Section 9.6.1 Sample Clauses
Section 9.6.1. 4 In the event that an employee is named as a co-defendant or witness for the District in a suit 5 brought against the District or a person or entity other than the employee bargaining group, and 7 compensated at the employee’s regular hourly rate.
Section 9.6.1. An employee displaced from a position where there are two (2) or more individuals with a 15 specific job title shall be assigned to replace the most junior person with that specific job title 16 with the same number of hours unless he/she happens to be the most junior person with that 17 specific job title. If the employee bumped is not the most junior person in the compensation 18 level, he/she shall be assigned to replace the most junior person holding a position in the same 19 compensation level. The individual who is then bumped into layoff status pursuant to this 20 section shall be placed on a reemployment list maintained by the District provided that such
Section 9.6.1. 10 Current bargaining unit applicants will be given full consideration regarding all of their 11 qualifications for a vacant position before the District decides to consider hiring an applicant 12 from outside the bargaining unit. A person hired from outside the bargaining unit must have
Section 9.6.1. 5 The employee with the earliest hire date shall have preferential rights to vacation periods and shift
Section 9.6.1. 44 In the event the District or employee determines within fifteen (15) workdays that the 45 employee who has been promoted or transferred is incapable of performing required duties, 46 such employee shall be returned to the position previously held or an equivalent.
Section 9.6.1. Upon written application to and consideration by the District, such leave may be granted by the 40 School Board for the period of actual illness or injury up to twelve (12) months. If additional 41 time is desired, written application must be made to the District and up to six (6) additional 42 months may be granted at the discretion of the School Board. An employee who has been on 43 protracted illness leave for more than twelve (12) months shall provide written intent to return to 2 returning, the employee shall be returned to the same or a comparable position to the one they
Section 9.6.1. 36 Upon written application to and consideration by the District, such leave may be granted by the 37 School Board for the period of actual illness or injury up to twelve (12) months. If additional 38 time is desired, written application must be made to the District and up to six (6) additional 39 months may be granted at the discretion of the School Board. An employee who has been on 40 protracted illness leave for more than twelve (12) months shall provide written intent to return 41 to work. Before the employee may return to work, they may need to provide a fitness to return 42 to work. Upon returning, the employee shall be returned to the same or a comparable position 43 to the one they held, unless the position has been abolished or a general reduction in force has 44 placed a more senior employee in the position. In those cases, the employee shall be returned 45 to as equivalent a position as possible without violating terms of Article X.
Section 9.6.1. 41 In the event employees are displaced pursuant to Section 9.6, and the number of displaced 42 employees exceeds the number of vacant positions available on the first Monday following 43 Labor Day, then employees will be laid off equal to the number of displaced employees for 44 which no available vacant position exists. Layoff shall be according to seniority with the least 45 senior employee being laid off first.
Section 9.6.1. 34 The employee with the earliest hire date has preferential rights to temporary hours taking place 35 during school vacation periods (Holiday, Spring, and Summer) in the current or different job 36 title; provided, however, that the senior employee has the minimum qualification(s) for the 37 job(s) in question.
Section 9.6.1. 44 Employees who change general job classifications or accept employment within a different 45 bargaining unit in the White River School District, shall retain their seniority for a period of 46 two calendar years. Such seniority rights shall not entitle an employee to bump into a filled 47 position, but shall entitle an employee to be placed on the reemployment list referenced in 48 Section 9.9. 1 3 4 5 Section 9.7.
Section Paraeducators who move to the specialized paraeducator category will be granted their existing seniority in the specialized paraeducator classification.