Reclassification Criteria a. Workload increase will not be considered a basis for reclassification. (“Workload” means the volume or amount of work assigned to be completed within a given period of time; e.g., if the amount of work increases but the job duties are the same, there is no basis for reclassification.)
Reclassification Criteria. In the event that there is a claim for reclassification by an employee to a higher level under this structure on the ground that the employee's duties and responsibilities are reflected within the classification criteria for that level, the Dispute Settlement Procedure in Part 3 shall be followed.
Reclassification Criteria. 15.1.1 No reclassification using this procedure may take place prior to February 1. However, by mutual agreement, CSEA and the DISTRICT may elect to use the negotiations process to accomplish reclassifications outside of this article.
15.1.2 Either party to this Agreement may request reclassification of all positions within a classification. An individual unit member or a group of unit members in the same classification may request reclassification of their positions. Supervisors may request reclassification of positions under their supervision.
15.1.3 When a classification or position is reclassified, no incumbent serving the affected classification will be reduced in salary.
15.1.4 A joint-CSEA-DISTRICT Reclassification Committee shall be responsible for reviewing all requests and developing a recommendation for the Superintendent. The Committee shall consist of four (4) voting members: two (2) DISTRICT representatives, and two (2) CSEA representatives (appointed by the Chapter President), plus the Human Resources Manager who will vote only in case of a tie. If a member of the Committee is potentially impacted by a reclassification request, either as an employee or a supervisor, alternate members of the Committee shall be appointed to avoid conflicts.
Reclassification Criteria. In the event that there is a claim for reclassification by an employee to a higher level under this structure on the ground that the employee's duties and responsibilities are reflected within the classification criteria for that level, the Union Collective Agreement grievance and dispute settling procedure (clause 3.2) shall be followed.
Reclassification Criteria. The Reclassification Panel shall meet as soon as possible but no later than 60 days after submission of the petition. The Reclassification Panel may review the following criteria in addition to any other criteria it deems relevant: • New job duties permanently added to the position. • New or increased responsibilities permanently added to the position. • Review of official job description. • Review of comparable positions at comparable districts. • Desk audit. The Reclassification Panel may deliberate in closed session and, when necessary, request additional information from the District, CSEA, and unit members.
Reclassification Criteria a. Reasons for reclassification:
1. Significantly new job duties are permanently added to the job or job description by the supervisor.
2. Significantly new or increased responsibilities, other than increased workload, have been permanently added to the position by the supervisor.
b. Reasons that are not a basis for reclassification:
1. Workload increases. “Workload” meant the volume or amount of work assigned to be completed within a given period of time; e.g., if the amount of work increases but the job duties are essentially the same or at the same skill level, there is no basis for reclassification.
Reclassification Criteria. 14.2.1 Reclassification cannot occur for the reasons indicated below:
Reclassification Criteria. In the event that there is a dispute about a claim for reclassification by an employee to a higher level under this structure on the ground that the employee's duties and responsibilities are reflected within the classification criteria for that level, the Dispute Settlement Procedure in Part 3 shall be followed.
Reclassification Criteria. To justify approval of a higher classification, the duties and responsibilities precipitating the request for a desk audit must reflect a sufficient increase in responsibility, difficulty, independent functioning, technical expertise, etc. Temporary increases in duties and responsibilities are not sufficient to warrant reclassification. An increase in work volume is not a consideration in the reclassification determination. The following conditions must be met for the incumbent to be granted regular status in a higher classification or grade level:
A. The reclassification of the position is based upon the assignment or accretion of new and significantly higher level duties and responsibilities over a period of one (1) year or more to the position in which the incumbent has been continuously employed for a period of one (1) year or more.
B. The added duties and responsibilities relate to and supplement the original functions of the position and appear to be of a permanent nature.
C. There is evidence that the additional duties and responsibilities were assigned to the position for good and sufficient reason and to increase the efficiency of departmental operations.
D. The Incumbent must meet the promotional qualifications for the higher level class at the time the position is reclassified.
Reclassification Criteria. In the event that there is a claim for reclassification by an employee to a higher level under this structure on the ground that the employee's duties and responsibilities are reflected within the classification criteria for that level, the Award grievance and dispute settling procedure (clause 3.2) shall be followed.