Secretarial Sample Clauses
Secretarial. In the event that it becomes necessary for secretaries to secure teacher substitutes from home, secretaries shall receive compensation at their regular hourly rate and time and a half (1½x) their regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in one
(1) work week (Sunday through Saturday). Such time is to be “logged” and submitted through the usual procedure for extra pay.
Secretarial. Full-time - 7 or more hours per day (5 days per week) Part-time - Less than 7 hours per day OR fewer than 5 days/week
Secretarial. 1. Tenured secretaries shall be evaluated one (1) time a school year by a Supervisor prior to May 1st.
2. Non-tenured secretaries shall be evaluated two (2) times a school year by a Supervisor as follows:
i.) Prior to December 1st.
ii.) Prior to May 1st.
3. Nothing in this article shall restrict the administration from conducting additional evaluations of a secretary if, in the judgment of a supervisor, such additional evaluations would be useful.
4. In the event a secretary commences work ninety (90) days prior to an evaluation deadline delineated above, the Board may elect not to conduct the evaluation. However, every secretary who commences work by April 1st shall receive at least one evaluation for that year on or before June 30th.
Secretarial. Paraprofessionals (includes Paraprofessionals, Enhanced, Library/Computer, Michigan School Readiness)
Secretarial. The appointment of a secretary to an open secretarial position shall be governed by the following:
1. Whenever the ability of two or more secretaries is equal, the secretary who has seniority shall be appointed.
2. If it is determined that the ability of the secretaries in unequal, then the secretary with greater ability shall be appointed, seniority notwithstanding.
Secretarial. 1. The District agrees to maintain at least one Secretarial position per building.
2. The District agrees that head building secretary positions (one position at the Elementary and one position at the Jr./Sr. High School) will not be replaced by a secretarial aid.
3. An individual taking a Secretarial Aid position and coming from a classification other than secretarial will begin to accrue seniority in the Secretarial classification immediately upon entering the new position. Seniority in the previous classification will be “frozen,” as delineated in Article XV, Letter F.
4. The Secretarial Aid will receive the same number of paid holidays as other secretaries as delineated in Article XXII-Compensation.
5. Secretarial Aid will work any number of days, from the course of the school year up to 210 days, at the discretion of the District.
6. Secretaries hired after July 1, 2010 do not receive health care benefits.
Secretarial. ▪ Take shorthand notes at 80wpm and transcribe with 98% accuracy to required standard. ▪ Arrange travel bookings and itineraries, make appointments. This level is for those employees performing senior or supervisory duties. It is available only as a position within the company becomes available.
Secretarial. 1. When the annual employment period of any secretary is changed from ten months to twelve months, the amount of vacation days will be computed as follows:
i.) The number of months of prior service with the Board to be divided by twelve (12).
ii.) The secretary is to be given credit for the number of prior years of service as computed in i.) above to determine the amount of vacation, in accordance with the vacation schedule outlined in v.)
1.) through 5.) above. The secretary or clerk will be entitled to such vacation during the year that this reclassification has become effective.
2. No secretary shall take vacation time which will result in such person being absent from their position more than ten (10) consecutive working days.
3. Vacation days may be accumulated, with prior written approval of the Superintendent, for administrative reasons.
Secretarial. 24 This new language allows secretaries a way to leave early on the day before certain holidays/breaks.
Secretarial a. Secretaries will have the option to take off using compensatory time or flex hours as approved by the building supervisor.
b. Secretaries will receive three (3) additional Holidays – Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve Day and New Year’s Eve Day.