Selection of Tenants. (a) Borrower shall be responsible for the selection of tenants for the Housing Units in compliance with all lawful and reasonable criteria, and shall adopt a tenant selection system that shall be approved (or disapproved) by Governmental Lender Executive Director in his reasonable discretion, pursuant to which Borrower shall establish and maintain a chronological waiting list system for selection of tenants in the order of priority set forth below, and which shall be set forth in the Marketing and Tenant Selection Plan and the Management Plan, which plans are required to be submitted by Borrower and approved by Governmental Lender. Throughout the remainder of the Qualified Project Period, Borrower shall establish and maintain for the Project waiting lists of eligible, prospective tenants to facilitate re-tenanting Housing Units in compliance with the approved Marketing and Tenant Selection Plan, the Management Plan and Anaheim Municipal Code. Further, subject to applicable Fair Housing Laws and in compliance with the Anaheim Municipal Code, in particular Section 18.52.160 thereof, Governmental Lender shall be afforded a priority marketing period for thirty (30) days after receiving written notice from Borrower that one or more Housing Units will become vacant at the Project, during which time Governmental Lender and Borrower shall work cooperatively to select tenants for any vacant Housing Units at the Project. Borrower shall provide prompt written notice to Governmental Lender when vacancies of Housing Units occur to facilitate timely re-tenanting of Housing Units pursuant to the approved Marketing and Tenant Selection Plan, the Management Plan and Anaheim Municipal Code. Subject to applicable Fair Housing Laws and Internal Revenue Code Sections 42, 103 and 141 and the rules and regulations governing such sections, Borrower’s waiting list of prospective, eligible tenants for Housing Units at the Project shall include and follow the following order of priority for selection of tenants, and Governmental Lender will follow such order of priority:
(i) Very Low and Low Income Households, as applicable, who have been displaced from their residences due to programs or projects implemented by the City of Anaheim or another governmental entity;
(ii) Very Low and Low Income Households, as applicable, who are listed on Governmental Lender’s waiting lists for affordable housing and who live and/or work in Anaheim;
(iii) Very Low and Low Income Households, as applicab...
Selection of Tenants. 1. During the term of the HAP contract, the owner must lease all contract units to eligible families selected and referred by the PHA from the PHA waiting list. (See 24 CFR 983.251.)
2. The owner is responsible for adopting written tenant selection procedures that are consistent with the purpose of improving housing opportunities for very low-income families and reasonably related to program eligibility and an applicant’s ability to perform the lease obligations.
3. Consistent with HUD requirements, the owner may apply its own admission procedures in determining whether to admit a family referred by the PHA for occupancy of a contract unit. The owner may refer families to the PHA, and recommend selection of such families from the PHA waiting list for occupancy of vacant units.
4. The owner must promptly notify in writing any rejected applicant of the grounds for rejection.
5. The PHA must determine family eligibility in accordance with HUD requirements.
6. The contract unit leased to each family must be appropriate for the size of the family under the PHA’s subsidy standards.
7. If a contract unit was occupied by an eligible family at the time the unit was selected by the PHA, or is so occupied on the effective date of the HAP contract, the owner must offer the family the opportunity to lease the same or another appropriately-sized contract unit with assistance under the HAP contract.
8. The owner is responsible for screening and selecting tenants from the families referred by the PHA from its waiting list.
Selection of Tenants. The Property shall be leased to tenants selected by the Developer who meet all of the requirements provided herein. The Developer shall adopt a tenant selection system in conformance with Section 92.253(e) of the HOME Regulations, which shall be approved by the City and Agency in its reasonable discretion, which establishes a chronological waiting list system and/or random lottery system for selection of tenants. The Developer shall not refuse to lease to a holder of a certificate of family participation under 24 CFR part 882 (Rental Certificate Program) or a rental voucher under 24 CFR part 887 (Rental Voucher Program) or to the holder of a comparable document evidencing participation in a HOME Program, Section 8 program or other tenant-based assistance program, who is otherwise qualified to be a tenant in accordance with the approved tenant selection criteria.
Selection of Tenants. The Property shall be leased to current tenants selected by the Developer who meet all of the requirements provided herein. The Developer shall adopt a tenant selection system in conformance with Section 92.253(d) of the HOME Regulations, which shall be approved by the City in its reasonable discretion, which establishes a chronological waiting list system and/or random lottery system for selection of tenants, or, to the extent feasible, utilizes a Coordinated Entry System. The Developer shall not refuse to lease to a holder of a rental voucher under 24 CFR part 982 (Section 8 Tenant Based Assistance: Housing Choice Voucher Program) or to the holder of a comparable document evidencing participation in a HOME Program, Section 8 program or other tenant-based assistance program, who is otherwise qualified to be a tenant in accordance with the approved tenant selection criteria.
