Select Committee Sample Clauses
Select Committee. The EWC will elect from amongst its number a Select Committee consisting of at least 5 members originating from at least 3 different countries. The country in which the most employees work for Telefónica, will have at least one representative in the Select Committee. From the members a chairman and a secretary will be elected. The Select Committee can liaise as often as is reasonably needed to perform their tasks. These tasks include the preparation for and follow up from meetings of the Telefónica European Forum. In the internal rules and regulations formulated in accordance with Article 6.3 the EWC will lay down the rights and responsibilities of the Select Committee.
Select Committee. The Cargill Employee Team will appoint a Select Committee of three of its members consisting of a Chairperson, a Secretary and a third member which shall, between meetings of the Cargill Europe Association: (i) represent the Cargill Employee Team in communications with the management representatives, and (ii) liaise with other employee representatives. The Select Committee will work with the Management representatives to: (a) prepare and approve the agenda or the Association’s meetings,
Select Committee. 4.1 A select committee (“Select Committee”) to act on behalf of the EWC consisting of a maximum four Employee Representatives shall be elected by a vote of the Employee Representatives to be taken before the first Annual Meeting (as hereinafter defined) and thereafter to replace any Select Committee member who ceases to be an Employee Representative.
4.2 The members of the Select Committee will ideally be conversant in English. Simultaneous translation at the Regular Meeting and the Exceptional Meeting (as defined in clause 7.2 and 7.3, respectively) will be provided as required. English language training will be provided to the Select Committee members in order to achieve this objective.
Select Committee. The employees’ representatives can choose up to four representatives among themselves to make up a select committee. These representatives will be chosen at the start of the period of validity of the agreement and will retain their posts until the agreement expires. If any representative on the select committee leaves the works council, for whatever reason, he or she will be replaced by another employees’ representative from the country in question. The four representatives will be drawn from the four countries with the largest number of employees. That currently means Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland.
Select Committee. The EWC may elect from amongst its number a select committee consisting of three members originating from each of the three participating countries. The select committee takes care of the preparation of the preparatory meetings and is responsible for the day-to-day matters of the EWC. The chairman of the Board of KPN Mobile appoints a secretary who takes care of the drafting of an agenda for the plenary meeting and the taking of the minutes. The management secretary and the EWC secretary will prepare the agenda for the plenary meeting. Because of the necessity of efficiency and direct communication, either the chairman or the secretary should be employee of KPN Mobile in the Netherlands.
5.1. Scope of EWC The EWC discusses general policy issues of a strategic and general character that concern KPN Mobile as a whole at transnational level, which means: affecting employees in its companies in at least two countries within the geographical scope of the Agreement. These issues will in particular relate to: • economic and financial situation of the company and the probable development of activities; • substantial changes in the organisation of the company and the introduction of new technologies that have consequences on employability; • environmental care, equal opportunities and employability; • reorganisations, such as relocations, cutbacks or closures of companies; • mergers and acquisitions; • the employment situation and trends therein; • major investments; • international HR policies; • new developments in the world of mobile telecommunication as part of strategic issues with major impact on KPN Mobile. Issues such as collective labour agreements, compensation, salaries or benefits, and individual matters which are principally related to a specific country or company, will be excluded from the scope of the EWC.
Select Committee. At its first meeting, the European Works Council shall appoint a nine-member Select Committee, comprising: • a Secretary and two Deputy Secretaries (representing different countries), elected from the Council by a majority of members present; • six representatives elected from the Council by a majority of members present. The members of the Select Committee shall be from at least four different countries. The Select Committee is the collective representative of the European Works Council. It ensures permanent contact with Management for all matters concerning operation of the European Works Council, including setting the dates of meetings, organising them and transmitting information to Council members. The Select Committee also ensures coordination with employee representatives on the European Works Council and cannot replace the Council. It provides information to the representatives on the European Works Council. The Select Committee sets the date and agenda of plenary meetings of the European Works Council in consultation with Management. The Select Committee and Management representatives shall meet at the latest one month before plenary meetings of the European Works Council in order to prepare the items on the agenda. After consultation of the European Works Council’s members, the Select Committee shall approve, with Management, the minutes of the previous plenary meeting at the latest two months after the date of the meeting. In exceptional circumstances which have a significant effect on the Group's operations, organisation or structures and directly concern several countries within the scope of the European Works Council, the Select Committee or a majority of European Works Council members may ask Management to call an extraordinary meeting of the European Works Council under the conditions relating to its working procedures. After informing their management and the Group Social Relations Department, members of the Select Committee may make three one-day trips per year to countries within the scope of this agreement. Accommodation expenses in connection with such trips shall be paid as set forth at Article 6.1 of this agreement. The Select Committee may, on its own initiative, meet twice a year. The Select Committee shall draw up proposals for collective training in consultation with the representatives on the European Works Council.
Select Committee. The Select Committee has virtual meetings between the Teleste-EWC meetings as matters require and face to face meetings when mutually agreed with corporate management.
Select Committee. 1. (UNCHANGED) The UEWC will elect a Select Committee from among its members, comprising 8 Employees’ Representatives in addition to the President. In the absence of the new appointed Select Committee, the Employer will ensure social dialogue adequacy to the resigning Select Committee, serving ad interim for the period intervening till the first available Ordinary Meeting.
2. (UNCHANGED) The members of the Select Committee must represent at least 5 different countries covered by the Directive 2009/38/EC.
Select Committee the EWC elects from amongst its number a select committee consisting of three members originating from each of the three participating countries.