Seniority on Recall Sample Clauses

Seniority on Recall. In the event that any employee is laid off for lack of work, such employee shall retain their bargaining unit seniority and be entitled to recall in accordance with their bargaining unit seniority standing up to eighteen (18) consecutive months following their lay off, before other permanent help is hired, provided that such employee makes himself available, within fourteen (14) calendar days after the mailing of the notice to return to work by the Company, which notice shall be sent by registered mail to the employee's address last recorded with the Company, unless there is an acceptable reason.
Seniority on Recall. If a former regular employee is recalled as per article 13.1.12, his/her seniority held per article 13.1.6 on the date of his/her recall will be reinstated.
Seniority on Recall. An employee who has been laid off, and who has been recalled and accepted for active full time/non-temporary employment with the Company, will receive full credit for the service during the period of layoff.
Seniority on Recall. In the event that any employee is laid off for lack of work, such employee shall retain his bargaining unit seniority and be entitled to recall in accordance with his bargaining unit seniority standing up to eighteen (18) consecutive months following his lay-off, before other permanent help is hired, provided that such employee makes himself available, within fourteen (14) calendar days after the receipt of a notice to return to work from the Employer, which notice shall be sent by registered mail to the employee's address last recorded with the Employer. However, if there is a reason acceptable to the Employer and the Union, concerning the employee's inability to return to work within the fourteen (14) calendar day period then longer period for returning may be granted.
Seniority on Recall. An employee laid off and placed on the recall list under clause 18.5 will be credited with unbroken seniority upon recall within the recall period.
Seniority on Recall. In the event that any bargaining unit member is laid off for lack of work, such a member will retain their seniority for up to and including twelve (12) months.
Seniority on Recall. In the event that any employee is laid off for lack of work, such employee shall retain his bargaining unit seniority and be entitled to recall in accordance with his bargaining unit seniority standing in his/her classification up to twelve (12) consecutive months following his lay-off, before other permanent help is hired, provided that such employee make himself available, within ten (10) working days after the mailing of the notice to return to work by the Company, which notice shall be sent by registered mail to the employee's address last recorded with the Company, unless there is an acceptable reason. Employees shall be laid off by seniority. Employees may bump the junior employee in another classification, provided they have the ability to perform the normal requirements of the job. Employees shall exercise bumping rights within three (3) working days of notification of layoff. The Xxxxxxx or Committee Person shall have super seniority in her class and shall be the last person laid off, provided she can perform the normal requirements of the job.
Seniority on Recall. An employee who has been laid off, and who has been recalled and accepted for active full time/non-temporary employment with the Company, will retain his/her original Seniority Date.
Seniority on Recall. In the event that any firefighter is laid off for lack of work, such firefighter will retain their seniority for up to and including twelve (12) months.
Seniority on Recall. An employee who has been laid off less than 1 year, and who has been recalled and accepted for active full time/non-temporary employment with the Company, will receive full credit for the Bargaining Unit seniority during the period of layoff, however benefits will not accrue during the period of layoff. An employee recalled after a three (3) month absence will require recertification of Satellite Operators and maintenance technicians (see 20.06).