STRUCTURE AND RATES OF PAY. During the probationary period of employment, employees covered under Clause 4 (b) of this Agreement shall be classified as C14 under section 5.1.1 (c) and schedule D of Part I of this Award (Attachment 3.).
STRUCTURE AND RATES OF PAY. 14.1 Recycling Industries is committed to training and developing its employees, and in accordance with this philosophy, the parties have adopted the agreed classification structure set out in Appendix B. 14.2 When an employee is called upon to perform 2 or more grades of work on any one day, for the purposes of assessing the rate of pay, the employee shall be deemed to have worked throughout the whole of working time on that day at the grade for which the highest rate of pay is presented.
STRUCTURE AND RATES OF PAY. 21.1 The minimum annual rate of salary to be paid to Employees will be in accordance with the rates set out in Appendix 2 of this Agreement. 21.2 The annual rate of salary will be adjusted by 4.5% in the first year, and 2.7% in the second and third year (as per Schedule 2), on the first full pay period on or after the date of Agreement Lodgement with The Workplace Authority. 21.3 The Employer shall, upon the initial engagement or upon the promotion of an Employee, properly classify the Employee having regard to the nature and range of duties that it is proposed to assign to that Employee and shall notify the Employee in writing of their classification. 21.4 In classifying an Employee, the Employer shall observe the procedure contained in Appendix 2 of this Agreement to apply the appropriate salary level. On initial appointment, the Employer may give recognition to an Employee’s previous relevant experience in order to ascertain the appropriate incremental point for the classification. 21.5 An Employee may, upon written request, have their classification reviewed by the Employer. The request should provide several examples that demonstrate the work value of the position has increased. 21.6 Where an Employee is reclassified, it shall be done on a ‘point-to-point’ basis: i.e., the Employee shall be placed on that incremental step of the new classification level which is appropriate to the length of time that the Employee has been performing the duties on which the reclassification is based.
STRUCTURE AND RATES OF PAY. All employees commencing employment with the Company will be engaged at level one unless qualifications and experience fulfil the requirements of higher levels.
STRUCTURE AND RATES OF PAY. 7.1. Classifications are detailed in Appendix A of this Agreement. 7.2. The wages contained in Appendix A are the minimum wages for each classification of employee under the agreement. The employer may at any time determine a higher wage for an employee. The employer shall notify each employee, in writing, of the employees actual wage rate. A copy of these notifications shall be kept in the payroll records. 7.3. The rates of pay will be adjusted by 3.5% annually on the first full pay period on or after 1 July each year as detailed in Appendix A.
STRUCTURE AND RATES OF PAY. All employees shall be classified in one of the classifications as detailed in Attachment A and shall be informed in writing within 14 days of appointment to the position held by the employee. The minimum rates of pay to apply to each of the classifications are as per Attachment B.
STRUCTURE AND RATES OF PAY. The classification structure and rates of pay is at Appendix C. In relation to employee classifications: (a) Any employee requesting to be moved to a job of a lower level than they are currently on shall, upon moving to the lower level, be paid according to the pay rate of the lower level. (b) Any employee moved to a lower level job as a result of poor performance at their current level, shall upon moving to the lower level, be paid according to the pay rate of the lower level. (c) Any employee, who at the time of commencement of this agreement, is working at a job of a lower level than they are currently being paid due to either (a) or (b) above, shall not receive any increases outlined in this Agreement until the current pay rate of the level they are working at catches up with the current pay rate that they are actually being paid.
STRUCTURE AND RATES OF PAY. 28.1. All Employees working under this Agreement shall be classified according to the skill- based classification structure in Appendix A. 28.2. The wage rate detailed is the rate to be offered for all new Employees as per their allocated classification. The rate is a minimum for that classification. 28.3. At commencement of this Agreement no existing Employee’s wage will be reduced.