Reclassification of Positions. If the duties assigned to an individual employee are substantially changed in terms of level of difficulty or responsibility, they or the Union may request that the appropriate Human Resources Department initiate a job review of their job to determine correct bargaining unit classification for that employee's position. Such requests shall be in writing on forms supplied by the Employer. A copy of all such requests not initiated by the Union shall be provided to the Union. Upon receipt of a properly completed job review form, the appropriate Human Resources Department shall complete a review and render its decision to reclassify or not reclassify the position in writing to the employee, with a copy to the Union, within forty-five (45) calendar days. When a position is reclassified, the salary of the employee shall be adjusted effective upon the first day of the payroll period after the receipt of the properly completed job review request form by the appropriate Human Resources Department. Salary in the new classification shall be as determined in Article 31, Salaries, Section 5. Classification seniority in the new classification shall also begin on that date. Positions which are reclassified, as a result of a job review and/or an organizational change, to existing class titles, shall remain within the scope of the bargaining unit, unless the reclassification constitutes a promotion to an existing classification outside the bargaining unit. If the new classification is established as a result of a reclassification and/or an organizational change and a dispute develops over the inclusion or exclusion of the class(es) in the bargaining unit, the parties agree to resolve the dispute in accordance with Article 2, Section 2, Recognition. However, the employees involved in the dispute shall remain covered by the provisions of this Agreement until a decision is issued by the Bureau of Mediation Services. When any classification not listed in the wage schedule of this Agreement is established, the parties agree to meet and negotiate on the appropriate salary range. If the parties are unable to reach an agreement, the Employer shall designate the rate structure for the classification. The dispute shall be resolved by submittal to arbitration upon the request of either party. The Employer agrees to inform the Union in the event a reclassification of any position results in the position being moved outside the bargaining unit.
Reclassification of Positions. (a) If the Company reclassifies an existing position for any reason, it shall so advise the Union.
Reclassification of Positions. Requests for evaluation of position classification may originate from employees or supervisory personnel and should be directed to Compensation Administration in the Office of Human Resources. Reclassification requests will not be given consideration unless approval is obtained from both the immediate supervisor and the department head or administrator in charge. Employees are further reminded that requests for reclassification to higher level positions cannot be considered unless the employee meets the minimum qualifications, including minimum standard tests or licensing requirements. Denied reclassification requests will not be reconsidered for a period of 12 months, except under extraordinary circumstances, such as complete department reorganizations. An employee in an existing job which is re-evaluated to a higher pay rate with or without a change in job content, will be given an increase in pay to the corresponding pay rate or maintain the present rate of pay, whichever is higher. An employee who is reclassified to a job in a higher pay rate shall be placed at the pay rate of the new position.
Reclassification of Positions. The District may, at its discretion, reclassify positions as they become vacant. During the duration of this Agreement, advancement on any salary schedule shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement. In the event a successor Agreement is not entered into prior to the expiration of this Agreement, an employee shall be compensated according to his/her current rate until a successor Agreement is entered into.
Reclassification of Positions. A. Compensation Administration is responsible for reviewing requests for reclassification and submitting the findings with advisory recommendations to the Chief Officer, Human Resources.
Reclassification of Positions. (a) If the Employer reclassifies an existing position for any reason, it shall so advise the Local. If the Local disagrees with the new classification it may submit a grievance in accordance with Article agreement.
Reclassification of Positions. 159 The Employer establishes and maintains a system for the evaluation and classification of all bargaining unit positions. The authority to classify new positions, reclassify existing positions and eliminate positions is vested in MSU Human Resources. NEW CLASSIFICATIONS AND RATES -160 When a classification is established or modified, the grade level for the classification shall be fixed by the Employer and the Association shall be notified prior to implementation. The compensation level shall be in conformity with rates established for positions of similar responsibility. If there is a disagreement over the compensation assigned the position, a special conference may be scheduled with the Office of Employee Relations. If the disagreement is not resolved, the Association may file a demand for arbitration within fourteen (14) calendar days of the special conference. The Arbitrator shall be limited to determining the appropriateness of the compensation level assigned the position but shall be without power to assign a compensation level for the classification. RECLASSIFICATIONS -161 The Unit Administrator will normally initiate requests for position reclassification.
Reclassification of Positions. 160 The Employer establishes and maintains a system for the evaluation and classification of all bargaining unit positions. The authority to classify new positions, reclassify existing positions and eliminate positions is vested in MSU Human Resources.
Reclassification of Positions. 27.1 Reclassification to a higher level occurs through progressive job redesign involving a significant degree of increased responsibility or job complexity. Reclassification relates to the position requirements and not the performance of the individual.
Reclassification of Positions. A. Compensat ion Administ ration is responsible for review ing request s for reclassif ication and submit t ing the f indings w ith advisory recommendations to the Chief Personnel Officer for Human Resources.