STUDENT DECLARATION. I consent to the Institution sharing my personal information with the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training for research purposes and statistical analysis under the authority of sections 6(2)(a) and 10(1)(a) of the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA). I consent to the sharing, in accordance with Provincial privacy legislation, of my enrolment and reporting information between Gastown Business College and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, as necessary, for the purposes of the International Student Program. Should you have any questions about the collection, disclosure and use of personal information you may contact: Director, Policy and Institution Certification, Private Training Institutions Branch, Governance, Legislation and Corporate Planning Division, Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training, 000 - 0000 X. Xxxxxx St, Vancouver, BC V6E 2P4 or by telephone at (000 000-0000). By signing below, I understand and agree with the terms and conditions outlined in the ENROLLMENT CONTRACT AND GASTOWN BUSINESS COLLEGE ("GBC")
STUDENT DECLARATION. I agree that I: • am willing to learn and participate in the workplace learning described in this document. • will complete WHS training before placement to understand my role and responsibilities in the workplace. • agree that the work placement described in this document is safe and suitable for me. • understand the transport requirements, dress code, and personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements for the work placement. • will contact my school and my work placement if I am unable to attend placement for any reason. • will contact my school if I have concerns or questions about my work placement. Student name: Signature: Date:
STUDENT DECLARATION. I consent to the Institution sharing my personal information with the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training for research purposes and statistical analysis under the authority of sections 6(2)(a) and 10(1)(a) of the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA). I consent to the sharing, in accordance with Provincial privacy legislation, of my enrolment and reporting information between Gastown Business College and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, as necessary, for the purposes of the International Student Program. Should you have any questions about the collection, disclosure and use of personal information you may contact: Director, Regulation, Private Training Institutions Branch, Governance, Legislation and Strategic Policy Division, Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training 000 - 0000 X. Xxxxxx St, Vancouver, BC V6E 2P4 or by telephone at (000 000-0000). X X
STUDENT DECLARATION. When I use digital technologies and the internet, I agree to be a safe, responsible and ethical user at all times, by: • Respecting others and communicating with them in a supportive manner; never writing or participating in online bullying (e.g. forwarding messages and supporting others in harmful, inappropriate or hurtful online behaviours) • Protecting my privacy; not giving out personal details, including my full name, telephone number, address, passwords and images • Protecting the privacy of others; never posting or forwarding their personal details or images without their consent • Talking to a teacher or a trusted adult if I personally feel uncomfortable or unsafe online • Talking to a teacher or a trusted adult if I see others participating in unsafe, inappropriate or hurtful online behaviours • Carefully considering the content that I upload or post online; knowing that this is a personal reflection of who I am and what people think of me • Investigating the terms and conditions of use (e.g. age restrictions, parental consent requirements) and if my understanding is unclear seeking further explanation from a trusted adult • Confirming that I meet the stated terms and conditions and completing the required registration processes • Handling ICT devices with care and notifying a teacher of any damage or required attention • Abiding by copyright and intellectual property regulations; requesting permission to use images, text, audio and video and cite references where necessary • Not downloading unauthorised programs, including games • Not interfering with network systems and security, the data of another user or attempting to log into the network with a user name or password of another student. • Keeping devices on silent during class times • Respecting the privacy of others; only taking photos or recording sound or video when others are aware and formal consent has been provided as part of an approved lesson • Respecting others and communicating with them in a supportive manner, including outside school hours and in social contexts by not making harassing phone calls/text messages or forwarding on messages • Obtaining appropriate (written) consent from individuals who appear in images or sound and video recordings before forwarding them to other people or posting/uploading them to online spaces.
