Pay for All Hours Worked. Employees shall be compensated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement for all hours worked.
Pay for All Hours Worked. A. Bus drivers and attendants will be guaranteed six (6) hours at their regular rate of pay. Permanent alternates or permanent alternate attendants will be guaranteed seven and one-half (7 ½) hours at their regular rate of pay.
B. The following tasks shall not be considered part of a bus driver’s or attendant’s normal workday:
Pay for All Hours Worked. A. Bus drivers and attendants will be paid for 7.5 hours, or time worked at their regular rate of pay in accordance with their 190-day contract year. Time and attendance will be calculated utilizing electronic timekeeping following district and industry standards.
B. The following tasks shall not be considered part of a bus driver’s or attendant’s normal workday:
1. pre-approved major bus cleaning.
2. Meetings approved by district administrators and/or area managers with students, parents and/or other district administrators and that occur after the end of the employee’s work shift.
3. Reviewing and delivering bus video to schools and departments as requested by principals and other district administrators and/or area managers.
4. Mechanical failure of the bus, beyond work hours.
5. Motor vehicle accidents, beyond work hours.
6. Writing referrals.
Pay for All Hours Worked. A. When employees are required to attend events involving any matter other than their regular job duties, including but not limited to, training, in-service, required tests or examinations (with the exception of tests and examinations required to maintain licenses, and continue employment), pre- school assignments, meetings, student-teacher conferences, parent-teacher conferences, school inspections, cleaning the work area, completing written reports as directed by the immediate supervisor or school principal, setting up new work sites or school/community emergencies, they shall be paid at their regular hourly rate of pay for all such time worked.
B. Employees’ participation in non-work activities beyond the regular duty day (such as PTA or community functions) for which no additional compensation is paid shall be strictly voluntary, and nonparticipation in such activities shall not be a criteria in any evaluation of job performance.
C. Whenever an employee is assigned or transferred to perform work of a job classification in a higher pay grade, he shall be paid the appropriate rate in that higher pay grade in one-hour increments if the employee works in the higher pay grade for more than four (4) cumulative weeks. Once the four (4) week limit has been reached, the employee will be paid at the higher pay grade for all the time worked at the higher pay grade. All hours worked shall be documented on the appropriate weekly time sheet and verified by the building level administrator. When the higher paying assignment ends, payment of the higher pay grade ends and the employee resumes his regular pay grade classification. The sole exception to this provision shall be when the employee is performing the work of a higher pay grade in a training capacity. The building level administrator shall make the assignment/transfer known to the employee in writing before the actual start date of the assignment or transfer. In the event an employee is performing the work of a higher pay grade in a training capacity, the building level administrator shall document the training assignment in writing to the employee, including the goals, begin and end dates of training period, and identification of the trainer, before the actual start date of the training. The employee and the building level administrator shall sign and date the written notification of assignment, transfer and/or training assignment to indicate that each has received a copy of the document.
Pay for All Hours Worked. A. When non-exempt employees are required to attend any event or training outside of their regularly scheduled work hours, attendance at such events or training shall be considered hours worked for overtime purposes and shall be compensated at the appropriate straight time/overtime rate. This is to include all books and fees that are required.
B. Non-exempt employees’ participation in non-work activities beyond their regular work day (community functions) for which no additional compensation is paid shall be strictly voluntary, and non-participation in such activities shall not be a criterion in any evaluation of job performance.
Pay for All Hours Worked. 973 A. When employees are required to attend events involving any matter other 974 than their regular job duties, including but not limited to, training, in-service, 975 required tests or examinations (with the exception of tests and examinations 976 required to maintain licenses, and continue employment), pre-school 977 assignments, meetings, student-teacher conferences, parent-teacher 978 conferences, school inspections, cleaning the work area, completing written 979 reports as directed by the immediate supervisor or school principal, setting up 980 new work sites or school/community emergencies, they shall be paid at their 981 regular hourly rate of pay for all such time worked. 982 B. Employees’ participation in non-work activities beyond the regular 983 duty day (such as PTA or community functions) for which no additional 984 compensation is paid shall be strictly voluntary, and nonparticipation in such 985 activities shall not be a criteria in any evaluation of job performance.
Pay for All Hours Worked. Drivers shall be paid for all hours worked from the time they report for duty including from the start of their pre-trip to the completion of their post-trip. This shall include any wait time. There shall be no split shifts where the shift will end greater than twelve (12) hours from the start of the shift unless agreed to by the Driver. For Drivers that have completed his/her trip in its entirety; on hourly rated trips, Drivers paid hours are determined from the point that a trip is scheduled to start (or when it actually starts, whichever is earlier) until the time the trip is scheduled to clear (or when it actually clears, whichever is later). This does not apply to multi-day or overnight trips. This is often referred to as customer time. To that is added a shop/yard travel time that is flat rated, plus an additional fifteen (15) minute pre-trip and post-trip allowance for paperwork. Additionally there are scheduled flat rated trips that include shop/yard travel time and pre/post trip allowances. Where a pre or post trip inspection is not required of a driver that driver shall still receive fifteen (15) minutes pay for paperwork, once per day. The shop travel times, and the flat rated trip schedules are reviewed and posted once every three (3) calendar months. The Company agrees to post recommended schedules three (3) weeks in advance to allow for Drivers recommendations for revision. The Company will not unreasonably refuse to adjust schedules so that they reflect as closely as possible actual average driving times. Extraordinary circumstances that extend flat rated trips or shop travel time will be dealt with reasonably on a trip by trip basis with the intention to pay the Driver for all hours worked. Extraordinary circumstances that extend flat rated trips or shop travel time will be dealt with reasonably on a trip by trip basis with the intention to pay the Driver for all hours worked.