Stage I Sample Clauses

Stage I. The aggrieved faculty member with a member of the Executive of the Association shall first take up the matter with the appropriate Xxxx together with any other member of the College staff within thirty (30) working days of the date on which the incident giving rise to the grievance occurred, or of the time when the grievor could have reasonably been expected to become aware of the incident, whichever is later. This step shall not exceed five (5) working days. This meeting shall be considered as the official commencement of the grievance.
Stage I. Where the Union decides to proceed to this stage, a formal grievance, stating the provisions of the Collective Agreement which are alleged to have been violated, will be submitted to the Director of Labour Relations, with a copy to the department head, within 5 working days of receipt of the employee's complaint under Article 12.06(a). Within 5 working days of receiving the formal grievance a representative of the Human Resources Department and/or the department head will meet with 1 or 2 representative(s) designated by the Union in an effort to settle the grievance. In all cases of suspension or dismissal, or, where the parties have been unsuccessful in agreeing to the need for, or the means of, accommodating an employee with a disability, the Union may elect to omit Stage I of the grievance procedure in accordance with Article 14.09.
Stage I. 12.3.1 A formal written grievance may be advanced to the College through the appropriate Xxxx or delegate by the aggrieved employee with a xxxxxxx of the Association. The Association will forward a copy of any formal written grievance to Human Resources. 12.3.2 This shall be done within 30 working days of the date on which the incident giving rise to the grievance occurred or of the time the grievor could have reasonably been expected to become aware of the incident or within 7 days of receiving a response under Article 12.2.1 above, whichever is later. 12.3.3 The written grievance shall state the alleged violation(s) and remedy(ies) sought. 12.3.4 This stage shall be considered as the official commencement of the grievance procedure. If the matter is not resolved within 7 working days it may be advanced to Stage II.
Stage I. In the event the decision of the principal is unsatisfactory to the teacher, the teacher and an Association representative(s), if the teacher so desires, may within five (5) school days after the principal informs the grievant of his decision or, in any event, not more than fifteen (15) school days subsequent to the occurrence, or the time the teacher knew or had reason to know of the occurrence of facts giving rise to a grievance, submit a formal grievance to the teacher's principal on the Stage I Grievance Report Form (See Appendix G) two copies of which shall be signed by the teacher and an Association representative and submitted to the principal. The principal shall acknowledge the receipt of the formal grievance by signing both forms returning one to the teacher, and retaining one for his files. The principal shall have a maximum of fifteen (15) school days during which he may attempt to resolve the grievance. Resolution of a problem at Stage I shall not establish a precedent unless signed by both the Association president and the superintendent or the superintendent's designee.
Stage I. Any attempt to settle any difference shall be made by discussion between the grieving party and the party grieved against. This stage shall not exceed seven (7) calendar days and shall be commenced within thirty (30) calendar days after the cause of difference. An individual employee must be accompanied by a Union representative in the conduct of his/her grievance. At the grievor’s option, the Union representative may be a member of the Union’s executive or a Union xxxxxxx. Stage I for Group, Union and Policy grievances shall be a referral to the Joint Standing Committee. The time limit for initiating a Group, Union or Policy grievance shall be ninety (90) working days after the cause of the difference. This stage shall not exceed fourteen (14) calendar days.
Stage I. Where a difference arises between the Company and any employee, or any group of employees regarding the interpretation, application or alleged violation of the provisions of this Collective Agreement, or a question as to whether any matter is arbitrable, an xxxxxxx effort shall be made to settle the difference at the earliest possible stage. At the first practical opportunity from the time the difference arose, the employee concerned, with a Xxxxxxx, shall initiate discussions with the immediate Supervisor.
Stage I. The grievant may present the grievance in writing to the employee’s supervisor who will arrange for a meeting to take place within five (5) days after receipt of the grievance. The supervisor must provide the grievant with a written answer concerning the grievance within two (2) days after the meeting.
Stage I. A. Employee having a grievance shall present it in the first instance in writing to the Xxxxxxxxxx Education Association grievance chairperson within ten (10) working days of the occurrence or his or her awareness of the event or events giving rise to the grievance. B. The grievance chairperson will meet with the executive board of the Xxxxxxxxxx Education Association within five (5) working days from written notification of the employee to determine whether to pursue this matter as an official grievance. C. If after conference with the Xxxxxxxxxx Education Association Executive Board, a decision is made to not pursue the grievance that decision will be rendered in writing to the employee upon determination within ten (10) days from written notification by the employee. D. The employee has the option to appeal the LEA Executive Board decision to the LEA Rep Council in closed session. A majority vote of the Rep Council shall be the final determination on the pursuance of the grievance. E. If it is so determined to file a grievance, the association shall present it in the first instance to the immediate superior within 30 school days after the occurrence or his or her awareness of the event or events giving rise to the grievance.
Stage I. The aggrieved faculty member with a member of the Executive of the Association shall first take up the matter with the appropriate Xxxx or Director together with any other member of the College staff within thirty
Stage I. An aggrieved party shall present a grievance to his or her Immediate Supervisor who shall render a written determination to the aggrieved party within a period of two days.