STUDENT DECLARATION. I consent to the Institution sharing my personal information with the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training for research purposes and statistical analysis under the authority of sections 6(2)(a) and 10(1)(a) of the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA). I consent to the sharing, in accordance with Provincial privacy legislation, of my enrolment and reporting information between (insert name of institution) and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, as necessary, for the purposes of the International Student Program. Should you have any questions about the collection, disclosure and use of personal information you may contact: Director, Policy and Institution Certification, Private Training Institutions Branch, Governance, Legislation and Corporate Planning Division, Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training, 000 - 0000 X. Xxxxxx St, Vancouver, BC V6E 2P4 or by telephone at (000 000-0000). Student Signature Date Signed Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian Date Signed Signature of Institution Representative Date Signed Use the following checklist if you are creating a student enrolment contract for an approved program that begins on or after September 1, 2021 and is not an employer-provided program. For programs that do not require approval, please see the Student Enrolment Contract – Program that Does Not Require Approval – Sample. When completed, the checklist will ensure all required components of the contract have been included and will assist PTIB in its review of each contract submitted. The checklist should be marked to show the page numbers on which each item listed below appears in the accompanying student enrolment contract. The student enrolment contract should then be marked to correspond to the item numbers on the checklist. The student enrolment contract must include all required items and may include additional items if needed. Student enrolment contracts for approved programs must be: written in a clear and comprehensible manner and in at least 10-point type; accurate, in relation to the program being contracted for; for a term no longer than 18 months. If the program is longer than 18 months, a subsequent student enrolment contract can only be signed after 30% of the program’s hours of instruction listed in the original contract have been provided; in compliance with the PTA and associated regulations in respect of fees, payments, and refunds; signed by the institution and each student they enrol, on or bef...
STUDENT DECLARATION. I have read and understood the Unit information in the Handbook, the policies and processes outlined in this agreement, and any additional information provided by the PEP Coordinator/Administrator and I am aware of the requirements of the PEP, laboratory and/or field activity. The special conditions relating to this/these have been explained to me and I have agreed to meet them. I consent to information from this form, any previous PEPs and academic progress being used in discussions with potential PEP providers. ܆ I agree to advise the PEP Coordinator/Administrator immediately of any change to my circumstances which are likely to impact upon my ability to practise safely throughout the period of my study. I have truthfully completed all details relating to my PEP, laboratory and/or field activity requirements. SIGNED by
STUDENT DECLARATION. I acknowledge that I have read and understood and agree to be bound by this Agreement and hereby accept the offer made by the University. I understand that I can only use this signed Offer and Acceptance Agreement in conjunction with a Federation University Australia issued Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) when applying for my student visa. Student Name: Student Signature: (or if the student xxxxxxx 18, signature of their parent or guardian on their behalf) Date (DD/MM/YYYY): We look forward to having you study with Federation University Australia and once again offer our congratulations on your successful application. Yours sincerely Associate Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxx, International Global Professional School 5 September 2022 Dear Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx, Congratulations! Due to your outstanding academic achievements, we are pleased to award you the following scholarship:
STUDENT DECLARATION. I am aware of the expectations, behaviours and values required of me when I use digital technologies at school, any online tools and platforms, and the school’s systems and network. I understand these apply to all devices used at school whether they are owned by school or if it is my personal device.
STUDENT DECLARATION. The Acceptable Use Agreement applies when I am using any of the above digital technologies at school, during school excursions, camps and extra-curricular activities, or when using school online spaces at home. I have read the Acceptable Use Agreement carefully and understand the significance of the conditions and agree to abide by these conditions. I understand that any breach of these conditions will result in Internet and digital technology access privileges being suspended or revoked. Part D: Parent Permission (to be completed via the Compass Parent Portal) I agree to allow my child to use the Internet, mobile and digital technology at school. I have discussed the responsible use of the digital technologies with him/her. I will contact the school if there is anything here that I do not understand. If there is a situation which concerns me, I will contact either the school or visit the eSafety website xxxxx:// or Parent Helpline 132 289. Part E: Family Information Family Information – Advice to support the safe and responsible use of digital technologies at home At school the Internet is mostly used to support teaching and learning. At home, however, it is often used differently. Not only is it a study resource for students, but it is increasingly being used as a social space to meet, play and chat.
STUDENT DECLARATION. IMPORTANT: You must read and sign this section.