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Section 3.7.1 Sample Clauses

Section 3.7.1. 15 Each employee shall be provided a copy of all material placed in his/her personnel file or 17 comments to any material that is a part of the personnel file.
Section 3.7.1. 24 Employees required to work with potentially violent or aggressive students shall be informed of 25 special needs on a need to know basis. Any dangerous situation shall promptly be reported to the 26 employer or the employer’s designated representative by filling out a District supplied incident 27 report.
Section 3.7.1. An employee evaluation shall not reference deficient area(s) unless an employee has been 47 previously counseled and given the opportunity to improve in the deficient area(s). Failure to 48 provide such counseling, however, shall not void the overall evaluation.
Section 3.7.1 schedules will be determined by administration. If student needs dictate a change in 20 staffing, administration is responsible for notifying employees regarding the necessary 21 Paraeducator duty/schedule changes. A minimum of forty-eight (48) hours notification is required 22 prior to duty/schedules being changed in these instances unless the employee agrees to an earlier 23 change.
Section 3.7.1. 8 The employee, upon written request to the superintendent, will be reimbursed for the cost of 9 items worn that are destroyed or damaged as a result of an assault or battery. If an employee’s 10 hair is damaged as a result of the assault or battery, the district will provide reasonable 11 compensation (up to $100) for the employee to take steps to mitigate the effects of the damage.
Section 3.7.1. 8 The employee, upon written request to the superintendent, will be reimbursed for the cost of 9 replacement of personal items such as hearing aids, glasses and/or dentures which are destroyed or 10 damaged as a result of an assault/or battery.
Section 3.7.1. 12 All performance evaluations reflecting a developing or unsatisfactory rating level of 13 performance shall state the specific reasons for the developing or unsatisfactory rating and the 14 remedial action necessary by the employee. Remedial training may be offered by the District as 15 an aid to improve performance. Such ratings shall be brought to the employee’s attention as 16 soon as reasonably possible. 20 ARTICLE IV 21 22 RIGHTS OF THE UNION
Section 3.7.1. 46 The District agrees to designate the administrator responsible for employee safety. The 47 Association shall be entitled to appoint Association members to safety committees in 48 accordance with L&I standards. 49
Section 3.7.1. 37 The parties mutually agree to hold regular Association/District Labor/Management Team 38 meetings utilizing a Collaborative model. The team will consist of at least three (3) 39 Association/Labor members and at least three (3) Management members. The team meetings may 40 be mutually scheduled on District paid time. Additionally, the committee can request other 41 individuals to make presentations to the Committee. 42 3 4 6 The Association has the right and responsibility to represent the interests of all employees in the 7 bargaining unit; to present their views to the District on matters of concern, either orally or in writing; 8 and to enter collective negotiations with the object of reaching an agreement applicable to all employees 9 within the bargaining unit.
Section 3.7.1. 15 If an employee receives an evaluation of “Needs Improvement” or “Unsatisfactory” in any 16 category, they shall be evaluated again by June 1. If the June 1 evaluation does not indicate a 17 change from “Needs Improvement” or “Unsatisfactory”, the employee will be placed on a Plan 18 of Improvement. 20 Prior to beginning a plan of improvement, a review of the plan will be completed with the 21 employee. A copy of the plan of improvement shall be made available to the employee at least 23 (60) workdays in length and shall specifically include: 25 1. The start and end date of the plan. 26 2. The area(s) of deficiency. 27 3. The recommended performance levels. 28 4. The activities necessary to reach the desired performance level. 29 5. A schedule of at least one follow-up evaluation during the plan of improvement 31 At the completion of the sixty (60) work day plan of improvement, options may include: 32 • discontinuation of the plan of improvement 33 • continuation of the plan of improvement for no more than another sixty (60) work 34 day period 35 • reassignment or termination of employment 36