Qualifications of Key Personnel Sample Clauses

Qualifications of Key Personnel. Provide the CVs for key personnel (Team Leader, Managerial and general staff) that will be provided to support the implementation of this project. CVs should demonstrate qualifications in areas relevant to the Scope of Services. Please use the format below: Name: Position for this Contract: Nationality: Contact information: Countries of Work Experience: Language Skills: Educational and other Qualifications: Summary of Experience: Highlight experience in the region and on similar projects. Relevant Experience (From most recent): Period: From – To Name of activity/ Project/ funding organisation, if applicable: Job Title and Activities undertaken/Description of actual role performed: e.g.
Qualifications of Key Personnel. Provide the CVs for key personnel (Team Leader, Managerial and general staff) that will be provided to support the implementation of this project. CVs should demonstrate qualifications in area of expertise relevant to the Contract. Please use the format below: Name: Summary of Experience: Highlight experience in the region and on similar projects.
Qualifications of Key Personnel. If required by the RFP, the Service Provider must provide : a) Names and qualifications of the key personnel that will perform the services indicating who is Team Leader, who are supporting, etc.; b) CVs demonstrating qualifications must be submitted if required by the RFP; and c) Written confirmation from each personnel that they are available for the entire duration of the contract.
Qualifications of Key Personnel. Provide the CVs for key personnel (Team Leader, Managerial and general staff) that will be provided to support the implementation of this project. CVs should demonstrate qualifications in area of expertise relevant to the Contract. Please use the format below: Name: Role in Contract Implementation: Nationality: Contact information: Countries of Relevant Work Experience: Language Skills: Education and other Qualifications: Summary of Experience: Highlight experience in the region and on similar projects. Relevant Experience (From most recent): Period: From – To Name of activity/ Project/ funding organisation, if applicable: Job Title and Activities undertaken/Description of actual role performed: e.g. June 2010-January 2011 Etc. Etc. References (minimum of 3): Name Designation Organization Contact Information – Address; Phone; Email; etc. Declaration: I confirm my intention to serve in the stated position and present availability to serve for the term of the proposed contract. I also understand that any wilful misstatement described above may lead to my disqualification, before or during my engagement. Signature of the Nominated Team Leader/Member Date Signed
Qualifications of Key Personnel. Provide the CVs for key personnel (Team Leader, Managerial and general staff) that will be provided to support the implementation of this project. CVs should demonstrate qualifications in area of expertise relevant to the Contract. Please use the format below: Name: Role in Contract Implementation: Nationality: Contact information: Countries of Relevant Work Experience: Language Skills: Education and other Qualifications: Summary of Experience: Highlight experience in the region and on similar projects. Relevant Experience (From most recent): Period: From – To Name of activity/ Project/ funding organisation, if applicable: Job Title and Activities undertaken/Description of actual role performed: e.g. June 2010-January 2011 Etc. Etc. References (minimum of 3): Name Designation Organization Contact Information – Address; Phone;
Qualifications of Key Personnel. Boeing shall ensure that its personnel (including subcontractor personnel) are fully qualified and possess all the skills necessary to perform the Task-Ordered O&M Services and Task-Ordered Non-O&M Engineering Services, as the case may be. If Owner in good faith determines that the continued assignment of any Key Personnel is not in Owner’s best interest, then Owner shall provide Boeing written notice to that effect requesting that such personnel be replaced. Promptly after receipt of such request, Boeing shall investigate the matters stated in the request and discuss its findings with Owner. If Owner continues to request replacement of the personnel, Boeing shall so replace such personnel with an individual satisfactory to Owner consistent with applicable law and Boeing’s policies and procedures.
Qualifications of Key Personnel. Disposition, including curation, of recovered materials and records resulting from implementation of the data recovery plan.