Selection of Tenants. The Property shall be leased to current tenants selected by the Developer who meet all of the requirements provided herein. The Developer shall adopt a tenant selection system in conformance with Section 92.253(e) of the HOME Regulations, which shall be approved by the City in its reasonable discretion, which establishes a chronological waiting list system and/or random lottery system for selection of tenants, or, to the extent feasible, utilizes a Coordinated Entry System. The Developer shall not refuse to lease to a holder of a certificate of family participation under 24 CFR part 882 (Rental Certificate Program) or a rental voucher under 24 CFR part 887 (Rental Voucher Program) or to the holder of a comparable document evidencing participation in a HOME Program, Section 8 program or other tenant-based assistance program, who is otherwise qualified to be a tenant in accordance with the approved tenant selection criteria.
Selection of Tenants. Tenant shall be responsible for the selection of subtenants for the Housing Units in compliance with all lawful and reasonable criteria, and shall adopt a subtenant selection system which shall be approved by Executive Director in her reasonable discretion, which establishes a chronological waiting list system for selection of subtenants, which shall be set forth in the Marketing Program and the Property Management Plan, both of which are required to be submitted by Tenant and approved by Landlord pursuant to Sections 408 and 410 of the Affordable Housing Agreement. Subject to applicable Fair Housing Laws and MHP Regulations regarding eligible tenant preferences, Landlord shall be afforded a first right of refusal in referring eligible subtenants to Housing Units, in the following order of priority:
(a) Low Income Households or Very Low Income Households, as applicable, who have been displaced from their residences due to programs or projects implemented by the Anaheim Community Development Department;
(b) Low Income Households or Very Low Income Households, as applicable, who have applied for and have received rental vouchers from Landlord;
(c) Low Income Households or Very Low Income Households, as applicable, who are listed on Landlord’s waiting list for affordable housing and who live and/or work in Anaheim; and
(d) Low Income Households or Very Low Income Households, as applicable, who live and/or work in the City. Tenant shall not refuse to lease to a holder of a certificate of family participation under 24 CFR part 882 (Rental Certificate Program) or a rental voucher under 24 CFR part 887 (Rental Voucher Program) or to the holder of a comparable document evidencing participation in a program pursuant to the HOME Investment Partnership Act, 42 U.S.C. §12701, et seq. and the implementing regulations located at 24 CFR part 92, as such now exist and as may hereafter be amended, a
Selection of Tenants i. Whenever an Affordable Unit becomes available, the Director shall be notified promptly in writing.
ii. Owner shall conduct affirmative marketing of the Affordable Units, as they become available from time to time, including wide circulation of information and public notice of the availability of Affordable Units for rent during the marketing period required by the Management Plan.
iii. Owner shall determine eligibility of Low Income Households that may lease the Affordable Units in accordance with the Management Plan.
Selection of Tenants. 1. During the term of the HAP contract, the owner must lease all contract units to eligible families selected and referred by the PHA from the PHA waiting list. (See 24 CFR 983.251.)
2. The owner is responsible for adopting written tenant selection procedures that are consistent with the purpose of improving housing opportunities for very low-income families and reasonably related to program eligibility and an applicant’s ability to perform the lease obligations.
3. Consistent with HUD requirements, and Federal civil rights and fair housing requirements, the owner may apply its own nondiscriminatory admission procedures in determining whether to admit a family referred by the PHA for occupancy of a contract unit. The owner may refer families to the PHA, and recommend selection of such families from the PHA waiting list for occupancy of vacant units.
4. The owner must promptly notify in writing any rejected applicant of the grounds for rejection.
5. The PHA must determine family eligibility in accordance with HUD requirements.
6. The contract unit leased to each family must be appropriate for the size of the family under the PHA’s subsidy standards.
7. If a contract unit was occupied by an eligible family at the time the unit was selected by the PHA, or is so occupied on the effective date of the HAP contract, the owner must offer the family the opportunity to lease the same or another appropriately-sized contract unit with assistance under the HAP contract.
8. The owner is responsible for screening and selecting tenants from the families referred by the PHA from its waiting list. SAMPLE
Selection of Tenants. As specified hereinbelow, Participant shall demonstrate to the City that the proposed tenants of each of the Required Affordable Units constitutes a Very Low Income Household or a Low Income Household in conformity with the provisions hereof.
Selection of Tenants. DEVELOPER shall be responsible for the selection of tenants for the Housing Units in compliance with lawful and reasonable criteria, as set forth in the Management Plan which is required to be submitted and approved by the City pursuant to Section 9 hereof.