QUALITY OF WORK LIFE. 25.1 The Employer recognizes the right of the Union to discuss matters relating to safety, and quality of work life.
25.1 Recognizing the desirability of mutual efforts to improve the work life of the employees and enhance the effectiveness of the organization, the Employer and the Union express their mutual belief that by encouraging greater employee participation, work can be made more satisfying and organizational performance and service quality can be improved. Therefore, the parties agree to continue cooperation in developing a spirit of mutual trust and respect.
QUALITY OF WORK LIFE. Montana Rail Link, Inc. recognizes the value of improving the quality of its employees' work life by providing time off, and minimizing time away from home whenever possible, subject to effective manpower utilization. Therefore, the parties have reached agreement on these matters; refer to Quality of Work Life Agreement dated January 1, 2006, attached.
QUALITY OF WORK LIFE. A quality of work life advisory committee composed of the Parking Services Director, one member of the administrative staff, and two employees selected by MFPE members will meet quarterly or by request to:
1. Review and recommend solutions to work-related issues;
2. Discuss methods to improve communications within the Parking Commission;
3. Reduce potential conflicts;
4. Discuss work-related clothing; and
5. Discuss safety issues Responsibilities for quality of work-life meetings shall be shared jointly by MFPE members and department management, but the Parking Services Director shall have responsibility for convening the meetings and coordinating agenda items. Additional meetings may be requested by either MFPE or management on an “as needed” basis. Either MFPE members or management may submit agenda items. The meetings of the advisory group shall not be construed or intended to take the place of formal collective bargaining sessions.
QUALITY OF WORK LIFE. The goals of a quality work life process are to employ people in effective and efficient government services and to encourage greater participation by the employees in the decisions affecting their working life. Quality of work life is a process of voluntary employee participation in various decision-making and problem-solving activities as they affect the workday environment. In a serious effort to create a new climate for cooperative efforts, the County and the Union express their mutual belief that quality of work life activities and experiments initiated and sponsored jointly by Management and the Union can prove beneficial to both groups. Any such program shall be monitored by the Employer for success and may be either modified, continued or discontinued upon notice and consultation.
QUALITY OF WORK LIFE. 19.1 The Board and the Association will endeavor to meet before the 15 day of October and the 15 day of March of the contract year to address matters relating to improving the quality of work life.
QUALITY OF WORK LIFE. A Quality of Work Life (QWL) Committee will be established consisting of two (2) members from the Union and two (2) members from the Company. Paid time for members from the Union is limited to the actual meeting time and will be paid at straight time, limited to eight (8) hours per year, not to exceed two (2) hours of pay per meeting. Additionally, a representative from the Local Union Staff and/or Labor Relations may also participate. The QWL Committee may meet a maximum of four (4) times per year (quarterly) if necessary, or by request of either party, to discuss issues related to scheduling, work processes, work requirements, and training. The QWL Committee does not have the authority to formulate policy or enter into agreements that require collective bargaining. The QWL Committee will not be used in lieu of the grievance or arbitration procedures nor will it or its activities be subject to the grievance and arbitration process.
QUALITY OF WORK LIFE. A. The New York, Susquehanna and Western Railway Corporation recognizes the value of improving the quality of its employees work life by providing time off, and minimizing time away from home whenever possible, subject to effective manpower utilization. Therefore, subcommittees of management and labor representatives will be formed at regional levels to investigate, and discuss issues and make recommendations.
B. Engineers will be allowed to xxxx-off to attend to personal business for a specified amount of time, (other than due to sickness) if, in the Carrier's sole discretion, there are sufficient engineers available to provide service.
QUALITY OF WORK LIFE. National Task Force Work
QUALITY OF WORK LIFE. The Board and the Association will endeavor to meet periodically to negotiate matters relating to improving the quality of work life. Teachers will only be transferred voluntarily. The Board will establish a procedure by which teachers may request transfer to another school or to another grade and/or subject assignment. The procedure must be posted in each school in an appropriate location. Teachers who desire a transfer to another school must file a written statement with the Board prior to June annually. Such statement must include the subjects and/or grade levels desired and the to which the teacher seeks transfer. Prior to and including the last day of the school year, when a vacancy occurs, a teacher who has filed a notice of intent to transfer for that type of assignment shall be interviewed. Should the teacher not be selected, may request a explanation of the A school staff may implement a noon-hour supervision program on a non-profit or cost recovery basis. Teacher participation in extracurricular activities is strictly voluntary. Home schooling students are those students registered with the home schooling program established by the Board. A teacher providing instruction in a classroom setting shall not have home schooling students assigned unless the teacher agrees.