Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP. When the Project includes an approved SWPPP, the Contractor shall strictly abide by this plan which includes: a Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan, an Erosion and Sediment Control (E&S) Plan, and a Stormwater Management Plan. If the Contractor proposes to deviate from this approved plan, it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to coordinate and obtain approval from the County Project Officer prior to implementing any changes. No separate payment shall be made by the County for SWPPP implementation, with the exception of E&S items as specified on the E&S plans or listed as pay items. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional payment for changes to the SWPPP which are the result of the Contractor’s work schedule or resource allocation, weather delays, or other factors not controlled by the County.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP. ENGINEER will prepare SWPPPs for the South Lake WTP Raw Water Pump Station and raw water pipeline to be used by the Contractors during construction of the two projects. Deliverables: SWPPPs
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP. The CONSULTANT shall provide a final plan (100 percent complete) that is prepared and certified by a Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) in accordance with the requirements of the Construction General Permit (State Water Resources Control Board Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ, as amended by Order No. 2010-0014-DWQ).
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP. As RS is listed as a source of stormwater in the WCP SWPPP, RS shall comply with the general best practices required by the SWPPP (provided RS has been provided a copy thereof) and provide such information as may be requested by WCP in connection with same. Further, WCP will provide such information as requested by RS regarding the stormwater conveyance system. WCP will provide to RS copies of any contemplated modifications to the SCP SWPPP that could reasonably be expected to affect RS’s operations at least 15 days prior to submission thereof, and shall reasonably consider and incorporate any comments provided by RS in respect thereof. WCP shall not make or request any modifications to such SWPPP that would materially adversely affect RS’ operations, except as required by law and where any adverse impact is proportionately shared by WCP and RS. Property Tax Allocations With respect to tax payments pursuant to the PILOT Agreement, tax obligations shall be allocated as follows: • As of Closing and through 6/30/2035, RS shall be responsible for $1,760,000 of each annual tax period payment and WCP shall be responsible for the remainder; provided, that the tax payment in respect of the annual tax period in which Closing occurs shall be adjusted pro rata to account for the pre-Closing period portion thereof, during which time tax obligations shall be deemed allocated as set forth in the Existing Shared Facilities Agreement. • For the annual tax periods commencing on 7/1/2035, Section 2(d) of Schedule 5.05(b) of the Existing Shared Facilities Agreement shall be conformed and included in the shared facilities agreement. CPCN Noise Monitoring and Measuring WCP and RS will be responsible under their respective Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) or under applicable law for noise levels arising out of the ownership or operation of WCP and RS, respectively. Without limiting the foregoing, WCP will be responsible for any costs to verify results of the pre-construction predictive analysis and remediation of compliance obligations under WCP’s CPCN. RS shall reasonably cooperate with WCP to the extent required to permit WCP to implement any such remediation. If, and to the extent, noise levels arising out of the ownership or operation of WCP or RS, as applicable, should increase as a result of events or circumstances arising after the date hereof and such increase would cause the other party to violate its CPCN requirements or applicable law relating ...
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP. ENGINEER will develop information and specify requirements for a SWPPP for the North Lake WTP to be prepared and obtained by the Contractor during construction of the project. Deliverables: None
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP. A document or series of documents defining practices and procedures designed to eliminate or minimize the discharge of soils, debris and other pollutants in runoff exiting the project.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, Developer shall submit to the City Engineer and obtain City Engineer's written approval of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in accordance with City of Owatonna and MPCA standards. Prior to release of the grading bond, Developer shall complete implementation of the approved SWPPP.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP. The Regional Water Quality Control Board requires all construction projects over one acre to obtain coverage under the state wide general construction permit. The production of a SWPPP is requirements of the general construction permit. The Cities will review the SWPPP before any permits are issued. The SWPPP will address erosion and other pollutants typically generated by a construction project. The SWPPP template and procedure guidelines are located at:
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP. 34 The SWPPP shall include descriptions of temporary and permanent erosion control measures; a Project 35 description; percent impervious area, including paved areas, rooftops, and other similar surfaces, for both 36 pre-construction and post-construction conditions; inspection schedule; and site-specific diagrams 37 indicating proposed locations where erosion and sediment control devices or pollution control measures 38 may be required during successive construction stages. The SWPPP shall also include an initial schedule 39 detailing the proposed sequence of construction and related erosion control measures. 40 Developer shall review the preliminary information, including the erosion control features and phasing, 41 evaluate all SWPPP requirements for adequacy in addressing pollution prevention during construction, 42 and prepare a draft SWPPP for review by ADOT. 1 Developer shall designate an Erosion Control Coordinator (ECC), in accordance with Section 114.03.07 2 of the TPs, to be responsible for finalization and implementation of the SWPPP, as well as all other 3 applicable requirements of the AZPDES General Permit. Developer’s ECC must be approved as 4 specified in Section 114.03.07 of the TPs before the draft SWPPP can be finalized and submitted to 5 ADOT. After approval, Developer shall designate the ECC as an authorized representative of Developer 6 in accordance with Part VIII.J.2 of the AZPDES General Permit. 7 The draft SWPPP shall include all information required in the AZPDES General Permit, including a site 8 map; identification of receiving waters and wetlands impacted by the Project; a list of potential pollutant 9 sources; inspection schedule; any onsite or off-site material storage sites; additional or modified 10 stormwater, erosion, and sediment controls; procedures for maintaining temporary and permanent 11 erosion control measures; a list of Developer’s pollution prevention practices; and other permit 12 requirements stipulated in the AZPDES program as well as other applicable state or local programs.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP. This is a new section. Contractor shall be responsible for developing the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in accordance with the Department of Ecology’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) discharge permit.