Section 9.1.1 Sample Clauses

Section 9.1.1. 2 An employee shall forfeit rights to re-employment as provided in Section 9.10 if the employee does not 3 comply with the requirements of Section 9.11, or if the employee does not respond to the offer of a position 4 within seventy-five percent (75%) of their original position for re-employment, within five (5) days of 5 receipt of registered letter or personal contact.
Section 9.1.1. 2 Employees on layoff status shall file their addresses in writing with the personnel office of the District 3 and shall thereafter promptly advise the District in writing of any change of address.
Section 9.1.1. Each employee shall accumulate one (1) day of sick leave for each calendar month worked;
Section 9.1.1. 5 A physician’s statement of illness may be required upon the request of the Superintendent or 6 designee, or supervisor/principal under the following situations: 8 1. When there is a question regarding the employee’s fitness for duty. 9 2. When the employee has requested and been denied other leave for the same days the 10 employee takes sick leave. 11 3. When the employee has exhausted all available sick leave. 12 4. When an illness exceeds five (5) days. 13 5. When an employee is on attendance improvement plan.
Section 9.1.1. 8 Each regular, permanent employee shall accumulate one (1) day of sick leave for each calendar 9 month worked; provided, however, that no regular, permanent employee shall accumulate less 10 than ten (10) days of sick leave per school year. A regular permanent employee who works 11 eleven (11) workdays in any calendar month will be given credit for the full calendar month.
Section 9.1.1. 2 All regularly employed part-time employees shall be paid for the following holidays: 4 1. New Year's Day 7. Christmas Day 5 2. President's Day 8. Labor Day (when employees are required
Section 9.1.1. 11 An employee on layoff status who rejects an offer of reemployment forfeits seniority; provided, that 12 such employee is offered a position substantially equal to that held prior to layoff.
Section 9.1.1. 31 Employees who have accrued illness, injury and emergency leave while employed by another 32 public school district in the State of Washington shall be given credit for such accrued illness,
Section 9.1.1. District shall project the number of annual days of sick leave at the beginning of the school 28 year or when the employee is hired, according to the estimated calendar months the employee
Section 9.1.1. District will provide the Chapter President a seniority list upon request.