Qualifications of Key Personnel. (Project Team) All key personnel as contained in the schedules meet the minimum qualifications and experience requirements. 10 Provided only some of the key personnel with the required minimum qualifications and experience 5 No key personnel have been identified 0 Method Statement Provided a detailed methodology detailing how the project will be executed, clearly outlining how the Employer's objectives will be met 10 Method statement provided does not capture the entire scope of works as contained in the document. 5 No method statement has been provided. 0 Schedule of Quantities Provided a detailed breakdown of the construction amount by way of an itemized schedule of quantities addressing the entire scope of works. 25 Provided a schedule of quantities for the construction amount partially covering the scope of works. 10 Failed to provide a schedule of quantities for the construction amount. 0 Programme The work activities are clearly identified; time frames are realistic and demonstrate a clear understanding of the scope of works. 5 The work activities are partially identified; time frames are unrealistic with insufficient detail. 2 Failed to provide a Programme. 0 Plant and Equipment Availability of all key plant of sufficient capacity as detailed in the schedule of plant required to execute the works. 5 Only a portion of the key plant / equipment is available for the project 2 No key plant / equipment has been detailed to be available for the project in the schedules. 0 MAXIMUM SCORE: 110 Requirements for Key Personnel Design Degree in Electrical Engineering or equivalent and a minimum of 10 years’ experience in Engineer: planning, design, construction and commissioning of electrification infrastructure networks. The Engineer must be registered with ECSA (Pr Eng.) and have professional indemnity. Project Degree in Electrical Engineering or equivalent Manager A minimum 10 years construction and project management experience related to electrification infrastructure networks or similar works. Site Engineer Minimum of a Diploma in Electrical Engineering or Equivalent with a minimum of 10yrs experience in construction of electrification infrastructure networks or similar works. Construction Minimum of a Diploma in Electrical Engineering or Equivalent with a minimum of 5yrs experience Supervisor in construction of electrification infrastructure networks or similar works. Requirements for Plant and Equipment Cherry picker At least 1 cherry picker provided. St...
Qualifications of Key Personnel. Contractor’s employees should be knowledgeable of standards associated with this type work.
Qualifications of Key Personnel. Provide the CVs and copies of diploma of qualified professionals. CVs should demonstrate qualifications in areas relevant to the Scope of Services. Please use the format below: / Квалификации ключевого персонала. Предоставьте резюме ключевого персонала (руководителя группы, руководящих и общих сотрудников), которые будут оказывать поддержку реализации проекта. Резюме должны демонстрировать квалификации в областях, релевантных масштабу услуг. Пожалуйста, придерживайтесь нижеприведенного формата: Name: / Имя: Position for this Contract: / Должность по данному контракту: Nationality: / Гражданство: Contact information: / Контактная информация: Countries of Work Experience: / Страны работы: Language Skills: / Языковые навыки: Educational and other Qualifications: / Образование и прочие квалификации: Summary of Experience: / Общий опыт: Highlight experience in the region and on similar projects/ осветите опыт работы в регионе и по подобным проектам в целом Relevant Experience (From most recent): / Соответствующий опыт (начиная с самого последнего): Period: From – To / Период: с – дo Name of activity/ Project/ funding organisation, if applicable:/ Название деятельности/проекта/финансирующей организации, если применимо: Job Title and Activities undertaken/Description of actual role performed: / Должность и осуществленные мероприятия /описание фактически выполняемой роли: e.g. June 2004-January 2005 Etc. Etc. References no.1 (minimum of 3): / Характеристика №1 (минимум 3): Name Designation Organization Contact Information – Address; Phone; Email; etc. Reference no.2 / Характеристика №2 Name Designation Organization Contact Information – Address; Phone; Email; etc. Reference no.3 / Характеристика №3 Name Designation Organization Contact Information – Address; Phone; Email; etc. Declaration: / Декларация: I confirm my intention to serve in the stated position and present availability to serve for the term of the proposed contract. I also understand that any wilful misstatement described above may lead to my disqualification, before or during my engagement. / Я подтверждаю намерение служить в вышеназванной должности и предоставлять услуги в течение всей продолжительности срока предлагаемого контракта. Я также понимаю, что любое преднамеренное неверное представление фактов, описанных выше, может привести к моей дисквалификации до или во время моей занятости по контракту. Signature of the Nominated Team Leader/Member / Date Signed / Подпись назначенного руководителя/чл...