Structure of the Deliverable. The rest of this deliverable is structured as described in the following. In Section 2, we discuss the foundations of the PoF Reference Model, covering the characteristics of the model as well as the requirements, which did influence its development. In Sec- tion 3, we present the PoF Reference Model for an integrated information and preser- vation management system, which considers this combination as a joint ecosystem. In more detail, we describe a functional model and an information model. In Section 4, we relate the PoF Reference Model to the reference architecture of the PoF Framework. This architecture, which is based on the system architecture presented in deliverables D8.1 [ForgetIT, 2014c] and D8.3[ForgetIT, 2014d], maps the joint ecosystem of building blocks from the reference model on an architecture with three main parts: the Active Sys- tem, the Digital Preservation System (DPS) and the PoF Middleware. In the second part of the deliverable, we relate the PoF Reference Model to existing models and approaches, in order to ease adoption. This includes a discussion of the extensions required in an information system for becoming part of an information and preservation management ecosystem (Section 5) and a discussion on how to map the relevant parts of the model on an OAIS based DPS as well as suggested extensions to such a system (Section 6). We conclude the deliverable with a summary of the main insights, with ideas for future work and an assessment of the results compared to success indicators reported in the project proposal.
Structure of the Deliverable. This deliverable consists of the following sections: • Introduction • Actions completed to date • Project progress • Content • Effective project management • Changes to the project scope or the risk register • Forthcoming actions
Structure of the Deliverable. Prior to delving into the details of the high-level architecture, chapter 2 will shed light in the research challenges that RAINBOW contributes. These challenges should be clarified in order for the reader to comprehend the research value of the project. The challenges are directly linked with the functional requirements that have been raised during the requirements’ collection process. Along the elaboration of the research challenges, an analysis of relevant technological axes will be provided. This state-of- the-art analysis is essential since the limit of the existing technologies set the bounds of the research expectations of RAINBOW. Moreover, chapter 3 offers a bird’s eye view of the high-level architecture. As such it elaborates on the different layers of the architecture and analyzes the flow of interaction among the high-level components that comprise the architecture. As it will be discussed, there are four distinct “swimlanes” of the architecture; namely: the modelling layer, the orchestration layer, the mesh networking layer and finally the data management layer. Each layer serves a complementary role which will be analyzed. Chapter 4 is devoted to the modelling-layer components. This layer encapsulates components that enable the semantic representation of design-time and runtime requirements that will drive the actual enforcement policy business logic. On the other hand, chapter 5 is devoted to the orchestration layer. This layer encapsulates the business logic of optimization and resource management for the entire IoT ecosystem. It should be clarified that the term orchestration refers to several dynamic functionalities that should continuously adapt to the execution context. The goal of the orchestration layer is to support the entire lifecycle of an IoT application while respecting several execution policies that relate to the quality of service and the consumed resources.
Structure of the Deliverable.
Section 2.1 is devoted to SOTA, a formalism for describing self-adaptation and self-awareness require- ments. Self-adaptation is approached from a black-box perspective, by expressing the desired behavior of a system in terms of the State Of The Affairs, i.e sets of trajectories in the space of possible system configurations. A configuration represents all the relevant information of a system, including the in- ternal status of components and their environment. In this manner SOTA specifications specify both the relevant information the system should be aware of (i.e. its self-awareness), and which trajectories the adaptive behavior of the system should guarantee (i.e. its self-adaptation requirements).
Section 2.2 overviews the GEM model, which provides a more detailed and formal counterpart of SOTA specifications. The treatment of self-adaptation and self-awareness is also based on iden- tifying the relevant information the system should be aware of and considering trajectories in the corresponding space. In addition, the GEM approach allows to provide more detailed specifications of the system’s adaptive behavior by means of specifications in an action planning language called POEM, where one can specify the system domain (i.e. the signature for the SOTA/GEM space) and the behavior of components, of ensembles and of the environment (by means of action rules).
Section 3.1 introduces the KnowLang framework, which supports the development of rich, ontology- based knowledge structures as well as the implementation of reasoning mechanisms. The latter are enacted by using a set of so-called policies, implementing a form of reactive reasoning. Policies are triggered by situations and enable the execution of actions. In this framework, adaptation is realized mainly in two ways: (1) via Tell actions, that update the knowledge-base, and (2) via effect-driven re-computation of actions’ preference/probability, implementing a form of reinforcement learning.
Section 3.2 advocates soft constraints as a suitable mechanism for knowledge representation and reasoning. Soft programming addresses the problem of knowledge representation, reasoning, and adaptation in a uniform way: by providing a theory of constraints and its resolution, based on a mechanism known as constraint propagation. Constraints can be defined on several domains and are satisfiable up to a degree (soft), thus allowing for preferential/prioritized reasoning. Constraint propagation is a well-understood...
Structure of the Deliverable. This deliverable describes the final version of the TULIPP Reference Platform (TRP), and consists of four parts:
Structure of the Deliverable. The deliverable includes spreadsheet documentation for each of the messages, XSD XML schemas for each pair (request/response) of messages and HMTL documentation/visualisation of the message structures. The XSD and HTML elements can be found in the zipped file attached to this Deliverable 3.4.1., whose contents are as follows: ✓ ARROW Reference Schema v0.1; ✓ Seven individual schema files for message pairs M1 – M7; ✓ One schema file for all code lists (enumerated types); ✓ One schema file containing structures common to all message pairs; ✓ One schema file containing structures not common to all message pairs, but common to message pairs M2 and M4 in the The European Library domain; ✓ Eight HTML files containing schema documentation for each of the above eight schemas; ✓ Various HTML and CSS files supporting display of the documentation; ✓ An ‘img’ folder containing the image file diagrams for the documentation
Structure of the Deliverable. This deliverable consists of four main parts: condensing the ComfDemo message (1), dissemination (2), communication (3) and exploitation (4).
Structure of the Deliverable. The SRI-FAQ guide is structured according to the following sections: • Section 2 includes the methodology used for the conduction of the roundtable discussions and the collection of questions.
Structure of the Deliverable. The Deliverable D3.3 contains two different formattings of the Authority List of Art Nouveau creators:
1) D3.3_AuthorityListOfArtNouveauCreators_Final-20140430.xslx: Spreadsheet of 15 xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxx-xxxx.xx/en/contents/12,Deliverables+and+documents; D3.1 17 The structure of the Core Cataloguing Fields has been developed in collaboration of NTUA (WP2) and UNIMAR (WP3) at the beginning of the project.
a. Persons
b. Corporate bodies
2) D3.3_AuthorityListOfArtNouveauCreators_Final-20140430.rdf: RDF representation using18 - the EDM agent class (edm:Agent) and - respective properties (rdf:type, skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel, foaf:name, dc:date, rdaGr2:dateOfBirth, rdaGr2:dateOfEstablishment, rdaGr2:dateOfDeath, rdaGr2:dateOfTermination, rdaGr2:gender, rdaGr2:professionOrOccupation, rdaGr2:biographicalInformation, owl:sameAs)
Structure of the Deliverable. The current deliverable will be based on two fundamental aspects of communication: • External Communication • Internal communication The external communication of the project will be conducted based on a well-‐structured dissemination strategy by all WP6 partners targeting various audiences (key stakeholders – identified in following section) in order to achieve the objectives and mission of COMRADES. The main sections of the document are delineated below: • Introduction • External Communication o Stakeholder Identification -‐ Target groups that are anticipated to be interested in the project and are regarded as key to the project will be identified and listed.