of Denver (“CCD”) in regards to the Cover Maintenance Agreement). HPTE will be responsible for contracting tolling equipment for the Project, and BE will have certain financial budgeting and disclosure obligations. This section of the IAA describes the costs that will be incurred by CDOT and the Enterprises during the operating period of the Project and the responsibility among CDOT and the Enterprises for these costs. Additionally, it describes each party’s responsibilities in terms of administering the Project Agreement during the operating period.
Project Responsibilities. Except as otherwise specifically identified as a responsibility of HPTE, CDOT shall remain responsible for the construction of the WB PPSL Project. HPTE is solely responsible for the contracting necessary to implement a user fee system, including paying for the costs of single occupancy vehicle transponders and all tolling equipment, software and related installation, including, but not limited to, any obligations to the E-470 Public Highway Authority (“E-470”) related to the implementation and operation of the user fee system for the WB PPSL Project under the Managed Lanes Tolling Services Agreement between HPTE and E-470, dated May 7, 2015, as may be amended from time to time (the “TSA”).
Project Responsibilities. Except as otherwise specifically identified as a responsibility of HPTE, CDOT shall remain responsible for the construction of the Gap Express Lanes. HPTE is solely responsible for the contracting necessary to implement a user fee system, including paying for the costs of single occupancy vehicle transponders and all tolling equipment, software and related installation, including, but not limited to, any obligations to the E-470 Public Highway Authority (“E-470”) related to the implementation and operation of the user fee system for the Gap Express Lanes under the Managed Lanes Tolling Services Agreement between HPTE and E-470, dated May 7, 2015, as may be amended from time to time (the “TSA”).
Project Responsibilities. With regard to Project responsibilities under this agreement, the parties agree as follows:
(A) The Entity shall be responsible for design of the Project and shall prepare detailed right-of way and construction plans and specifications. The Entity shall provide the Commission with final construction Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) prior to bidding the Project.
(B) The Entity shall acquire right-of-way as needed for the Project in accordance with Commission requirements for Local Public Agency projects.
(C) The Entity shall be responsible for letting the road and bridge improvement Project, which includes advertising the Project for bids and awarding the construction contract. The Entity shall award the contract to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder. The Commission will review all contractors’ bids and concur with the selection of the apparent successful low bidder prior to the Entity awarding the construction contract.
(D) The Entity shall be responsible for construction of the Project which includes administration of the construction contract.
(E) The Entity shall be responsible for inspection of the Project work and is subject to the Commission’s oversight, approval, and acceptance.
Project Responsibilities a. CLIENT agrees to undertake those tasks identified in the Statement of Work in conjunction with the services to be performed by CCI. CCI shall exercise the highest degree of professional skill in providing such services. CCI shall at the request of CLIENT undertake edits and revisions of the FIRST DRAFT up to a maximum number of REVISION HOURS stated in the Statement of Work.
b. CLIENT shall respond to CCI’s requests for input or content in a timely manner. Should CLIENT fail to respond to said requests within a reasonable amount of time, CCI reserves the right to move back any deadlines in the Schedule of Work at CCI’s discretion. Should CLIENT demand delivery of the work product prior to CCI’s new deadline, CLIENT shall be subject to a “Rush Charge” of an additional $ / hour.
c. CLIENT may request CCI to perform services outside the scope of the Statement of Work in which case CCI shall xxxx CLIENT $ per hour of services rendered as “Additional Services”.