Right to Bump Sample Clauses
Right to Bump. An employee vulnerable to layoff shall have the right to bump to any classification, or in the case of recall, return to their previous classification. In order to bump into another classification the employee must possess the proper skill and ability.
Right to Bump. An employee being laid off shall have the right to bump the least senior employee in positions in the bargaining unit at the same salary grade or below provided the employee has the required qualifications, skills and abilities. The purpose of this article is to protect the greatest per cent of the employee's income.
Right to Bump. An employee laid off from one department shall have the right to bump or replace any employee in another department, if the employee exercising the bumping rights has more seniority and is equally or higher graded, and has the minimum necessary qualifications to perform the work in the department to which assignment is requested.
Right to Bump. In the event of a layoff, the part-time and full-time employees who are subject to layoff have the right to accept the layoff or to bump an employee with less seniority who occupies the same or lower category provided the employee subject to layoff can perform the requirements of the position and has the required qualifications, skill, experience, and ability to immediately satisfactorily perform all of the requirements of the new position. The employee subject to layoff must advise the Employer in writing within seven (7) days of receipt of the notice of layoff of his/her intentions regarding the exercise of his/her bumping right, failing which, the employee shall be deemed to have waived his/her right to bump.
Right to Bump. A bargaining unit member who is notified that he/she is to have his/her contract suspended will have the right to bump the least senior member whose position he/she is certified/licensed to fill (teacher to teacher/tutor to tutor), in accordance with 13.02B and 13.02C.
Right to Bump. An employee who is subject to a layoff shall have the right to bump an employee with less seniority within the bargaining unit provided the employee has the necessary qualifications and experience to perform the work of the less senior employee.
Right to Bump. 11.4.1 In the event that an employee has been laid off or his job is abolished he shall, provided he is qualified, exercise his right to bump using the following order of bumping:
a) Upon receipt of notice the employee shall, within five (5) working days, notify the Administrator in writing, of his intention to bump. b) He shall bump the most junior employee in his own classification.
Right to Bump. 11.4.1 In the event that an employee has been laid off or his job is abolished he shall, provided he is qualified, exercise his right to bump using the following order of bumping:
a) Upon receipt of notice the employee shall, within five (5) working days, notify the CAO in writing, of his intention to bump.
b) He shall bump the most junior employee in his own classification.
c) He shall bump the most junior employee in his own classification.
d) He shall bump downward the most junior employee in a classification for which he is qualified.
e) If he is successful in bumping downward he shall be placed on the re-employment list in the classification he has been laid off or abolished from for a period of up to two (2) years. If a position comes open he shall be appointed from the re-employment list in order of seniority.
Right to Bump. An employee vulnerable to layoff shall have the right to bump to a previously held classification, or in the case of recall, return to their previous classification. No employee shall be laid off for the simple reason of changing the workforce from male to female or female to male.
Right to Bump. An employee laid-off shall have the right to bump another City employee having less continuous service than the laid-off employee. Such laid off employee will have the right to bump any less senior employee in the bargaining unit providing he is qualified to perform the duties of the position he requests.